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Mariners Squad - HAL 14 - 2018- 2019 - The challenge for Mike Mulvey is over

Big Dog

Well-Known Member
Fair play. As I said, I don't pretend to know anything about Mulvey's role at the QIS. But as important as early development is, so is developing talented players to the point that they can actually play first team football, and all of the Gold Coast players mentioned used Mulvey's youth team as a springboard to A-League careers (albeit short ones in some cases). The only A-League youth team with a similar output to the first team was the Mariners squad of a similar era that produced the likes of Sherlock, Nikas, Ryan, Appiah, Fitzgerald, Mallia, Ibini, and Duke. You also need first team coaches who are willing to give youth players a chance and continue to help them develop. The Brisbane examples may have learned their trade elsewhere, but were given the chance to develop into A-League players by Mulvey. That's enough for me to say he's got a good development record, and to give me hope for the season. It's a shame that he didn't get a chance to work with guys like Rose and De Silva, but I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do with Berry, Aspro, Rowles, etc., and especially Shabow.

To be fair I think MM is as good a choice as any. It was more a response to some comments hoping that his record with Youth may be our saviour. I think he has a mammoth task ahead of him, not because of his own ability but the investment in the squad and level of players we have. WOuld be a tough gig for anyone.

Big Dog

Well-Known Member
So you stated that you know DDS and he had teams chasing him.
But really you know no more or less than the rumours about the clubs "chasing" him.
Why have these clubs stopped chasing him? Too much money being asked
or they can see he has attitude?
As for his family being settled on the CC. He's a big boy now. Does his family have to follow him?

You stated before that "MM had already been informed DDS was leaving".
I did ask you said this but you haven't answered.

There's a few other things too, like blaming MC for a PR disaster over this. Really?
The media broke the story, which came from where I wonder.

Another thing... He's only a kid. Come on. Old enough to get tattoos all over his arms but not mature enough
to make his own decisions over football?

Think you're being a bit harsh Pete. My understanding is that MM was told personally in a conversation around football related matters at the Mariners. Don't want to say more than that.
Re the PR you say the media broke the story? Of course they did. Where did it come from? My suspicion is MC but maybe I'm wrong. The June 30 timing and Big Al's comments make me think it came from the club.
Re his family settled here, I was suggesting simply that. Of course he's free to leave. His family may still stay. If Mariners showed some ambition in their squad investment it would be a far more attractive option don't you think?
AT the end of the day he will make his own decisions but he's guided by a manager, rightly or wrongly, as all players are.
And yes he's a kid, with tatoos.


Well-Known Member
Going to stick my neck out here .............

The first point is so not mc. I can’t believe mc contemplated a marquee situation to allow for further spend in january.
I can’t imagine okon not wanting to replace his failed choice of asdrubal. He despratly needed a goal scorer. I would suggest that that was the beginning of the end for okon when mc closed the door.

Your complicated scenario just does not wash with me bikinigirl.
I was under the impression DDS started in the cap but with the option of moving into marquee if budget required. When the season went downhill it appeared that MC saw the season as a write off and was unwilling to invest any further, including in replacing asdrubal.


Well-Known Member
How is Gamiero's unit atm?

I have this ongoing suspicion that if he's *ready* we won't actually sign another striker...


Well-Known Member
Going to stick my neck out here .............

The first point is so not mc. I can’t believe mc contemplated a marquee situation to allow for further spend in january.
I can’t imagine okon not wanting to replace his failed choice of asdrubal. He despratly needed a goal scorer. I would suggest that that was the beginning of the end for okon when mc closed the door.

Your complicated scenario just does not wash with me bikinigirl.
I can corroborate BG’s post Offy, that is exactly how it was from my sources. When the Giannou deal fell through MC told Okon the money was still on the table but Okon said he would work with what he had and we all know how that turned out don’t we?

For Okon to then make insinuations that his hands were tied is disingenuous to MC and the club, despite whatever view some people have of our owner.


Well-Known Member
This is all such a shame and can not help but think DDS will be the loser out of it all. He does not appear to be in any position of power, only saviour is a move OS and he doesn’t have much bargaining power on that front either as he will probably take anything to get out of the Coast.

All very sad and will probably leave a bad taste in his mouth about the HAL.

Like everyone else I just want to see it resolved but fear that’s a long way off.

On another note haven’t seen the Club’s statement on the alleged new young guy announced by 442 the other day, is it confirmed?


Well-Known Member
Sorry but I don't necessarily agree with this. We were looking at bringing someone in January.
I can't see how you can say Okon was happy with the squad when one of his complaints when
he left was that MC wouldn't spend any money. Weren't we having that Aussie bloke to went
to somewhere in Europe?

I cannot find anywhere ........... where anybody has been able to put dds’s spin on the situation. There must be a good reason to him why he walked out on the end of season games etc and now refusing to train or play for ccm to his career’s future success.

Looking at these latest comments from bikini girl and the comments from new member slimbo as regards dds’s character ............ and fitting it to my timeline of events ........... I find this speculation interesting.

Further to the reasons given for okon’s exit............., and mc manipulating the cap spend by moving dds under the cap and so making a sizeable reduction in his spend. Is it not conceiveable that dds sees himself as the mechanism his favoured coach okon, who he admired so much that talked him into signing a four year contract, lost his job ????.

That is a very heavy motive to take the stance dds has taken. As I said pure speculation but it fits the timeline, dds’s character and mc’s modus operandi.
Please don’t just red cross the post ......... say why it does not sit with your thinking pls.


Well-Known Member
Before the red crosses ............
Not spending on an asdrubal replacement and moving dds under the cap it would seem mc saved 5-600 thou. The season was over and no point ......... not un reasonable eh ???. That is a big save.


Well-Known Member
I can corroborate BG’s post Offy, that is exactly how it was from my sources. When the Giannou deal fell through MC told Okon the money was still on the table but Okon said he would work with what he had and we all know how that turned out don’t we?

For Okon to then make insinuations that his hands were tied is disingenuous to MC and the club, despite whatever view some people have of our owner.

So you’re saying okon used the situation, by saying his hands were tied etc, to get out of his contract with ccm.

I can see some merit in that as well. Postecoglou and okon were both advocating the same playing tactic which was failing. Postecoglou and okon both vacated didn’t they.:popcorn:


Staff member
Before the red crosses ............
Not spending on an asdrubal replacement and moving dds under the cap it would seem mc saved 5-600 thou. The season was over and no point ......... not un reasonable eh ???. That is a big save.

I guess this would count as a "business vs football decision" that I can never really understand. Business is saying hey we're not going to get anywhere anyway performance-wise so cut the financial losses and try again next season. Football says ummm that's a shit attitude, once you start the losing mentality or "f**k it, we're not going to win so don't bother trying" attitude it spreads across the whole club and can take years to recover from.


Well-Known Member
I guess this would count as a "business vs football decision" that I can never really understand. Business is saying hey we're not going to get anywhere anyway performance-wise so cut the financial losses and try again next season. Football says ummm that's a shit attitude, once you start the losing mentality or "f**k it, we're not going to win so don't bother trying" attitude it spreads across the whole club and can take years to recover from.

Absolutely spot on Adz.................. and the backlash can be felt even here on this forum. The problem is not as simple though is it? Mc has the right to cut costs and save money ............... But he also has to fly the flag for the fans.
Most owners would not put their club in such a perilous position fan wise as mc has put himself in. He tried to go slam no trumps but not play the bird.:naughty:
I fear for the miserable crowd numbers that could present next season and that's not fair for the current coaching staff or players.
There's still hope as long as there are squad vacancies to fill ????:popcorn:


Well-Known Member
Think you're being a bit harsh Pete. My understanding is that MM was told personally in a conversation around football related matters at the Mariners. Don't want to say more than that.
Re the PR you say the media broke the story? Of course they did. Where did it come from? My suspicion is MC but maybe I'm wrong. The June 30 timing and Big Al's comments make me think it came from the club.
Re his family settled here, I was suggesting simply that. Of course he's free to leave. His family may still stay. If Mariners showed some ambition in their squad investment it would be a far more attractive option don't you think?
AT the end of the day he will make his own decisions but he's guided by a manager, rightly or wrongly, as all players are.
And yes he's a kid, with tatoos.

Hi Slimbo, welcome to the forum! Great to have you on board.

I only have one issue with this, and it’s the highlighted section above.

If DDS really had an out clause, which was based around transfer windows, then I agree that it would be smart play by him and his team too look at options during that period. And yes, I agree CCM should have given him confidence during that window to convince him CCM was his best option. However the Jets game wasn’t in that period, so he should have played. He is contacted. That period has now expired by all accounts, so he should be back at work. That’s what a contract is. He had in his advantage a window to escape the current contract, and he and his team have failed to find a team that would accept the convoluted terms of his loan deal. Failing to return to pre season when contractually obliged to do so is not acceptable, regardless of if he is being led by his management or not. MM may very well have been told he would not be here this season, based on Grellas desire to move him on during the window. That has not happened.

Back to work.


Well-Known Member
So you stated that you know DDS and he had teams chasing him.
But really you know no more or less than the rumours about the clubs "chasing" him.
Why have these clubs stopped chasing him? Too much money being asked
or they can see he has attitude?
As for his family being settled on the CC. He's a big boy now. Does his family have to follow him?

You stated before that "MM had already been informed DDS was leaving".
I did ask you said this but you haven't answered.

There's a few other things too, like blaming MC for a PR disaster over this. Really?
The media broke the story, which came from where I wonder.

Another thing... He's only a kid. Come on. Old enough to get tattoos all over his arms but not mature enough
to make his own decisions over football?

The situation is complicated the way I see it.Teams wanting to fill their squad from a limited talent pool available are having to negotiate with an owner who has a very sizable financial advantage in dds staying ......... Whether he plays or not. The fact that they move on quickly is no surprise is it. Dds has done himself no favors in the marketplace. Sfc by delaying their decision is f#*@king up mm recruitment plans as he doesn't know the low floor figure he can spend depending on dds staying or going.:-|


Well-Known Member
Hi Slimbo, welcome to the forum! Great to have you on board.

I only have one issue with this, and it’s the highlighted section above.

If DDS really had an out clause, which was based around transfer windows, then I agree that it would be smart play by him and his team too look at options during that period. And yes, I agree CCM should have given him confidence during that window to convince him CCM was his best option. However the Jets game wasn’t in that period, so he should have played. He is contacted. That period has now expired by all accounts, so he should be back at work. That’s what a contract is. He had in his advantage a window to escape the current contract, and he and his team have failed to find a team that would accept the convoluted terms of his loan deal. Failing to return to pre season when contractually obliged to do so is not acceptable, regardless of if he is being led by his management or not. MM may very well have been told he would not be here this season, based on Grellas desire to move him on during the window. That has not happened.

Back to work.

It would appear that the problem lies with grella and dds's complicated loan contractural arrangement. Too many people agents wanting their slice of the future pie............ that has now been overcooked and dropped on the floor. :popcorn:


Well-Known Member
Absolutely spot on Adz.................. and the backlash can be felt even here on this forum. The problem is not as simple though is it? Mc has the right to cut costs and save money ............... But he also has to fly the flag for the fans.
Most owners would not put their club in such a perilous position fan wise as mc has put himself in
. He tried to go slam no trumps but not play the bird.:naughty:
I fear for the miserable crowd numbers that could present next season and that's not fair for the current coaching staff or players.
There's still hope as long as there are squad vacancies to fill ????:popcorn:

However, while Mike is traditionally tight it seems he gave Okon the money to chase Giannou (a very good offer I heard), and then left it there for Okon to use when that deal fell through. This really seems to be Okon saying we aren't going to get anywhere so let's not get anyone in. That way when we fail I can blame the owner and move on. It seems that Okon had the Adz's business stance and MC the football stance in this case.


Well-Known Member
It would appear that the problem lies with grella and dds's complicated loan contractural arrangement. Too many people agents wanting their slice of the future pie............ that has now been overcooked and dropped on the floor. :popcorn:
Reminds me of Bernie Mandic tarnishing Kewell's name.

soccer mad

Well-Known Member
Dds should just roll his sleeves up and play his way back into a an overseas contract and who better to do it with is us .Your biggest disappointments are your best learning curves in life prove to himself and us that he is worthy because right now ? Let's just leave at that.


Well-Known Member
However, while Mike is traditionally tight it seems he gave Okon the money to chase Giannou (a very good offer I heard), and then left it there for Okon to use when that deal fell through. This really seems to be Okon saying we aren't going to get anywhere so let's not get anyone in. That way when we fail I can blame the owner and move on. It seems that Okon had the Adz's business stance and MC the football stance in this case.

Too much time between "seems" and okon walkout isn't there???
It would appear that okon had lost the change-room all around this time?? (the body language of the players said it all) ........ Although he tried to blame mc ............. I don't think anybody except dds was sorry to see him go ???
It is also inconceivable ......... that mc left money on the table ...... So to speak.:unsure::unsure:


Well-Known Member
Dds should just roll his sleeves up and play his way back into a an overseas contract and who better to do it with is us .Your biggest disappointments are your best learning curves in life prove to himself and us that he is worthy because right now ? Let's just leave at that.


Plenty of players have had worse and rectified the situation by getting stuck in and proving they are worthy.

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