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Mariners Squad - 2020-2021


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping this whole saga is just to create a headline. Ziggy is such a valuable asset for our club, both on and off the field. If we are seriously shopping him around and there's some truth to this story, someone in our football department has rocks in their head.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
Is Ziggy a fullback or a centre half? All that I have been able to find in his history is that he is called a defender.

I feel this may be at the centre of this unusual (if true) happening.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
Centre half is an older term for what is now more commonly called a centre back.
My question is based more about the difference between this position and fullbacks (LB an RB).
In the modern game fullback has become a more attacking position and requires more speed and fitness to what the position may have been in the past when it may have been seen as a more defensive position.
I guess it comes down to what Staj wants of that visa spot and how Ziggy sees himself as well as the money angle.

I still think the time it took for a contract to be negotiated is a clue.

There is a lot going on here that is not known.

If what is happening is real, I suspect the term used will be "By mutual agreement" and rumours will abound with much gnashing of teeth among CCM fans until we sign a quality, experienced centre back.


Well-Known Member
Haha so basically it's something rotten in the football department or a clash of personalities 2 weeks before the sesksn starts that's being dressed up as an opportunity?

I'm a cynic, I know ?

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
well their goes that idea i cant see any club signing him if he is out for 8 months
Hasn't stopped us in the past.


Well-Known Member
Ziggy was our best outfield player last year BUT he has some flaws. However, in a soft and young back four we desperately needed his mongrel and he saved our arse single handedly many times. If we are letting him go for anyone less that a top quality starting 11 CB i will be steaming.


Well-Known Member
Didn’t released players wages count against the salary cap in the past? Obviously not a thing now
Pretty shambolic league

Big Al

Well-Known Member
I am more surprised someone else wants him.

When your overseas import looses his job to an 18yr old because he can’t attack and gives way to much space to the attacker cutting in you know you have stuffed up an important visa spot.
Ziggy is a desperation defender and everyone loves that and why not he puts in a lot of effort that others won’t. Add a top bloke on top and fans will love a player like him. But in reality he is not what you need. He would be your 6th 7th best player and visa spots deserve more and with our terrible squad he has been one of our better players.
However we really need a dominant CB both in the air and to tackle the top attackers.
As sad as it is this is not Ziggy.
He gives everything for the club and i would love another 10 with his attitude but skill wise I think we can do better

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
Didn’t released players wages count against the salary cap in the past? Obviously not a thing now
Pretty shambolic league
If Ziggy is released from his contract and signs somewhere else it will be fine.
I think the salary only still counted if the player was just released, with out going to a new club.


Well-Known Member
Given we are days away from the season start... given new signings are supposed to be coming but not here yet... given how weak the existing squad is.....

This is either a BS rumour ... or is true....

My understanding is many members sign in the last couple of weeks prior to kick off at Gosford ...

If this is true.... the club better have a good reason .... it could be that final straw thing for many member renewals...

Shaun, if you are reading this thread...a cone of silence.... no comment .... approach.... has the potential to blow up big time...

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Remember Gatty was at WSW last year. So not only is he reliable he would have a few people at the club keeping him informed. They would also know he is a Mariners fan so how long do you think it took from when the offer happened to it getting to Gatty?
Throw in the change of comment about money and not the swap itself means someone had a go at him for him reporting that we didn’t have the money but not about the swap. I would say the offer of a swap was definitely discussed, whether it WSW offering us or the other way that is unknown


Well-Known Member
When your overseas import looses his job to an 18yr old because he can’t attack and gives way to much space to the attacker cutting in you know you have stuffed up an important visa spot.
When did that happen? I don’t recall a period where Ziggy wasn’t in our starting squad. Moved in to the middle at times but that was more about the rest of the back line than him.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
if we cant afford to pay ziggy his wage then it wont be sainsbury as he will ask for a lot more money.
I am hoping that the Club had some money set side for a quality centre back but could not afford whoever that was. Ziggy finds another home releasing his salary which when combined with what they had allowed for the mythical CB is now enough.

Clutching at straws and wishful thinking, I know. :confused:

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Remember Gatty was at WSW last year. So not only is he reliable he would have a few people at the club keeping him informed. They would also know he is a Mariners fan so how long do you think it took from when the offer happened to it getting to Gatty?
Throw in the change of comment about money and not the swap itself means someone had a go at him for him reporting that we didn’t have the money but not about the swap. I would say the offer of a swap was definitely discussed, whether it WSW offering us or the other way that is unknown

Agree. WSW is far more likely to have proposed the swap, given the timing and position of everything.

Even if say Rowles and Miller are out performing Ziggy in training and you have another defender inbound, still prefer to keep him especially this close to season starting.

Beyond a crazy fallout, which I doubt, the only reason I could see it being considered or initiated by our end ie: Staj, would be because our attacking stocks are so low and the visa players still not able to be processed and so they’re absolutely desperate and Ziggy was the closest we had to a player with market value who we could potentially hope to both swap and cover.

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