Ok, my 2 cents:
I had a bit of a chuckle at the 'alternative coin toss'. Nothing wrong with a bit of silly fun.
Their first goal? Pisspoor defending, surprise, sur-flapping-prise.
Their penalty? Cheating scumbag took a dive, but was clipped on the way down. Absolutely stupid, amateur tackle. Given the clear contact I can't be too upset at Williams for missing the start of the dive first, to be honest, given there was miliseconds in it. Regardless I can still be angry at the cheating little prick. Worst part is, SFC took at least another 2 dives in the box later in the game - their conduct was truly disgraceful this match, completely brought it into disrepute - and absolutely nothing from the ref for those.
Izzo's penalty - clear penalty, another very amateur tackle. Can't argue with the card. Izzo needs to be replaced - sorry mate, had your chance, not up to the standard. Too many basic mistakes that you're not making up for.
Fourth goal - amateur defending again, not paying attention.
We should have had a penalty and Matt simon sent off. Heck, I can accept it if you want to say it's only a yellow - but it's still a penalty. Bosnich has absolutely no idea what he's talking about 'it's a yellow card but not a penalty'. Given it's a striking foul it's impossible to give a card but no free kick you absolute muppet. Always blows my mind how somebody with his experience can know so little about the laws.
So what this boils down to is that each team earned a goal. SFC had 2 penalties, one from a dive. We should have been given one, and we gifted them an own goal.
SFC became highly cynical as soon as we began to get momentum, kept chopping us down. They did cop a few cards for it though. Couldn't complain about the refereeing outside of those 2 incidents, and the other dives.
But my god, I've lost all hope for our current team. We're just useless. And we don't have the players - until we do some recruiting, we may as well just forfeit the rest of the season. These game are no longer 'development opportunities'. Credit to the boys, they kept playing right to the end - and after the season they're having, that's actually quite remarkable. But we don't have a keeper. We don't have defenders - too many amateur mistakes, just not up to the task. And we don't have the strikers to fulfil Walmsely's vision of an attacking side. What about all these ties to other regions we've built up? Surely we can be borrowing some talented youngsters?
We're not getting the ball into the Penalty Area enough - SFC massively outdid us there. We're not fulfilling our goal as an attacking team, and it's amateur hour at the back. with the team we have we deserve the wooden spoon. Does Charlesworth want to own a HAL side, or a State League side? He's paying for a State League side but expecting a HAL team!!!
Despite all that - man, SFC played like crap! Aside from their front end being more effective than hours, I felt much of the game was reasonable even. But they probably took the foot off the gas - but they played really terribly.
Good on our young replacement keeper though, he did will despite looking terrified

(who wouldn't be?).
Absolutely dismal. I'll keep watching - but expecting to lose helps keep the pain to a minimum.