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Our Beloved Monty

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
It was obvious that Monty would be gone sooner rather than later and Richard would also be seeing the $ signs and wanting to cash in whilst he was under contract. I spoke to Richard after the GF and he thought we would hang on to him for 1 more season.

So the succession plan should already have been in place - should have been working on one has soon as the last one (rat boy) was abandoned - and it just needs to be accelerated. Would be extremely poor planning if that is not case
Your faith after so many years is a beacon of sunlight:)


Well-Known Member
You simply won’t get the level of squad buy in overseas that you can create here in Oz and Monty will be in a situation where he could be dealing with and egos and reputations bigger than his own, so we will have to see how he deals with that.
I see that as the biggest risk, obviously he's going to back himself but if you lose a dressing room over there it'll go south quickly.

The fans and squad will start out with no respect for him either, coming from what they perceive as an inferior league in a football backwater, with very little proven pro coaching experience. Miller may also poison the well given their history, one bad apple spoils the barrel as the saying goes.

We were extremely lucky to pick up a 20 goal striker last season in Cummings, the highest scorer in club history and other than McBreen (10 years ago when we last won a Championship), a lot of daylight between them and the next best.

There's a real risk for Monty he'll be booted in January if they don't win enough games. A lot more pressure than he's been under here, where he was still a cheap unproven option at the start of last season.


Well-Known Member
I see that as the biggest risk, obviously he's going to back himself but if you lose a dressing room over there it'll go south quickly.

The fans and squad will start out with no respect for him either, coming from what they perceive as an inferior league in a football backwater, with very little proven pro coaching experience. Miller may also poison the well given their history, one bad apple spoils the barrel as the saying goes.

We were extremely lucky to pick up a 20 goal striker last season in Cummings, the highest scorer in club history and other than McBreen (10 years ago when we last won a Championship), a lot of daylight between them and the next best.

There's a real risk for Monty he'll be booted in January if they don't win enough games. A lot more pressure than he's been under here, where he was still a cheap unproven option at the start of last season.
So...we should only sign an interim manager in case Monty has a bad run and wants to come back?


Well-Known Member
Not sure he would be the best candidate right now. Its a big step up. An assistant maybe?
Was Monty ready for the step up originally though?
Given our huge emphasis on bringing youth through I wouldn’t mind Abbas given a crack especially if he has the appropriate license and knows the tactical system that the squad is so accustomed to. Could be the ultimate smooth transition.


Well-Known Member
I really think the main things are to keep investing in youth and maintain the contacts we have OS. The fact that a lot of those will be through Monty and Serge should not matter. They will be looking at certain players / positions etc and we will be looking at others. I'm pretty certain if the right type of candidate (character etc) was seen by Monty but didn't fit his plans for Hibs that he would pass on the details to the club.


Well-Known Member
Was Monty ready for the step up originally though?
Given our huge emphasis on bringing youth through I wouldn’t mind Abbas given a crack especially if he has the appropriate license and knows the tactical system that the squad is so accustomed to. Could be the ultimate smooth transition.
He'd done his uefa A and had a track record with the NPL team, so arguably yes. And the results say he was.


Well-Known Member
Interesting discussion, but he has not signed nor possibly been offered a contract yet.
Other options, Neil Lennon, Kilmarnock's Derek McInnes, Stephen Robinson of St Mirren and Ross County's Malky Mackay.

I'd say he has a fair shot. We're not talking Celtic or Rangers here. He is right in the mix.


Well-Known Member
I really hope they don’t go with the cap in hand poor approach because it won’t go over well with the average punter. We’ve sold a lot of players in the last 12 months and if we aren’t profitable now we likely never will be. I’m ok with expectation management but if they try to rationalise Monty going that way rather than being an incredible next step for him it’ll go down like a lead balloon.

I wish him well but would have liked it to be after this season.
Hand on heart not the other thing, given the reported player transfer figures received even allowing for say a third to be paid to others, if we still have made a loss then give the game away...


Well-Known Member
Hand on heart not the other thing, given the reported player transfer figures received even allowing for say a third to be paid to others, if we still have made a loss then give the game away...
I suspect we made losses on 9 of the 13 home games and Richard also increased support around the club. TBH the club needs to be successful (top 3 or 4, top 6 at worst) for the next few seasons to build crowds back up after Covid and some terrible seasons before Staj.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
He will know that the Sheffield job is going to come up when they get relegated.
(Having seen them, they are woeful and will be almost down by Christmas. )
Far easier to jump in from Hibs than CCM. Especially if he gets them going ok
They will, of course, take 6 points off us


Well-Known Member
He will know that the Sheffield job is going to come up when they get relegated.
(Having seen them, they are woeful and will be almost down by Christmas. )
Far easier to jump in from Hibs than CCM. Especially if he gets them going ok
Gone by November

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