Follower said:
offtheball said:
I strted to post this in the Geoff Rayner thread, but feel that it is inappropriate to have a go at CCF in that special thread.
It was said no mention of Geoff on the CCF site was curious it's not curious it is simply disappointing.
It highlights a lack of effort from who ever is in charge of the CCF web site.
We are in the middle of the winter season and there has not been an up date of the site since July 20th. Surely there has been something newsworthy in this time.
I know there is now a reference to Geoff's passing but it seems someone has been shamed into action.
We haven't had a points update since June. Maybe there is a legit reason for this if so put it on the web site.
No I don't want to go and ring my club's delegate to ask the question. Why should he field 20 or 30 phone calls when information can be so easily distributed via the CCF web site.
Whatever happened to the much heralded Premier League Page?
Mate you are 100% correct. The reason is that CCF has 14000 players and 13,500 play local football but CCF is focused on rep football. How else do you explain 6 fulltime staff and the draw and competition is managed by one guy at home (not his fault he is just the messenger). There can be no other answer. The draws are a mess, no one knows where they are on a points table, The judicary is all over the place (we have a guy in my club that has tbc 2-12 weeks beside his name and who knows when they will even hear his case), Pluim Park is a disgrace (no canteen all year) and the website is a joke.
Lets look at the finals this year. Does anyone have any idea whats happening. surely the plan would be on the CCF website, or the clubs might know but I spoke to someone at my club and they said they had no idea.
Hopefully this new guy will get it sorted as I looked at the football Brisbane site and it seems organised and structured, but I dont like his chances with the board he has currently. I cant belive all the clubs allow this to continue.
A number of issues raised here and I will attempt to answer them one by one.
Firstly, in relation to the passing of Geoff Rayner, the news was posted on the CCF website today (Monday), the same as it was on Gosford's own website. I was told the news myself late on Friday night. The full time CCF administrative staff dont work over the weekend, however they did put it on the website during the day, after they had been told the news. I apologise on the staff's behalf for it not being put up earlier in the day. It was hardly a case of being "shamed into doing it". Btw, I played against Gosford 35s on Saturday, observed a minutes silence before the match and wore a black armband myself as a mark of respect, which few if any of the other opposing players in any matches did. I will also be attending Geoff's funeral on Thursday both in a personal capacity and as a representative of CCF. So to have a sweeping, generalising swipe at everyone connected to CCF in relation to this, is also very disappointing and, to me, personally insulting. I am sure, though, that was not the intention of the comments.
Points tables, up to last Saturday, were sent to all of the clubs fixtures officers and secretaries today, together with an update for all washout matches and rounds to be played for the rest of the season for all Friday and Saturday competitions. The delay and difficulty is due to teams not advising scores to their fixtures officers who in turn cannot advise them to the drawmaster.
Not quite sure why there is any confusion regarding the finals matches. They will take place at the completion of the competition, which for most grades ends on 5 Sep. There was some discussion as to whether there would be finals played for 35s/45s because of the washout situation and the need to give preference to the juniors for matches, but this has not been necessary. There has been no draw released for the finals as yet because we have still not got all of the replies back from clubs wanting to host finals matches. Some clubs cant because their fields arent available in September and some dont want to.
The web site has already been acknowledged as a problem, both here and to the clubs at meetings. It has also been stated that it is in the process of being completely reorganised and rebuilt. The new GM will also have considerable input into this.
The upgrading of the canteen has taken longer than planned - again this has been mentioned previously and at all delegates meetings. We could have simply spent a large amount of the clubs money and paid commercial rates and prices and sent us back into the debt that we have worked very diligently to get out of over the past two years. Instead, a lot of the work has been done by Directors who are licensed builders and tradesmen, in their own time at no cost apart from materials. I have said before, if there are any volunteers who would like to donate their time and expertise to assist, it would be greatly appreciated.
As an aside to the canteen issue, I was able to inspect Gosford's new canteen on the weekend. When completed it will be a vast improvement on the conditions the club had to work under. Also fortunately for Gosford club, it is a club canteen on a council ground, as it does not comply with the conditions that the one at Pluim must operate under.
Finally, with regard to the judiciary, the comment
The judicary is all over the place (we have a guy in my club that has tbc 2-12 weeks beside his name and who knows when they will even hear his case), is a bit over the top. The only reason the suspension is TBC would be that either all of the reports had not been received or the club had not responded to the offer made by the Director of Judiciary. There are only two judiciary hearings pending at the moment, and I am 100% certain the matter you refer to is not one of them.