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Mariners Squad - HAL 14 - 2018- 2019 - The challenge for Mike Mulvey is over

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Have a friend at SFC and he is always pretty good on the rumours, he said they are now looking at McLaren and Halloran since Torres went US and I always give it to him about DDS. He thinks it’s all rumours and SFC are not keen which does make sense as they still have Ninko. Very interesting to see how this plays out for DDS as i’m starting to get the feeling we should also not waste our time thinking of swap players.
The last thing SFC should do after blitzing the league and loosing some of the best players in the league is poach two attackers from the wooden spooners who couldn’t score.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Pardon my maths but isnt DDS (aka stupid spoilt little shite or SSLS) on strike perfect for MC?

We save $200k pa and the extra $300 is included in our cap but doesnt have to be spent

No wonder he has dug his heels in
Exactly what I’ve been saying. The last thing MC wants to loose is the Roma $300k he doesn’t need to pay for nothing. Especially to SFC who love to poach from us.

Also MC gives me the impression he doesn’t like being screwed over by players and managers

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
I don't remember Matty doing much carrying our forward line when he was here. My memories have him doing a fine job alongside another e.g. Macca, Sasho, even Macalister. When he was here, I don't recall him showing the skills needed to carry the line solo. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy to have him back, and hopefully his skills have been sharpened by working with the class he had around him at SFC. One thing he was always good at though (after his first season :() was finding the inside of the net. In that regard our forward line has already improved.
Our entire attacking strategy back then was "BOOT IT TO MATTY!!!!!"

Big Dog

Well-Known Member
Recently moved from Brisbane and started following Mariners last two seasons as they are my local team now. Pretty disappointing to say the least. I watched them play their pre season at Pluim last year and predicted a tough season ahead. Bottom line for me is the ownership and squad investment. The squad simply hasn't been good enough despite some good performances. I also had concerns about the owner after the club statement when Okon left. I was hopeful the club might spend this season but it doesn't look promising.
Regards DDS, I've read the comments from fans and understand their angst. Whilst probably unpopular, I will declare I know DDS personally and am not surprised, but disappointed the club are making the statements they are. It will be interesting to see where it ends up. He is not pretentious, not motivated by money, he's a great kid who is now trying to make sense of the situation. Ask yourself why the club made no statements re DDS not training until the last week, even though training commenced mid June? It's opportunistic by MC imo to try and find favour with fans, who see another long season ahead and question his investment in the squad.
Re MM, I knew of him in Brisbane when he was head of football at the Queensland Academy of Sport. A number of lads I coached and were connected with were at the Academy. He was excellent with the W-league side which was full of quality, however, I'm not aware of any of his youth side that have transitioned to A-league. Donachy was in that generation but wasn't part of QAS. Not sure about Chris Harold but don't think he was there either. Hopefully he has more success with our Youth Boys. I think he has a tough job ahead of him though unless MC gets serious about investment in the squad.


Well-Known Member
Recently moved from Brisbane and started following Mariners last two seasons as they are my local team now. Pretty disappointing to say the least. I watched them play their pre season at Pluim last year and predicted a tough season ahead. Bottom line for me is the ownership and squad investment. The squad simply hasn't been good enough despite some good performances. I also had concerns about the owner after the club statement when Okon left. I was hopeful the club might spend this season but it doesn't look promising.
Regards DDS, I've read the comments from fans and understand their angst. Whilst probably unpopular, I will declare I know DDS personally and am not surprised, but disappointed the club are making the statements they are. It will be interesting to see where it ends up. He is not pretentious, not motivated by money, he's a great kid who is now trying to make sense of the situation. Ask yourself why the club made no statements re DDS not training until the last week, even though training commenced mid June? It's opportunistic by MC imo to try and find favour with fans, who see another long season ahead and question his investment in the squad.
Re MM, I knew of him in Brisbane when he was head of football at the Queensland Academy of Sport. A number of lads I coached and were connected with were at the Academy. He was excellent with the W-league side which was full of quality, however, I'm not aware of any of his youth side that have transitioned to A-league. Donachy was in that generation but wasn't part of QAS. Not sure about Chris Harold but don't think he was there either. Hopefully he has more success with our Youth Boys. I think he has a tough job ahead of him though unless MC gets serious about investment in the squad.
Hi Slimbo, great to have a new voice on the forum. Must have been tough to start to follow us in the last few years. You should be congratulated. On DDS I feel that there is more to understand but a contract is a contract. If not his manager should be supporting him through the PFA and media.


Well-Known Member
Recently moved from Brisbane and started following Mariners last two seasons as they are my local team now. Pretty disappointing to say the least. I watched them play their pre season at Pluim last year and predicted a tough season ahead. Bottom line for me is the ownership and squad investment. The squad simply hasn't been good enough despite some good performances. I also had concerns about the owner after the club statement when Okon left. I was hopeful the club might spend this season but it doesn't look promising.
Regards DDS, I've read the comments from fans and understand their angst. Whilst probably unpopular, I will declare I know DDS personally and am not surprised, but disappointed the club are making the statements they are. It will be interesting to see where it ends up. He is not pretentious, not motivated by money, he's a great kid who is now trying to make sense of the situation. Ask yourself why the club made no statements re DDS not training until the last week, even though training commenced mid June? It's opportunistic by MC imo to try and find favour with fans, who see another long season ahead and question his investment in the squad.
Re MM, I knew of him in Brisbane when he was head of football at the Queensland Academy of Sport. A number of lads I coached and were connected with were at the Academy. He was excellent with the W-league side which was full of quality, however, I'm not aware of any of his youth side that have transitioned to A-league. Donachy was in that generation but wasn't part of QAS. Not sure about Chris Harold but don't think he was there either. Hopefully he has more success with our Youth Boys. I think he has a tough job ahead of him though unless MC gets serious about investment in the squad.

Okay ???? ......... I ask myself ............ “ why did the club make no statements re dds not training until the last week ????”
I look at myself ???? ............ “ (nothing .......... silence)”
“ just as I thought !!! ........... I don’t know ???”:unsure::unsure::popcorn::popcorn:


Well-Known Member
I don't remember Matty doing much carrying our forward line when he was here. My memories have him doing a fine job alongside another e.g. Macca, Sasho, even Macalister. When he was here, I don't recall him showing the skills needed to carry the line solo. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy to have him back, and hopefully his skills have been sharpened by working with the class he had around him at SFC. One thing he was always good at though (after his first season :() was finding the inside of the net. In that regard our forward line has already improved.

I remember him being offside 90% of the time :doh::doh:


Well-Known Member

If you know the kid, maybe have a chat to him. I honestly think its in his best interest to make peace.

As to MC timing, just maybe he lost patience we have no idea whats gone on behind the scenes.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Recently moved from Brisbane and started following Mariners last two seasons as they are my local team now. Pretty disappointing to say the least. I watched them play their pre season at Pluim last year and predicted a tough season ahead. Bottom line for me is the ownership and squad investment. The squad simply hasn't been good enough despite some good performances. I also had concerns about the owner after the club statement when Okon left. I was hopeful the club might spend this season but it doesn't look promising.
Regards DDS, I've read the comments from fans and understand their angst. Whilst probably unpopular, I will declare I know DDS personally and am not surprised, but disappointed the club are making the statements they are. It will be interesting to see where it ends up. He is not pretentious, not motivated by money, he's a great kid who is now trying to make sense of the situation. Ask yourself why the club made no statements re DDS not training until the last week, even though training commenced mid June? It's opportunistic by MC imo to try and find favour with fans, who see another long season ahead and question his investment in the squad.
Re MM, I knew of him in Brisbane when he was head of football at the Queensland Academy of Sport. A number of lads I coached and were connected with were at the Academy. He was excellent with the W-league side which was full of quality, however, I'm not aware of any of his youth side that have transitioned to A-league. Donachy was in that generation but wasn't part of QAS. Not sure about Chris Harold but don't think he was there either. Hopefully he has more success with our Youth Boys. I think he has a tough job ahead of him though unless MC gets serious about investment in the squad.
Welcome. Hard times ahead.
Of course DDS has his version but he also has a CONTRACT which trumps everything.
He shouldn’t have signed if he didn’t want to play here for more than 1 season.

Big lesson that managers will spin shit, so will potential employers and coaches. Tough life lesson but you can’t throw the toys out like kids do these days.

As for the clubs timing it’s all down to a player not turning up, so what ever time they choose to go with it’s DDS that has put them in that position.

Most important of all this is DDS just wasn’t any good but at least he played a season for the first time in a long time but he is trading on his name which was when he was exciting and even at his young age that was still years ago.

Fans just don’t want to hear a player is refusing to play and train for there team. Thats a PR disaster

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
The player being "swapped" has to agree to come here.
Will there be a long queue of players from the champions keen to head to the spoon holders? I suspect not


Well-Known Member
Recently moved from Brisbane and started following Mariners last two seasons as they are my local team now. Pretty disappointing to say the least. I watched them play their pre season at Pluim last year and predicted a tough season ahead. Bottom line for me is the ownership and squad investment. The squad simply hasn't been good enough despite some good performances. I also had concerns about the owner after the club statement when Okon left. I was hopeful the club might spend this season but it doesn't look promising.
Regards DDS, I've read the comments from fans and understand their angst. Whilst probably unpopular, I will declare I know DDS personally and am not surprised, but disappointed the club are making the statements they are. It will be interesting to see where it ends up. He is not pretentious, not motivated by money, he's a great kid who is now trying to make sense of the situation. Ask yourself why the club made no statements re DDS not training until the last week, even though training commenced mid June? It's opportunistic by MC imo to try and find favour with fans, who see another long season ahead and question his investment in the squad.
Re MM, I knew of him in Brisbane when he was head of football at the Queensland Academy of Sport. A number of lads I coached and were connected with were at the Academy. He was excellent with the W-league side which was full of quality, however, I'm not aware of any of his youth side that have transitioned to A-league. Donachy was in that generation but wasn't part of QAS. Not sure about Chris Harold but don't think he was there either. Hopefully he has more success with our Youth Boys. I think he has a tough job ahead of him though unless MC gets serious about investment in the squad.

First of all welcome Slimbo - as others have said always good to get a new voice. Dissenting opinions are fine here otherwise we get a severe case of groupthink!!

Secondly - commiserations for joining the club during our worst period.

I will say that MM did report that DDS was taking some extended leave when training resumed. There was plenty of time for Grella to come out and put DDS's side, in fact given that he has long rumoured to be going that almost seemed like an open invitation for Grella to clear the air. I wish the kid well - at CCM or overseas - just not elsewhere in the HAL. Vinnie needs to sort something out for Danny's sake. MC will be happy to warehouse keep him under the current financial arrangements unless he can sell him overseas. Danny needs to be playing. Grella needs to find him an OS club or resolve the situation with the club.

As I said in another post - he could be a great player and a great number 10 but we have had half a dozen better than him at this club let alone in the HAL. He has a lot of work to do on his weaknesses and sitting on the bench is doing him no favours.


Well-Known Member
It's 21 days until our FFA cup match. I'm excited and nervous. Excited by seeing many new faces and a couple of old ones. Nervous that we aren't ready and it will be ground hog day again with us going out in the first round. At least if that's the case, it will be by a top tier club.

I am anticipating that soon we will be given the good news that we've signed a decent striker who is fit and ready to go. The fans really need this. It makes sense. I am visualising MM rummaging around the factory seconds bargain bin hoping to find a gem.

Not only do the Mariners need a good upcoming season, so does the league. Maybe we can be the feel good story of 2018-2019.

Big Dog

Well-Known Member
Understand people's view and position. I know Mariners knew he was talking to other clubs as his contract allowed. It's not in their full interest to leave as the family are settled here and his brother is in the NPL squad trying to break through. Was also waiting to hear from Mariners re what lay ahead for them this season, which didn't happen. I was with them the night there was a discussion re pre-season. MM had already been informed DDS was leaving and it was agreed there was not much point in him doing pre-season with the Mariners. That was mid June. The problem is now an issue between Roma and Mariners.
As for the PR disaster, you're right. But the only PR is coming from MC.
Thanks for your thoughts PJennings. I do agree. I guess my point is there was no air to clear, until the last week and now DDS is made out to be the villian... and he's a kid. MC could've said he refused to train weeks ago. MM said he was on extended leave but it was no secret he was talking to other clubs as it was in the media during this time. I have no doubt Grella should've acted more professionally. The power has now shifted to MC which is unfortunate for Danny, maybe good for Mariners, we'll see.

PS: I was at Suncorp when Partalu scored the equaliser in extra time against the Mariners. Always saw them as a major threat when Roar were really good under Ange. I've had a Gold Membership for Mariners past two seasons and so sad to see where we are now. And we need some new songs ;)


Well-Known Member
Regards DDS, I've read the comments from fans and understand their angst. Whilst probably unpopular, I will declare I know DDS personally and am not surprised, but disappointed the club are making the statements they are. It will be interesting to see where it ends up. He is not pretentious, not motivated by money, he's a great kid who is now trying to make sense of the situation. Ask yourself why the club made no statements re DDS not training until the last week, even though training commenced mid June? It's opportunistic by MC imo to try and find favour with fans, who see another long season ahead and question his investment in the squad.
Welcome Slimbo and thanks for adding to the voices on here, it is good to have you on board.

With regard to the issue of the club’s statement regarding DDS, I am of the understanding that this was in response to the whole story about him not training being broken by the press. Up until that point, the club had been keeping its counsel, for fear of making the situation irretrievable, despite its frustration with what was transpiring. If it said nothing then it ran the risk of looking incompetent, which would be unfair.

The bottom line here is that DDS should be training whilst his future is resolved and the fact he isn’t understandably does not paint him in a good light in many people’s opinions.

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
Understand people's view and position. I know Mariners knew he was talking to other clubs as his contract allowed. It's not in their full interest to leave as the family are settled here and his brother is in the NPL squad trying to break through. Was also waiting to hear from Mariners re what lay ahead for them this season, which didn't happen. I was with them the night there was a discussion re pre-season. MM had already been informed DDS was leaving and it was agreed there was not much point in him doing pre-season with the Mariners. That was mid June. The problem is now an issue between Roma and Mariners.
As for the PR disaster, you're right. But the only PR is coming from MC.
Thanks for your thoughts PJennings. I do agree. I guess my point is there was no air to clear, until the last week and now DDS is made out to be the villian... and he's a kid. MC could've said he refused to train weeks ago. MM said he was on extended leave but it was no secret he was talking to other clubs as it was in the media during this time. I have no doubt Grella should've acted more professionally. The power has now shifted to MC which is unfortunate for Danny, maybe good for Mariners, we'll see.

PS: I was at Suncorp when Partalu scored the equaliser in extra time against the Mariners. Always saw them as a major threat when Roar were really good under Ange. I've had a Gold Membership for Mariners past two seasons and so sad to see where we are now. And we need some new songs ;)
MM had already been informed DDS was leaving

Who informed MM that DDS was leaving?
And leaving but not having anywhere to go. He signed a contract and then wanted to know what lay ahead.
Turn up for pre season training and get on with it. That's what lay ahead.


Well-Known Member
Understand people's view and position. I know Mariners knew he was talking to other clubs as his contract allowed. It's not in their full interest to leave as the family are settled here and his brother is in the NPL squad trying to break through. Was also waiting to hear from Mariners re what lay ahead for them this season, which didn't happen. I was with them the night there was a discussion re pre-season. MM had already been informed DDS was leaving and it was agreed there was not much point in him doing pre-season with the Mariners. That was mid June. The problem is now an issue between Roma and Mariners.
As for the PR disaster, you're right. But the only PR is coming from MC.
Thanks for your thoughts PJennings. I do agree. I guess my point is there was no air to clear, until the last week and now DDS is made out to be the villian... and he's a kid. MC could've said he refused to train weeks ago. MM said he was on extended leave but it was no secret he was talking to other clubs as it was in the media during this time. I have no doubt Grella should've acted more professionally. The power has now shifted to MC which is unfortunate for Danny, maybe good for Mariners, we'll see.

PS: I was at Suncorp when Partalu scored the equaliser in extra time against the Mariners. Always saw them as a major threat when Roar were really good under Ange. I've had a Gold Membership for Mariners past two seasons and so sad to see where we are now. And we need some new songs ;)
Without wishing to shoot you down during your early days on here Slimbo, I have to take issue with some of what you say in this post.

Like Lachie Wales before him, DDS hasn’t earned the currency with CCM to start making demands of the club in terms of what it will do for him going forward. His performances last season under his preferred coach simply weren’t good enough to justify that and the club rightly needed to stand its ground. To do anything other than that, would undermine the culture change that needs to happen, as we can no longer afford to have the lunatics running the asylum.

Like I say, sorry to respond negatively but a lot of this issue is down to some unrealistic expectations on his and his agent’s part.

Big Dog

Well-Known Member
Welcome Slimbo and thanks for adding to the voices on here, it is good to have you on board.

With regard to the issue of the club’s statement regarding DDS, I am of the understanding that this was in response to the whole story about him not training being broken by the press. Up until that point, the club had been keeping its counsel, for fear of making the situation irretrievable, despite its frustration with what was transpiring. If it said nothing then it ran the risk of looking incompetent, which would be unfair.

The bottom line here is that DDS should be training whilst his future is resolved and the fact he isn’t understandably does not paint him in a good light in many people’s opinions.

That would make sense if the media broke it. My own view is that at this point he probably is best served training with the squad, as tough as that is. All I know is that they had agreed weeks ago he not train, but now the media have broken it he is refusing to train.

Big Dog

Well-Known Member
Without wishing to shoot you down during your early days on here Slimbo, I have to take issue with some of what you say in this post.

Like Lachie Wales before him, DDS hasn’t earned the currency with CCM to start making demands of the club in terms of what it will do for him going forward. His performances last season under his preferred coach simply weren’t good enough to justify that and the club rightly needed to stand its ground. To do anything other than that, would undermine the culture change that needs to happen, as we can no longer afford to have the lunatics running the asylum.

Like I say, sorry to respond negatively but a lot of this issue is down to some unrealistic expectations on his and his agent’s part.


Well-Known Member
What should the club say then? Are you suggesting he wants to train and the club won’t allow him to?

That’s not my understanding, rather he didn’t want to train with a team he no longer wants to play for and the club agreed not to force him to.

As fans, neither position is particularly palatable to be honest and I think we all just want the situation resolved, so everyone can move on.

Big Dog

Well-Known Member
No problem with your comments OZ. Don't think it was making demands of the club. He had a clause in his contract (despite what some are saying on here), to say he could leave, he had clubs chasing him, the Mariners finished with the wooden spoon for the second time in three years, and he was keen to know what the ambitions of the club were for the upcoming season. I'm not sure that is an unreasonable position to take.
I'm asking the same questions of the Mariners and I'm not even a player.
I agree his agent has probably let him down. Let's hope sanity prevails for both parties.

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