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Mariners Squad - 2020-2021


Well-Known Member
So we’ve gotten a 23yo Serbian #10, Serbian youth int too, so I’d expect him to be technically very good and I hope he has decent pace and work rate.
On paper I’m pretty happy with that.
Coming from Milan’s current team, I’d say he would’ve gotten some info from Milan.


Well-Known Member
Based on our current team with the visa signings our best squad would probably be

Nigro tongyik rowles Clisby
Bozanic nisbet
Bouman Jankovic janota

Pearce, Miller, hall, DDS, Stens, kuol, hatch, (other academy players)

Not a very strong side, desperately need a CB and a Striker, could actually be a decent team if we fill those positions well


Well-Known Member
I think it will be Stens n Oli as holding mids. For a lot of reasons already started I'd prefer Nis n Oli.


Has anyone watched the trials? Is there any chance they'd consider Stens as CB?


Well-Known Member
If the Northern Beaches cluster and the one Central Coast Covid positive result are the tip of the iceberg the A League may be halted-what a mess! Let's hope this ain't so and our NPL standard team can do the Jets NPL standard team.


Well-Known Member
Im actually feeling a little more confident, i still think we will do well to avoid the battle for the spoon but the midfield is looking quite nice. Hindsight Muzz might have gone okay with this midfield , still praying for a quality CB though.


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