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Mariners Squad - 2020-2021


Well-Known Member
Article in the SMH re WSW and Troisi and no mention of any other possible WSW signings. Perhaps I’m hoping against hope but hopefully it’s a good sign that it didn’t get a mention at the end of the article...


Well-Known Member
Wow, I thought I was the optimist on this forum. :)
Yep all sunshine, rainbows and lollipops here. If you remember that song you really are Ancient!! ;)

I suppose the thing is you have to believe something is going on. The team has had probably better than expected trial results. We are putting on the NYE fireworks. Tickets for the match, and the rest of the CCM home matches go on sale at midday tomorrow. The fan forum is tomorrow night. The family day is on Sunday. To me it all adds up to maybe getting some good news at the forum tomorrow night - even if it is just to say os players are in the country awaiting clearance - even if there are no names announced.


Well-Known Member
... or maybe the club is about to announce another first - an inter-club transfer fee

. did that ever become a thing?


Well-Known Member
I don’t want to cause a stir here

But Musti Amini liked my Instagram comment asking him to come home

(so did Dylan Ruiz-Diaz)
He liked my comment along the same lines but i would not read anything into it


Well-Known Member
To blame? The delay in beginning proceedings May have a large part to play perhaps? The 14 day quarantine and visa rules have been well know for a while, and while it sounds like a lucky dip as Shaun has mentioned, other teams have made the timelines work. 6 months ago we were laughing at how MacArthur didn’t have a squad, now they have 5 visa players and 5 more with soceroos experience. We have lost 4 visas and added Oli and youth/NPL players. Same timeline, same visa challenges.


Well-Known Member
To blame? The delay in beginning proceedings May have a large part to play perhaps? The 14 day quarantine and visa rules have been well know for a while, and while it sounds like a lucky dip as Shaun has mentioned, other teams have made the timelines work. 6 months ago we were laughing at how MacArthur didn’t have a squad, now they have 5 visa players and 5 more with soceroos experience. We have lost 4 visas and added Oli and youth/NPL players. Same timeline, same visa challenges.
Totally agree. I understand it's tricky but we've left it until the absolute last minute. After the last 5 seasons we can't afford to start a compressed front third of a season with nothing in the tank except Ollie.

Spoon awaiting. Frustrating and deflating.


Well-Known Member
Lets hope the forum at least says whats going on....

Coastalraider, nailed it IMO there are issues but the cynic in me says we have left things very late to avoid paying wages and its come back to bite us in the arse...

AS for the Drive Bys... well ... Carl Robinson, Ziggy Gordon [if true but looks correct], James Troisi, Bernie Ibini... thats an impressive bit of poaching ...


Well-Known Member
To blame? The delay in beginning proceedings May have a large part to play perhaps? The 14 day quarantine and visa rules have been well know for a while, and while it sounds like a lucky dip as Shaun has mentioned, other teams have made the timelines work. 6 months ago we were laughing at how MacArthur didn’t have a squad, now they have 5 visa players and 5 more with soceroos experience. We have lost 4 visas and added Oli and youth/NPL players. Same timeline, same visa challenges.
Maybe - it does confirm he is not in the country - but apparently Kurto is also held up as well and they are blaming the same thing. It probably just come down to the lack of seats coming back to Australia and the Fed government now finally trying to help get Australians back into Australia.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
This club doesn't have enough goodwill to receive an "it's not your fault".
There's just no way the club isn't 100% at fault.

If they chose to pin our seasons hopes on imports in this climate, then that's the high-risk approach you take.
You don't get to put your house on red then blame the ball for landing on 00


Well-Known Member
To blame? The delay in beginning proceedings May have a large part to play perhaps? The 14 day quarantine and visa rules have been well know for a while, and while it sounds like a lucky dip as Shaun has mentioned, other teams have made the timelines work. 6 months ago we were laughing at how MacArthur didn’t have a squad, now they have 5 visa players and 5 more with soceroos experience. We have lost 4 visas and added Oli and youth/NPL players. Same timeline, same visa challenges.

This. We aren’t the only ones in this boat but we have form for not having things settled as early as other clubs so it rubs us the wrong way more than others. Maybe it’s a lucky dip, maybe others got their applications in sooner or have more pull/contacts to get things sorted. Regardless of the reason the result leaves the fan feeling it’s just more of the same.


I'm an idiot savant without the pesky savant bit
I’m guessing the club knew weeks before us when the season would start ....so I’m , well stunned isn’t the right word, amazed maybe, that They couldn’t work out some workable COVID based timeline to get blokes here, was it money ? surely they didn’t have to ring MC for his Visa card number every time they want to approach a possible signing...and what’s this fkn bollocks about Ziggy bailing after agreeing to terms ...who thought that was a good fkn idea
...geez their lucky I got blue and yellow blood


Well-Known Member
Maybe - it does confirm he is not in the country - but apparently Kurto is also held up as well and they are blaming the same thing. It probably just come down to the lack of seats coming back to Australia and the Fed government now finally trying to help get Australians back into Australia.
Must have missed it who is Kurto...

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Are you really stunned? It really is more of the same. This is the club who lost a player because our lack of offboarding processes left a mailbox unattended, the club who loses key youth players by screwing them over.
The question is - who does this current problem fall on?

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