urghk. the whole debate's stupid.
i don't think we were any better the other night than we've been in the past, in fact our numbers were woeful and our sound ('roof' and all) was still crap. it sounded awesome from directly under the upper deck, but you don't need to be einstein to realise that if you shout at a concrete wall the sound bounces back to you... you didn't have to be too far away for it to be pretty quiet again.
what's more, for all the bitching about 'hangers on' and 'emo kids' that has happened on here over the years, take them away and we've simply got less people to do anything with. it's not like everyone in bay 1 the other night was putting in the big ones. the 'all meat, no potatoes' bay 1 was simply a smaller version of what we had in bay 16. whoopty frickin do.
i went for a walk around the top end of the ground and around to the other side and we were still very very quiet. there were a few times when the voices came together and struck a chord, resonating more than usual but that's as much because we were more squished together than we have been of late in bay 16.
the long and short of it is that there's no point moving or doing any other thing before we get our shit together. if people aren't going to pull their weight vocally, there's not a lot of point to being anywhere. we might as well sit at home for some of the efforts we've put in over the last season or so.
as for being opposite away supporters, what a laugh. if we can't make ourselves heard from 100m away *at home*, we've got much bigger issues than moving bays will solve.
are we there to be fully sikkk (and fully mute) ultras? are we there to bag out hutcho? or are we there to support our football club?
if we don't get the answer to that right then there's no move that will make a difference, we will remain shithouse and no roof, shade or proximity to away supporters will make a difference.
fish said:
ok I have just spoken to the Mariners and here is where it is
Bay 2 will NOT be changed form non alcohol.Bay 1 will remian GA if you want to sit there sit there.
Bay 23 is the only option as opposed to 16.Will there be a student concession in Bay 23 YES THERE WILL BE.
Will 23 be reserved? YES IT WILL BE as that is what the FFA require for the alloocated home fans bay
The away bay will remain the away bay.
Personally I wanted to move to a better seat and 23 IMO offers that.Will it be better than Bay 1 or 2 I have no idea but am more than willing to have a go to do whatever it takes to get a more effective and active supporter bay.
sounds as good as anything else. given bay 2 is remaining alcohol free i think bay 1 is a dopey option - for big games we'd easily overflow from there. it's also a long way from the club, carparks, station etc.
what's more, we'll make the grand final again this year* so our home semi will make bay 1 completely unworkable, given that against the jets last time we pretty much had three standing bays.
*odd numbered season = grand final appearance - who will we lose 1-0 to this time?