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Whats The Score? - Ask the CCF thread

CCF Chairman

Well-Known Member
offtheball said:
Geoff your last paragraph says it all for me. Fantastic to see a brief match report about an exciting game. We never see it on the web site though.

There is criticism that Lightning appears to be a priority. It is hard to argue that if you use the web site as evidence.

As soon as you open the web site you are hit with announcements about three upcoming junior Lightning games. This is the case on the community page , competition page and lightning page.

To find reference to last nights game you have to go searching
I totally agree with your comments. Even though the details regarding the Cup Final were on the website, it should have had a much greater profile and presence.
We do take notice of constructive criticism, complaints and suggestions and are continually working on improving all areas of the Associations operation.


Well-Known Member
The CCF website is also the home of Lighting and Thunder and their 'official' website, so to see them have priority on the home page is appropriate in my opinion.


Ted said:
The CCF website is also the home of Lighting and Thunder and their 'official' website, so to see them have priority on the home page is appropriate in my opinion.

Ted,  why should anyone have priority.  CC Cup final was the major game this week.  It does not have to be one of the other just managed appropriately. Just remember the local football players have the same rights and privliedges as the lightning and Thunder players. 

Another point, Lightning is just another club of CCF,  maybe they should have their own website like the rest of the clubs. 


Well-Known Member
Follower said:
Ted said:
The CCF website is also the home of Lighting and Thunder and their 'official' website, so to see them have priority on the home page is appropriate in my opinion.

Ted,  why should anyone have priority.  CC Cup final was the major game this week.  It does not have to be one of the other just managed appropriately. Just remember the local football players have the same rights and privliedges as the lightning and Thunder players. 

Another point, Lightning is just another club of CCF, maybe they should have their own website like the rest of the clubs. 

The answer lies in your reply as I see it. Lightning/Thunder are 'representative' teams and not 'recreational' teams and do not have their own website. Hence priority on the website. All teams play outside our region and Im pretty certain teams in Port Macquarie, Sydney, Newcastle, Orange, etc have no interest on how Killarney, Ourimbah or Budgewoi are going. Thus we all have our own websites for our own benefit as local clubs. Lightning having there own website may be a possibilty, but again this may increase fees for all players to cover all website costs. So it could become a case of damned if you do and damned if you don't...

While the CCF website isnt perfect, I have not had a problem with it and the 3 tabs up the top (Community, Competition and Lightning) are all self explanatory. I would though, have the upcoming events matter on the Competition and Community pages relevant to the tab and and I do agree that there should be some recognition of the CC Cup final.


Well-Known Member
Ted said:
Follower said:
Ted said:
The CCF website is also the home of Lighting and Thunder and their 'official' website, so to see them have priority on the home page is appropriate in my opinion.

Ted,  why should anyone have priority.  CC Cup final was the major game this week.  It does not have to be one of the other just managed appropriately. Just remember the local football players have the same rights and privliedges as the lightning and Thunder players. 

Another point, Lightning is just another club of CCF, maybe they should have their own website like the rest of the clubs. 

The answer lies in your reply as I see it. Lightning/Thunder are 'representative' teams and not 'recreational' teams and do not have their own website. Hence priority on the website. All teams play outside our region and Im pretty certain teams in Port Macquarie, Sydney, Newcastle, Orange, etc have no interest on how Killarney, Ourimbah or Budgewoi are going. Thus we all have our own websites for our own benefit as local clubs. Lightning having there own website may be a possibilty, but again this may increase fees for all players to cover all website costs. So it could become a case of damned if you do and damned if you don't...

While the CCF website isnt perfect, I have not had a problem with it and the 3 tabs up the top (Community, Competition and Lightning) are all self explanatory. I would though, have the upcoming events matter on the Competition and Community pages relevant to the tab and and I do agree that there should be some recognition of the CC Cup final.

I disagree with everything you have said. None of your points make any sense at all. To generalise the majority of the information put onto the website is to suit certain individuals who have an interest in whatever team they are involved with. The website is poorly run and needs alot of work. Most clubs websites are far better run because the people running the sites are passionate about thier said club. The CCF run Central Coast Football not the Lightning or the Thunder, but the whole of Central Coast Football. Here are some examples Ted of how other associations run their websites.






Well-Known Member
You said "Lightning/Thunder are 'representative' teams and not 'recreational' teams"

I wondering who they represent? Certainly not the Central Coast Football Association.


Well-Known Member
Loki said:
You said "Lightning/Thunder are 'representative' teams and not 'recreational' teams"

I wondering who they represent? Certainly not the Central Coast Football Association.

Nope, just the Central Coast.


They are not a representitive team because they dont go and select the best players to represent the Central Coast.  They get the kids that can afford the rego fee or bother to turn up to trial etc.  I know of a family with three boys that could play at that level but the parents cant afford it. 

It is certainly a higher level of football and a good progression for players that want to play at that level but I am still amiss as to why they should be treated any different to a player that want to play club football.  They pay good money to play at Club level as well.


Well-Known Member
Follower said:
They are not a representitive team because they dont go and select the best players to represent the Central Coast.  They get the kids that can afford the rego fee or bother to turn up to trial etc.  I know of a family with three boys that could play at that level but the parents cant afford it. 

It is certainly a higher level of football and a good progression for players that want to play at that level but I am still amiss as to why they should be treated any different to a player that want to play club football.  They pay good money to play at Club level as well.

They should not have to "go and select the best players" as you put it, players should trial for the squad that is being selected. If a coach has any queries about a player at the trials he should contact the players former club/coach.

If the parents can't afford the players rego then that is not good very sad in fact. Perhaps (and I am not sure of the logistics of it)  the FFA (with govt assistance) could for lower income families provide payment options or assist with payment of rego.


Well-Known Member
OJ said:
Ted said:
Fair enough, but I personally have no problem with the CCF website.
Easily pleased and in the minority.

If there's one thing I hate, it's people offering their take of the majority view with little if any basis on which to make that claim. 'Everyone I talk to', 'everyone who posts here' or 'everyone who agrees with me' does not make a majority.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I do dispute your right to claim to know the views of 'the majority' and your use of that to shoot other people down. You can make a better point than that.

Follower said:
They are not a representitive team because they dont go and select the best players to represent the Central Coast.  They get the kids that can afford the rego fee or bother to turn up to trial etc.  I know of a family with three boys that could play at that level but the parents cant afford it. 

It is certainly a higher level of football and a good progression for players that want to play at that level but I am still amiss as to why they should be treated any different to a player that want to play club football.  They pay good money to play at Club level as well.

While representative football is arguably prohibitively expensive, you can't really blame the kids who are lucky enough to have the ability *and* the wherewithal to participate and say that they're not 'representative' teams.

Knock the system and lack of support for elite football, not the people participating. They aren't to blame for the fact that it's ridiculously expensive. You certainly can't say it's not representative on the basis of not all eligible players trialling. Who are they supposed to select from if not those who are there?

In that the players are a select group picked from the region it is still a representative level of football and should be recognised as such.


Well-Known Member
dibo said:
OJ said:
Ted said:
Fair enough, but I personally have no problem with the CCF website.
Easily pleased and in the minority.

If there's one thing I hate, it's people offering their take of the majority view with little if any basis on which to make that claim. 'Everyone I talk to', 'everyone who posts here' or 'everyone who agrees with me' does not make a majority.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I do dispute your right to claim to know the views of 'the majority' and your use of that to shoot other people down. You can make a better point than that.

Follower said:
They are not a representitive team because they dont go and select the best players to represent the Central Coast.  They get the kids that can afford the rego fee or bother to turn up to trial etc.  I know of a family with three boys that could play at that level but the parents cant afford it. 

It is certainly a higher level of football and a good progression for players that want to play at that level but I am still amiss as to why they should be treated any different to a player that want to play club football.  They pay good money to play at Club level as well.

While representative football is arguably prohibitively expensive, you can't really blame the kids who are lucky enough to have the ability *and* the wherewithal to participate and say that they're not 'representative' teams.

Knock the system and lack of support for elite football, not the people participating. They aren't to blame for the fact that it's ridiculously expensive. You certainly can't say it's not representative on the basis of not all eligible players trialling. Who are they supposed to select from if not those who are there?

In that the players are a select group picked from the region it is still a representative level of football and should be recognised as such.

I am sure you hate other things Dibo!! And as for claiming to Know the views of "the majority", i made no such claim. I stated that Ted was in the minority and I based that assertion on the views expressed either in this thread or on other threads. But for the record the majority of people I come into contact from the football community on the Central Coast think the CCf website is a joke!! Wyoming, East Gosford, Berkeley Vale and Budgewoi have far superior websites in relation to scores and football news on the coast. I also listed several other associations websites which are far superior to the CCF's.


Well-Known Member
It's true, I do hate other things. That's why I'm a pinko commie leftie, I can't find enough things to hate.

But leaving that aside for a moment, if you claim someone is in the minority in a yes/no argument (it's inadequate or it's not), logic dictates that you are claiming to know the majority view.

What's more, like I said before 'everyone I talk to', 'everyone who posts here' or 'everyone who agrees with me' does not make a majority. It sidesteps the fact that you don't know the views of *everyone*.

Lastly, I'm not saying you're wrong. The association I play in (and do some work for) has a website that I would say is quite a bit better. I'll believe you on the clubs thing. But the CCF Chairman in this thread has said the association's working on that at present. Aware of the problem, acting on it, can't do much more than that. It's bound to take some work and the results will likely be evident next season.


Well-Known Member
People who think the CCF website is great/ok/dont have a problem with, are in the minority on this thread!! I think we should go to the polls on this one!!

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