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Whats The Score? - Ask the CCF thread


Well-Known Member
Loki said:
Geoff could you please show me where I can find the breakdown of the Target 11 funds? Also can a player make next years Lightning 11's without being a part of this system.

Yes a player can still make Lightening/Thunder without of being part of Target 11, this was made very clear in the address to the players and parents by Mark Boyd at the 1st session.

CCF Chairman

Well-Known Member
masmariner said:
One thing Geoff do you know when the canteen will be back up and running hasn't the current situation been costing the CCF a lot of $$$, what does the canteen normally make per year approximately. ?
We're hoping for the canteen to be open again by the finals, but even if the work is finished we need the council approval to begin operating again. Operating out of a temporary set up has meant that the canteen has not been as profitable as previously.
The actual figures are available to the members - I'm not going to disclose them on a public internet forum, but they are available to the clubs at any time.

CCF Chairman

Well-Known Member
Loki said:
Geoff could you please show me where I can find the breakdown of the Target 11 funds? Also can a player make next years Lightning 11's without being a part of this system.
Your club is able to find out about the costs for Target 11 - as I said CCFs accounts are available to all its members.

A player can make Lightning without being part of the Target 11. Is there a player you know of who has been overlooked by their club and was not nominated, or has missed out on selection. Or did they choose not to take part for whatever reason, financial or otherwise?


Well-Known Member
am i allowed to ask? Literally what is the score.. How are teams supposed to no where they are coming on the table?

CCF Chairman

Well-Known Member
OJ said:
am i allowed to ask? Literally what is the score.. How are teams supposed to no where they are coming on the table?
Tables for all junior divisions were sent out last Thursday. Seniors had been sent out on the Monday. Kevin has been working on the ensuring all possible make up games have been scheduled, together with the finals draw which is why no tables  have been sent out this week.


Well-Known Member
Geoff, if someone wanted to put up their hand re-invent the wheel so to speak and format a new system to look after the draw, results & point tables for 2010 what would be the process to apply for the job?

CCF Chairman

Well-Known Member
Loki said:
Geoff, if someone wanted to put up their hand re-invent the wheel so to speak and format a new system to look after the draw, results & point tables for 2010 what would be the process to apply for the job?
Send a proposal/expression of interest to me c/- CCF Office.
We do have a new General Manager starting in two weeks who will be looking at this and also at the improvements/upgrades to the systems that we are already investigating.

While this may seem a simple and straightforward process to many, there has been no commercially available program produced yet that automatically handles the complexity of a draw that involves over 600 matches each week, played on 114 fields on 34 ovals withs such variables as limitations on number of hours of usage, inconsistent allocation of days (such as fields where the usage on certain days is dependent on other sports or groups, or fields that cant be used for the full season because of the Council requirement that be prepared for cricket), overlapping of fields (in cases where one senior field and 2-4 non comp/SSG fields are on the same actual piece of ground), the attempt to achieve a balanced home/away situation despite their being no consistent correlation between the number of teams in a club and the number of fields/grounds available to them, the preference to have teams playing in an order that allows players to "sub up" and assist older/higher graded teams if necessary, and also achieving a balance to allow situations such as over 35/45 players to be able to coach or attend their kids junior games and still get to their own game in the afternoon or accommodating teams that are full of shift workers that can only play at certain times.

Trying to please everyone and not just dictate to the clubs is one of the biggest challenges that we face.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like an easy job for the right person :) I'm not smart enough but I know some one who might be.


Well-Known Member
Loki said:
Sounds like an easy job for the right person :) I'm not smart enough but I know some one who might be.

If it was so easy I'm sure it would have already been programmed by now mate. Theres so many variations that MUST incorporated and accounted for as pointed out in the post above that it will take a programmer a long time before it's working properly without any bugs. He would then have to bide his time to reap any losses and not expect the initial user to foot the bill. And if the programm was to ever crash mid season and lose or currupt the data, what then?

May sound easy, but in reality, probably unlikely.


Well-Known Member
Ted you sound like your happy with the system we have now, I on the other hand feel we need to step out of the dark ages and get with the times/technology.

One interesting comment from Geoff:
"the attempt to achieve a balanced home/away situation despite their being no consistent correlation between the number of teams in a club and the number of fields/grounds available to them" The way I see it, a club with to many teams for their own ground gives up the right to a balanced home/away situation. Easy way to fix this, cap the amount of teams a club can have relative to the availability of grounds they have.

Nothing is ever an easy fix, but I think we have to start sooner rather than later.


Well-Known Member
Loki said:
Ted you sound like your happy with the system we have now, I on the other hand feel we need to step out of the dark ages and get with the times/technology.
One interesting comment from Geoff:
"the attempt to achieve a balanced home/away situation despite their being no consistent correlation between the number of teams in a club and the number of fields/grounds available to them" The way I see it, a club with to many teams for their own ground gives up the right to a balanced home/away situation. Easy way to fix this, cap the amount of teams a club can have relative to the availability of grounds they have.

Nothing is ever an easy fix, but I think we have to start sooner rather than later.

Far from it mate, the weather has played havoc with all my teams this year in more ways than one and one blunder looks like it has cost my 13Bs a finals spot. I see you surmise alot, just as its an easy fix to program this so called program.

You think you are the first to want a program like this? lol


Well-Known Member
It's funny how you laugh out loud at me wanting things to change for the better. Well you just sit back and keep saying it's to hard and see how far that will get you.


Ted said:
Loki said:
Ted you sound like your happy with the system we have now, I on the other hand feel we need to step out of the dark ages and get with the times/technology.
One interesting comment from Geoff:
"the attempt to achieve a balanced home/away situation despite their being no consistent correlation between the number of teams in a club and the number of fields/grounds available to them" The way I see it, a club with to many teams for their own ground gives up the right to a balanced home/away situation. Easy way to fix this, cap the amount of teams a club can have relative to the availability of grounds they have.

Nothing is ever an easy fix, but I think we have to start sooner rather than later.

Far from it mate, the weather has played havoc with all my teams this year in more ways than one and one blunder looks like it has cost my 13Bs a finals spot. I see you surmise alot, just as its an easy fix to program this so called program.

You think you are the first to want a program like this? lol

I dont think it is about software or programs.  Sure the ability to put scores in, draws on the web and publish pointscores is quite easy and there are many software tools to this help with this.  It more about policy and procedure.  The wet weather this year has played havoc and we will have wet weather every year.  Its really not that hard to plan for.  The structure, policies and processes need to be clearly defined and communicated before the season starts and then the Staff and board of CCF need to follow them throughout the season.  Managing from week to week without a clearly defined plan is not really acceptable.  For example.  How hard would it be now to have an excel document placed on the CCF website showing the times and dates for each semi, final and grand final.  They know they need to play them and the kids could then tell relatives when they are likely to play etc. But alas it not there.


Well-Known Member
Loki said:
It's funny how you laugh out loud at me wanting things to change for the better. Well you just sit back and keep saying it's to hard and see how far that will get you.

Don't think I'm mocking you, as that is not what I intended and applaud your initiative. I'm just saying others have thought of it before. That said, anything that is an improvement will get my vote.


Well-Known Member
I have no confidence anymore in the CCF.

Over and over,
The crow cries uncover the cornfield.
Over and over,
The thresher and hover the wheat field


Well-Known Member
OJ said:
I have no confidence anymore in the CCF.

Poetic quotes aside, why not?

Do they not do what they're meant to do - i.e. run competitions for ~15,000 players?


Well-Known Member
dibo said:
OJ said:
I have no confidence anymore in the CCF.

Poetic quotes aside, why not?

Do they not do what they're meant to do - i.e. run competitions for ~15,000 players?

I really cant go into it, but suffice to say every man has their breaking point!!

Joke time

Whats black and white and is worthless??

The CCF's regulations!!


Well-Known Member
OJ said:
dibo said:
OJ said:
I have no confidence anymore in the CCF.

Poetic quotes aside, why not?

Do they not do what they're meant to do - i.e. run competitions for ~15,000 players?

I really cant go into it, but suffice to say every man has their breaking point!!

Joke time

Whats black and white and is worthless??

The CCF's regulations!!

Guess you aren't going to be involved next year then?


Well-Known Member
OJ said:
dibo said:
OJ said:
I have no confidence anymore in the CCF.

Poetic quotes aside, why not?

Do they not do what they're meant to do - i.e. run competitions for ~15,000 players?

I really cant go into it, but suffice to say every man has their breaking point!!

Joke time

Whats black and white and is worthless??

The CCF's regulations!!

tyvm for that very informative and well thought out post.


Well-Known Member
dibo said:
OJ said:
I have no confidence anymore in the CCF.

Poetic quotes aside, why not?

Do they not do what they're meant to do - i.e. run competitions for ~15,000 players?

There are two ways to run a competition:
1. Professionally
2. The way CCF attempt to do it.

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