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Mariners Squad - HAL 14 - 2018- 2019 - The challenge for Mike Mulvey is over

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
A couple of points.
Who told MM that DDS was leaving? DDS, Grella, Sean. How does someone who is on a contract tell the club they are leaving if there is no transfer deal in place.

All we heard was that Grella was shopping him round to opposition clubs in the A-League. There are no transfers allowed between A-League clubs. If they could not score a deal with an overseas club, there is a contract commitment that must be honoured. If no one is able or prepared to buy out his contract he either honours it or retires. What is the point of a contract after all?

He may be a kid, but he is a kid on a $500,000/year, multi year contract with a professional manager.
Don't ask me to feel sorry for him.


Well-Known Member
Recently moved from Brisbane and started following Mariners last two seasons as they are my local team now. Pretty disappointing to say the least. I watched them play their pre season at Pluim last year and predicted a tough season ahead. Bottom line for me is the ownership and squad investment. The squad simply hasn't been good enough despite some good performances. I also had concerns about the owner after the club statement when Okon left. I was hopeful the club might spend this season but it doesn't look promising.
Regards DDS, I've read the comments from fans and understand their angst. Whilst probably unpopular, I will declare I know DDS personally and am not surprised, but disappointed the club are making the statements they are. It will be interesting to see where it ends up. He is not pretentious, not motivated by money, he's a great kid who is now trying to make sense of the situation. Ask yourself why the club made no statements re DDS not training until the last week, even though training commenced mid June? It's opportunistic by MC imo to try and find favour with fans, who see another long season ahead and question his investment in the squad.
Re MM, I knew of him in Brisbane when he was head of football at the Queensland Academy of Sport. A number of lads I coached and were connected with were at the Academy. He was excellent with the W-league side which was full of quality, however, I'm not aware of any of his youth side that have transitioned to A-league. Donachy was in that generation but wasn't part of QAS. Not sure about Chris Harold but don't think he was there either. Hopefully he has more success with our Youth Boys. I think he has a tough job ahead of him though unless MC gets serious about investment in the squad.

The club didn't make any statements on De Silva not training until SBS and Four Four Two reported it. They said he was on extended annual leave, which everyone knew was a lie but they stuck to it as long as they could. Those first reports about 'Wantaway De Silva Snubs Mariners Training' contained information that wasn't previously in the public domain (eg, that we hold his registration but Roma are heavily subsidising his wages in exchange for the option to sign him for free during the Italian transfer windows, but that the most recent option expired on 30 June, and that Roma want the deal torn up). Ask yourself who leaked that information to the press? De Silva's management are trying every trick in the book to try to weasel their way out of his contract. There's no doubt he's a decent guy, but his world is all about him and his career. The club accepted that they were a stepping stone in his career and agreed to the Roma clause, ensuring that all De Silva had to do to get his dream overseas move was play well enough for Roma to activate it. De Silva wasn't lied to when he came here (against his agent's wishes) - he knew the squad he was joining. By refusing to play in the derby and then refusing to turn up for training De Silva's stepped over the line from being focused on his career to disrespecting his club and his teammates. You say that he's trying to make sense of his situation, but he created the situation himself and his response has been unprofessional and immature.

On Mulvey's development record, at Gold Coast he brought through Steven Lustica, Zac Anderson, Ben Halloran, Chris Harold, Daniel Bowles,Tahj Minniecon, Golgol Mebrahtu, Jake Barker-Daish, Mitch Cooper, and Mitch Bevan. That’s a solid record for three years work. As first team coach at Brisbane he brought through Corey Brown, James Donachie, Kwame Yeboah, and Brandon Borello. I have no knowledge of what his job was at the QAS, but graduates during his time there include Tommy Oar, Josh Brillante, Halloran, Bowles, and Anderson. He also took the Victory W-League team from a basket case to the grand final in one season. Say what you will about his tactical intransigence or his reportedly infuriating self-confidence, his development record is sound.

Big Dog

Well-Known Member
What should the club say then? Are you suggesting he wants to train and the club won’t allow him to?

That’s not my understanding, rather he didn’t want to train with a team he no longer wants to play for and the club agreed not to force him to.

As fans, neither position is particularly palatable to be honest and I think we all just want the situation resolved, so everyone can move on.

My understanding is the same as yours. The club agreed not to force him too. Sorry it wasn't clear.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
No problem with your comments OZ. Don't think it was making demands of the club. He had a clause in his contract (despite what some are saying on here), to say he could leave, he had clubs chasing him, the Mariners finished with the wooden spoon for the second time in three years, and he was keen to know what the ambitions of the club were for the upcoming season. I'm not sure that is an unreasonable position to take.
I'm asking the same questions of the Mariners and I'm not even a player.
I agree his agent has probably let him down. Let's hope sanity prevails for both parties.

IF there was a clause in his contract saying he could leave, why has he not gone?

Big Al

Well-Known Member
That would make sense if the media broke it. My own view is that at this point he probably is best served training with the squad, as tough as that is. All I know is that they had agreed weeks ago he not train, but now the media have broken it he is refusing to train.
Not doubting anything you say here Slimbo just putting a time line together.

The rumors are Roma had till June 30 to take him in there buy back clause.

So I assume DDS was free to negotiate if some sort of clause was to be used. After 30th June everything has fallen through for DDS. There is a point the club has to say enough your here now time to come back to training. I’m assuming that is post 30 June when roma didn’t cough up.

It’s difficult for both parties but a line needs to be drawn at some point that he is in or out. I’d say it’s been drawn and it’s past it.

If the A League had transfer fees it may have been easier but the salary cap just doesn’t make him attractive to any team at current rates and he certainly isn’t Marquee worthy. If the old one Aussie one Foreign Marquee still existed it would be a different story.

Hopefully we can resolve it soon enough as both need to move on from each other.

Big Dog

Well-Known Member
Not doubting anything you say here Slimbo just putting a time line together.

The rumors are Roma had till June 30 to take him in there buy back clause.

So I assume DDS was free to negotiate if some sort of clause was to be used. After 30th June everything has fallen through for DDS. There is a point the club has to say enough your here now time to come back to training. I’m assuming that is post 30 June when roma didn’t cough up.

It’s difficult for both parties but a line needs to be drawn at some point that he is in or out. I’d say it’s been drawn and it’s past it.

If the A League had transfer fees it may have been easier but the salary cap just doesn’t make him attractive to any team at current rates and he certainly isn’t Marquee worthy. If the old one Aussie one Foreign Marquee still existed it would be a different story.

Hopefully we can resolve it soon enough as both need to move on from each other.

This is pretty accurate as I understand it Big Al and agree totally.

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
No problem with your comments OZ. Don't think it was making demands of the club. He had a clause in his contract (despite what some are saying on here), to say he could leave, he had clubs chasing him, the Mariners finished with the wooden spoon for the second time in three years, and he was keen to know what the ambitions of the club were for the upcoming season. I'm not sure that is an unreasonable position to take.
I'm asking the same questions of the Mariners and I'm not even a player.
I agree his agent has probably let him down. Let's hope sanity prevails for both parties.

"he had clubs chasing him" HAD

Have they gone off him now then?

Big Dog

Well-Known Member
On Mulvey's development record, at Gold Coast he brought through Steven Lustica, Zac Anderson, Ben Halloran, Chris Harold, Daniel Bowles,Tahj Minniecon, Golgol Mebrahtu, Jake Barker-Daish, Mitch Cooper, and Mitch Bevan. That’s a solid record for three years work. As first team coach at Brisbane he brought through Corey Brown, James Donachie, Kwame Yeboah, and Brandon Borello. I have no knowledge of what his job was at the QAS, but graduates during his time there include Tommy Oar, Josh Brillante, Halloran, Bowles, and Anderson. He also took the Victory W-League team from a basket case to the grand final in one season. Say what you will about his tactical intransigence or his reportedly infuriating self-confidence, his development record is sound.

I was referring more to his QAS side in terms of players that have come through. A number of players you've mentioned didn't spend long under him at all. Chris Harold was at Brisbane Force for his key Youth development years and Donachie was at Loganholme, then Rochedale BPL until he was approached by Ange to enter the Roar Youth squad. Minnecon did spend time with Gold Coast under MM but had been at AIS and then Roar before going there. You're right though, he was great with his W-league squads and hopefully he can bring the best out of the Mariners lads. I'm hopeful.


Well-Known Member
True, but better than being nowhere near the offside line. Archie Thompson was also one who was often offside, but when he wasn't, didn't he make a mess of defences (quite often ours).
Archie wouldn't get away with it with the VAR. When the AR started picking him up Ernie would highlight in the press the 1 in 10 when he was actually onside. Archie would then get a free pass for the next couple of months.


Well-Known Member
I was referring more to his QAS side in terms of players that have come through. A number of players you've mentioned didn't spend long under him at all. Chris Harold was at Brisbane Force for his key Youth development years and Donachie was at Loganholme, then Rochedale BPL until he was approached by Ange to enter the Roar Youth squad. Minnecon did spend time with Gold Coast under MM but had been at AIS and then Roar before going there. You're right though, he was great with his W-league squads and hopefully he can bring the best out of the Mariners lads. I'm hopeful.
Fair play. As I said, I don't pretend to know anything about Mulvey's role at the QIS. But as important as early development is, so is developing talented players to the point that they can actually play first team football, and all of the Gold Coast players mentioned used Mulvey's youth team as a springboard to A-League careers (albeit short ones in some cases). The only A-League youth team with a similar output to the first team was the Mariners squad of a similar era that produced the likes of Sherlock, Nikas, Ryan, Appiah, Fitzgerald, Mallia, Ibini, and Duke. You also need first team coaches who are willing to give youth players a chance and continue to help them develop. The Brisbane examples may have learned their trade elsewhere, but were given the chance to develop into A-League players by Mulvey. That's enough for me to say he's got a good development record, and to give me hope for the season. It's a shame that he didn't get a chance to work with guys like Rose and De Silva, but I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do with Berry, Aspro, Rowles, etc., and especially Shabow.


Well-Known Member
So I’m not up to date with the legal blah for speaking out against your club but if DDS has a case against what the club is saying... can’t he say it?

And side note.. at what point are we to worry about the completion of the squad? It’s not far off the FFA cup!! Or are we once again taking it as a pre season game (looks like one of the only ones we could get although I don’t agree with that sentiment)


Well-Known Member
He was inside. He may have gone outside if we bought someone in January. That meant we potentially were spending 2.135M plus DDS.(2.285M from CCM, .35M from Roma). If he goes we are likely to have to spend $2.89M or $600,000 more.

. my understanding was it was a bit more complicated than this:
  • The original intention was to have him as a marquee outside the cap, allowing flexibility to spend more in January
  • But when Asdrubal departed there was a hole in the minimum spend
  • Okon could have bought somebody in (apparently) but was happy not to
  • So DDS was brought back inside the cap


Well-Known Member
Understand people's view and position. I know Mariners knew he was talking to other clubs as his contract allowed. It's not in their full interest to leave as the family are settled here and his brother is in the NPL squad trying to break through. Was also waiting to hear from Mariners re what lay ahead for them this season, which didn't happen. I was with them the night there was a discussion re pre-season. MM had already been informed DDS was leaving and it was agreed there was not much point in him doing pre-season with the Mariners. That was mid June. The problem is now an issue between Roma and Mariners.
As for the PR disaster, you're right. But the only PR is coming from MC.
Thanks for your thoughts PJennings. I do agree. I guess my point is there was no air to clear, until the last week and now DDS is made out to be the villian... and he's a kid. MC could've said he refused to train weeks ago. MM said he was on extended leave but it was no secret he was talking to other clubs as it was in the media during this time. I have no doubt Grella should've acted more professionally. The power has now shifted to MC which is unfortunate for Danny, maybe good for Mariners, we'll see.

PS: I was at Suncorp when Partalu scored the equaliser in extra time against the Mariners. Always saw them as a major threat when Roar were really good under Ange. I've had a Gold Membership for Mariners past two seasons and so sad to see where we are now. And we need some new songs ;)

Some half truths and some interesting insights.
Please explain DDS's not playing the last few games and being sheepish at the Mariners Medal function. Is that down to Grella being a shit agent or DSS being young and impetuous.


Well-Known Member
. my understanding was it was a bit more complicated than this:
  • The original intention was to have him as a marquee outside the cap, allowing flexibility to spend more in January
  • But when Asdrubal departed there was a hole in the minimum spend
  • Okon could have bought somebody in (apparently) but was happy not to
  • So DDS was brought back inside the cap

Going to stick my neck out here .............

The first point is so not mc. I can’t believe mc contemplated a marquee situation to allow for further spend in january.
I can’t imagine okon not wanting to replace his failed choice of asdrubal. He despratly needed a goal scorer. I would suggest that that was the beginning of the end for okon when mc closed the door.

Your complicated scenario just does not wash with me bikinigirl.

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
No idea, Big Al seems on the money.

So you stated that you know DDS and he had teams chasing him.
But really you know no more or less than the rumours about the clubs "chasing" him.
Why have these clubs stopped chasing him? Too much money being asked
or they can see he has attitude?
As for his family being settled on the CC. He's a big boy now. Does his family have to follow him?

You stated before that "MM had already been informed DDS was leaving".
I did ask you said this but you haven't answered.

There's a few other things too, like blaming MC for a PR disaster over this. Really?
The media broke the story, which came from where I wonder.

Another thing... He's only a kid. Come on. Old enough to get tattoos all over his arms but not mature enough
to make his own decisions over football?

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
. my understanding was it was a bit more complicated than this:
  • The original intention was to have him as a marquee outside the cap, allowing flexibility to spend more in January
  • But when Asdrubal departed there was a hole in the minimum spend
  • Okon could have bought somebody in (apparently) but was happy not to
  • So DDS was brought back inside the cap
Sorry but I don't necessarily agree with this. We were looking at bringing someone in January.
I can't see how you can say Okon was happy with the squad when one of his complaints when
he left was that MC wouldn't spend any money. Weren't we having that Aussie bloke to went
to somewhere in Europe?

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