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Our Beloved Monty


Well-Known Member
Anyone else concerned about some players being abit pissy that Monty and Serg are leaving? So many of the ones that stuck around on new contracts main reason was the coaches, alou’s return.. a major factor being Monty and Serg..
We have a pretty good gauge of the remaining champions mentality and mindset and in a perfect world they’ll get on with their jobs with no fuss. But it’s not a perfect world..

I get the feeling the next announcement the club makes is possibly the most crucial since our inception, after what Monty has done with this rag tag footy club. I truely hope the decision makers get it right and understand the enormity of their decision on who they choose.


Well-Known Member
Yeah some of them are the typical ignorant cynical brits/scots. Only took Ange 2 weeks to win over an entire fan base.
Took him three or four months at Celtic.

The Scots are pretty suspicious and dubious of Oz footballers. Hearts are hopelessly prejudiced against their Oz players, but Hibs are positive about MIller and Jeggo, so that helps.


Well-Known Member
Matty S, is going to be critical
Anyone else concerned about some players being abit pissy that Monty and Serg are leaving? So many of the ones that stuck around on new contracts main reason was the coaches, alou’s return.. a major factor being Monty and Serg..
We have a pretty good gauge of the remaining champions mentality and mindset and in a perfect world they’ll get on with their jobs with no fuss. But it’s not a perfect world..

I get the feeling the next announcement the club makes is possibly the most crucial since our inception, after what Monty has done with this rag tag footy club. I truely hope the decision makers get it right and understand the enormity of their decision on who they choose.
Could not agree more.

It took Staj to explain the obvious any coach coming in has to be able to spot and develop our academy players, and have around them players that are willing to teach and mentor them... and it needs to be more than lip service to the idea...

IMO only LM understood this as well, Arnold was gifted a very talented squad, and the rest all failed in having the ability to develop youth....

Its sad I honestly believed we had one more year as if he did well in the cup, he could have gone to a better club than Hibs...


Well-Known Member
Gutted to say the least , was hoping for another season with Monty and Serge . But been around football long enough to be a realist. If its true and they go , hope it works out for them as well as it a did here . They deserve a chance to prove they can make it overseas .

Foot note : Hibs have had 8 managers in the last 10 years , definitely a challenge........


Well-Known Member
Personally I think it’s too early for Monty to go. Just like a lot of players they have 1 or 2 good seasons here money is splashed at them and off they go. Then all of a sudden they get lost in the system over there. Monty has won 1 championship and done a great job but I think he should have stayed another season to prove how good he is. This could make or break his whole coaching career. Ange proved himself over here before he left.


Well-Known Member
I get the feeling the next announcement the club makes is possibly the most crucial since our inception, after what Monty has done with this rag tag footy club. I truely hope the decision makers get it right and understand the enormity of their decision on who they choose.
I really hope they don’t go with the cap in hand poor approach because it won’t go over well with the average punter. We’ve sold a lot of players in the last 12 months and if we aren’t profitable now we likely never will be. I’m ok with expectation management but if they try to rationalise Monty going that way rather than being an incredible next step for him it’ll go down like a lead balloon.

I wish him well but would have liked it to be after this season.


Well-Known Member
I’ve woken up feeling abit sour about it all.
He’s signed all the players he wanted for the rebuild, probably had some input on what academy players were recently let go.
Massive decisions for the season ahead.
And he’s left 2 weeks before our first continental match in yeaaaaars. The new coach has a monumental task of making an impression on a squad whom 90% of are like sons to the previous manager.

I dunno, it hasn’t diminished my admiration of the man. But it’s pretty shit timing. And hibs are a basket case, ruthless with their managers. Could’ve held out until seasons end for a better opportunity I reckon.

How much of a chance does Abbas have to get the gig?


Well-Known Member
Also on the replacement coach I doubt it’ll be Talay. He’s good but was playing some pretty negative football at the end with the nix, not sure whether Victory still have him on ice for Poppa or not either.


Well-Known Member
I’ve woken up feeling abit sour about it all.
He’s signed all the players he wanted for the rebuild, probably had some input on what academy players were recently let go.
Massive decisions for the season ahead.
And he’s left 2 weeks before our first continental match in yeaaaaars. The new coach has a monumental task of making an impression on a squad whom 90% of are like sons to the previous manager.

I dunno, it hasn’t diminished my admiration of the man. But it’s pretty shit timing. And hibs are a basket case, ruthless with their managers. Could’ve held out until seasons end for a better opportunity I reckon.

How much of a chance does Abbas have to get the gig?
but what happens if we missed the finals not that would of happened but if we did it would definitely effect Monty chances of an overseas move so i can understand the move now as these offers dont come around every day

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