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Our Beloved Monty


Well-Known Member
Bruh the hibs fans are frothing at the mouth over Montys tactics.

They really are rabid fair-weather fans aren't they


Well-Known Member
While that's generally true, a big budget isn't always a guarantee (Chelsea I'm looking at you).

I don't think they are spending the money they have done previously. Most of the incoming players have been free transfers or loans.

Behich and arshat, while decent players for a-league level, are pushing mid 30's and are hardly excitement machines. Aziz only got a mention at all because he is still in the Socceroos squad.

The rest of the players coming in are journeymen - Antonis, ugarkovic, natel, jakolis, souprayen. Nothing there jumps out as anyone to write home about and are probably all risks in their own right.

If you look through their squad this year they have not gone anywhere near replacing what went out the door and are relying more on young players like Caputo, lopane, Talbot, and mazzeo.
On the first point I was talking more about wages they can offer. Yes its a capped league but they have the means to utilize the exemptions to the fullest. We arent landing some of those players on the wages we can offer. I agree it doesnt match what went out the door but again its about the gap between what they lost and replaced compared to us and IMO they have it easier going close to like for like. No guarantees but the odds go their way.

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