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Mariners Squad - 2020-2021


Well-Known Member
If it were a swap deal I would be expecting a CB to be our target. Ziggy can play CB but he’s not a specialist, Ziegler perhaps but $$$, maybe McGowan. That would leave Rowles or Tongyik in CB as well. Nigro likely drops in to RB.

that’s the thing though, the idea of swapping your most senior defender for another equally or more experienced CB makes absolutely no sense. I heavily question the thought process by the club here. What kind of mentality is that, the only option should be to ADD that extra senior CB
And I repeat, IF it’s true which I am questioning more than anything else.

there’s been a major stitch up here.


Well-Known Member
Do you honestly think it will be Ziegler or McGowen?
Depends who Robinson has in the pipeline to replace them. I could see him giving one the flick if he thought he could get a better value signing, McGowan wasn’t spectacular last season for them. Ziegler may be on big money and visa slot so who knows. No one else makes sense when Gatt mentioned big wages.

I’m also giving the club benefit of the doubt because I haven’t see any dumb signings lately so doubt we are trying to swap Ziggy for Mourdoukoutas or something.


Well-Known Member
We need a CB not a right back filling in - lets see if its true and who the replacement might be

ziggy is a perfectly capable NATURAL CB.
nigro arrived on trial when Ziggy was renewed and was always going to get a contract so that tells this whole pre season Ziggy hasn’t been considered a RB.

our defensive players are as follows.
RB: Nigro, Miller (happy with that)
CB: Zig, Kye, Ruon, Hall
LB: Clisby, Hatch (pray to god hatch develops)

A swap deal should not even be on the table. If it’s for an equal or better CB we still need another CB. If we downgrade it’s a waste of time and the hole is even more gaping. And I would HEAVILY question Staj’s recruitment policy and even more so ABILITY.


Well-Known Member
This is just weird...

He was such a club man, everyone saying how he is Captain material, he just re signed a new contract, was just mentioned as a must have on the pod and was a champion for the membership drive..

Now this? I want to know which party initiated the idea and I f**king can't imagine it was Zig...


Well-Known Member
Ziggy is a natural leader who fits in well at the Mariners. Swapping the natural beauty of the Central Coast, with the toxic concrete jungle of Parramatta is beyond me. No comparison.

He may not leave the Coast. Only an hour to their training ground these days.

His pasty white skin will enjoy the breeze less, scorching training sessions on the next few months.

Josho Howe

Well-Known Member
I am completely gutted by this if it's true. Ziggy was our best player last season, just committed to the coast and continually said how much he loved it here.

I am baffled.


Well-Known Member
To me there are three possible reasons behind this;
1. The club doesn’t want him (not likely)
2. The club can’t afford his wages
3. Ziggy wants out because he is disillusioned by the club

Any one or more of these scenarios shows the club has more problems then we think.


Well-Known Member
If it is true the club better have some bloody good announcements or the members will riot. Can’t expect any residual Bozanic good will and Nigro to be enough to stop people asking the hard questions.

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