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Mariners Squad - 2020-2021


Well-Known Member
Nisbett passes, DDS runs into dead ends. The only similarity may be in the ground covered. Niz is a great DM with great vision. I am still not sure what DDS is.
Nis can see and play 2-3 moves ahead. DDS doesn't seem to be able to, although is technically superior to many players (Caceres anyone?)
Don't get me wrong I like DDS and REALLY want him to play well for us. It's just that he hasn't yet.
Nis has shown volumes of acumen beyond DDS already.


Well-Known Member
The last handful of signings have been confirming my view on how Staj wants his players to play. They are primarily Ollie style players. Quick, mobile, thinking and strong.
We won't be aiming to bustle teams off the ball, and it could be pleasing to the eye


Well-Known Member
The last handful of signings have been confirming my view on how Staj wants his players to play. They are primarily Ollie style players. Quick, mobile, thinking and strong.
We won't be aiming to bustle teams off the ball, and it could be pleasing to the eye
I really like Staj, he’s a great coach and I think we’re lucky to have him in a way. He just needs a better club owner.


Well-Known Member
Before NPL NSW was halted due to the pandemic, Marconi was first on the table. After it was rebooted, they lost their mojo. We have a good chance of thrashing the Stallions.


Well-Known Member
Are we stronger or weaker ....

Gone =========== Signed
Silvera ======== Bouman
Ruiz-========== Jankovic
Duric ========= Bozanic
Harold ======== Janota
Murray/Jair ==== Kuol ==== plus unannounced something special
Gordon ======== Nigro
Fox =========== Hatch
Galllifuoco ===== Hall


Well-Known Member
Are we stronger or weaker ....

Gone =========== Signed
Silvera ======== Bouman
Ruiz-========== Jankovic
Duric ========= Bozanic
Harold ======== Janota
Murray/Jair ==== Kuol ==== plus unannounced something special
Gordon ======== Nigro
Fox =========== Hatch
Galllifuoco ===== Hall
Stronger in midfield/attack, weaker in defence especially considering we have also lost Kim.

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Nis can see and play 2-3 moves ahead. DDS doesn't seem to be able to, although is technically superior to many players (Caceres anyone?)
Don't get me wrong I like DDS and REALLY want him to play well for us. It's just that he hasn't yet.
Nis has shown volumes of acumen beyond DDS already.

Exactly this. Have heard around the place that he’s always struggled with that side of his game. You can see it. Not sure what to do so gets stuck in his own creative feed back loop.

He’s an instinctive creative player but he lacks the football intelligence to match his other abilities to play #10. If he had it... boy could have been anything.

I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve seen him play killer through balls that find their target, And then when he’s put under pressure to create it only gets worse...not better... because he can’t see ahead.

As you say, very Caceres like. But Sydney have wisely just hammered him to only do simple things until he can at least work as a cog. Albeit still mostly very limited in his impact and contribution. Never reached anywhere near his potential given how good he was on the ball. I’m not sure we have many coaches who can develop these type of players. But either way, you need to read the game as good or better than anyone else if you want to play ten.

Ancient, I’m going to wait and see how they set up and play on Sunday. The time for experimentation is over, and match fitness for the starting 11 essential, so we should get a reasonable idea of how Staj is planning to set up this season. Unless he’s planning for pre and post visa players - but for the most part I doubt it.

No idea, but with our squad my guess is 433. But depends if Staj is a system to fit the players or player to fit the system coach. Seem to recall he said he was the first. But can’t reliably remember.

Based on our squad, for me Ollie, Niz and Stens all have to start. Unlike others I think in Stens (and Rowles for that matter) we have two very good young players, who’ve just done what young players typically do in making mistakes particularly if being developed while using the old - throw em in the deep end model. They’re only going to get better IMO.

But we currently lack depth, so I’m not sure what he’ll do,

Mick is right about needing an experienced team to succeed in this league, but unlike other years, most if not all of our young players this year I feel can genuinely make it or even excel at this level, I haven’t believed that for a long time. I still don’t think that’s enough. But I’m looking forward to getting a chance to see them develop this year.
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Well-Known Member
Are we stronger or weaker ....

Gone =========== Signed
Silvera ======== Bouman
Ruiz-========== Jankovic
Duric ========= Bozanic
Harold ======== Janota
Murray/Jair ==== Kuol ==== plus unannounced something special
Gordon ======== Nigro
Fox =========== Hatch
Galllifuoco ===== Hall

Midfield is stronger, the young guys we’ve signed or promoted are highly technical. Work rates and physicality can all be improved over the course. 100% weaker in defence and till this point attack.


Well-Known Member
I’m confident of a Mariner’s win. However, I’m sure there will be quite a few Marconi players taking the high-profile game very seriously.

This might be the Stallions only chance to impress Staj, & for the famous Fairfield club, this will be an important trial.

Even after the previous results by an average Jordan Murray, I still get excited when A-League clubs invest in NPL players.

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
The game is off tomorrow

After today’s NSW Health announcement on the latest COVID-19 update, the Central Coast Mariners have had to make the difficult decision to cancel tomorrow’s trial match at Central Coast Stadium and move the Carols on the Coast event to a live stream only capacity.

While this is disappointing, the decision has been made while working closely under the guidance of NSW Health in the best interest of the Central Coast community to ensure their health and safety during this holiday period.

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Stronger in midfield/attack, weaker in defence especially considering we have also lost Kim.
Yeah though at least we kept our best defender in Birra. It’s not a given though we’ll be weaker I think. Decent case we’ll be stronger,

Clisby was such a liability for the first two thirds of the season I’m hoping Hatch is maturing and can step up there, or at least Clisby doesn’t revert again. if Rowles starts to fulfil his potential, millier continues to improve, Stefan and Hall prove able... we could actually be stronger. “Could”.

Also the fact Kim was being dropped into the backline last season suggests how weak we were. I've been most worried about attack. Still am till the visa cavalry arrives.
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Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
The game is off tomorrow

After today’s NSW Health announcement on the latest COVID-19 update, the Central Coast Mariners have had to make the difficult decision to cancel tomorrow’s trial match at Central Coast Stadium and move the Carols on the Coast event to a live stream only capacity.

While this is disappointing, the decision has been made while working closely under the guidance of NSW Health in the best interest of the Central Coast community to ensure their health and safety during this holiday period.


Well-Known Member
Yeah though at least we kept our best defender in Birra. It’s not a given though we’ll be weaker I think. Decent case we’ll be stronger,

Clisby was such a liability for the first two thirds of the season I’m hoping Hatch is maturing and can step up there, or at least Clisby doesn’t revert again. if Rowles starts to fulfil his potential, millier continues to improve, Stefan and Hall prove able... we could actually be a lot stronger. “Could”.

Also the fact Kim was being dropped into the backline last season suggests how weak we were. I've been most worried about attack. Still am till the visa cavalry arrives.
If Jonata plays in front of Clisby then clisby may play a traditional LB role rather than a LWB style

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