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Mariners Squad - 2020-2021


Well-Known Member
Yeah because I haven't renewed yet I don't have an invite to the forum - would love someone to keep us updated if anyone would be willing. Quite keen to hear what the club has to say about a number of things. I'm sure there'll be a lot of fluff.


Well-Known Member
Are we the most leaked club? Genuine question

the last player movement in or out that we didn’t know about before hand that I can think of, was maybe Wout Brama?

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
After having all day to get over the shock. I am not as upset with this losing Ziggy as some here.
A lot of the upset is for losing an apparently loyal player who would appeared to bust a gut for the Club and who was a fan favourite.
It appears a lot of the reasons that he was a fan favourite are turning out to be illusory.
Any player who wants out, a couple of weeks after signing a contract after negotiations that extended over a long time is not worth having.
As to his quality, he was a starter for us, if no one else, but if, as has been reported he was on the second highest salary we are better off without him. He was not that good.
FFS, He had had a year's experience with the Club and knew where it was at regards all the ownership issues. Yet he still signed a couple of weeks ago.
At this stage of the season it is a frightful betrayal and as far as I am concerned he can f*** off totally from the Coast and live in Parramatta.

If we can use the money to buy an experienced centre back I will be happy to wait a few weeks until his arrival and think we may have got the better part of the deal.

Josho Howe

Well-Known Member
Almost impossible to keep secrets regarding transfers these days. Social media has made it a mission to keep anything secret.
the last player movement in or out that we didn’t know about before hand that I can think of, was maybe Wout Brama?


Well-Known Member
Are we the most leaked club? Genuine question

the last player movement in or out that we didn’t know about before hand that I can think of, was maybe Wout Brama?
Id say things have been very quiet on the leak front. Jonata only recently came up and no whispers on who else we’ve been speaking to.


Well-Known Member
What’s your best team and setup for first couple rounds without Ziggy now and no Janota to round 2/3?



Dan Hall

* Without Ziggy I thought starting with Simon at-least gives us another leader on the field and we might at-least be able to snag a few penalties to grab some draws or a sneaky win before back-up arrives!

* Or put Dan Hall on right or CB and move Miller into right wing to try and defend further up the field and really take it to them.

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