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Home Grand Final - how to get early access member tickets!


Well-Known Member
Got my tix and flights booked!

Very few flights from Melbourne left at a reasonable price....got mine for $200, most are $400-500 one way for Friday night. Coming back on Sunday is about the same.

Can't wait! Going to wear my 23 Champions jersey every time I leave the house this week :D
My daughter is going to Melbourne for the all-stars game. Made sure she bought her flight home in plenty of time incase we reached the final and got Melbourne. Thank goodness she listened to me.


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate. I wish I had known. I would have said g'day. That's the problem with profile nicknames. There are quiet a few Forumites where I can put a name to a profile. But a lot who I can't!
Ha I didn’t realise either until right at the end of the game, I realised we were both sitting there with the forum open 😂
I almost said hi… then thought, I probably just really annoyed this guy for the last 2 hours, maybe I will stay incognito 😂

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
I know there's some long serving members with great seats but i find the expectation that they get them in finals perplexing.

Okay. Who should get them?

You do realise that in this instance I'm not just talking about levelling the playing field for the broader fan community via first come first serve too right? Not that I think that argument necessarily mitigates the argument that a 75 year old foundation member (who actually has Alzheimers in this instance - so usual seating is more than just convenience ) might have any validity in wanting to be able to sit in their usual seat, as it definitely makes their life, and therefore ours a bit easier, but in this instance, that argument has no bearing.

To be clear, it's probably easy to imagine I'm emotional while typing this, the problem with text, I'm not.

I do have / believe there are some strong arguments or considerations though. I'm happy to throw aside the argument of: I've had this seat for X long and I pay premium which helps keep the the club afloat more compared to GA, but now someone in GA can take my seat if they're quicker on the keyboard.

I think better concerns are more around what follows:
One as mentioned, is for elderly people, who clearly (and understandably) often struggle with technology when it comes to bookings (hence I handle all my families memberships and finals ticketing and such things) Some older people are very tech savvy. But many are not. ...For them just the act of checking emails, finding the code and cut and pasting it into X spot. then navigating the site etc can be difficult or even seem over whelming, especially when on a ticking clock... and then it seems they will get sneered at or ignored when they struggle and complain. It's just common sense that any extra complication to the booking process or changed seating or game day is obviously less ideal.

My second concern is that people don't get to sit and share the penultimate experience with the people they have been through all the trials and tribulations with. You typically bond with the people in the surrounding seats in your area. (Mariners family - many in my area call each other and I'm sure it's similar for many others) Community club after all ;) And when it comes to something like a home finals, the fact you don't get to see each other and share the moment after decades together, pretty easy to understand why this is seen as something lost and upsets people.

And then, yes of course, anyone who ends up with a much shitter seats than usual like I have for the want of five extra seats is never going to be overly thrilled either.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to publicly give Wombat a huge shout out for offering me an early access code. Absolute legend, him doing that allowed my mate that’s a member, who’d promised me a code, to offer to other friends that really got into the mariners this season and are planning on becoming first time members next season. And I’ll be signing back up. I wasn’t aware of the non ticket member option to be totally honest, sorry about that.

And I also just wanted to make it clear about the hullabaloo that seemed to follow my comment on Saturday night about hoping some members that may not use their allotment would share them to the forum members who aren’t season ticket holders… I didn’t beg for a code, I’m not some Johnny come lately, I didn’t say members shouldn’t get preference. Perhaps I should’ve been a helluva lot more clear at the time. I thought it was a pretty simple thing…. It’s quite easy to decipher a “well known member” on here and some blow in turning up, making an account and asking everyone for a code. The way people on here turned on each other that quickly was sickening. I’m not saying don’t have an opinion, but Jesus Christ. As far as I know, literally no one was begging anyone for codes around here.


Well-Known Member
I do have there are some strong arguments or considerations though. I'm happy to throw aside the argument of: I've had this seat for X long and I pay premium which helps keep the the club afloat more compared to GA, but now someone in GA can take my seat if they're quicker on the keyboard.
I agree with your sentiments, but my understanding is that it's all out of the club's hands for any of this. The grand final is run by the comp, not by the Mariners, as we've historically seen with venues, so helping to keep the club afloat - well, the comp really doesn't care about factoring in any of that for any of us. :(

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
I agree with your sentiments, but my understanding is that it's all out of the club's hands for any of this. The grand final is run by the comp, not by the Mariners, as we've historically seen with venues, so helping to keep the club afloat - well, the comp really doesn't care about factoring in any of that for any of us. :(
APL have no interest in members feelings or enjoyment of the day.
They just want people's money

true believer

Well-Known Member
Okay. Who should get them?

You do realise that in this instance I'm not just talking about levelling the playing field for the broader fan community via first come first serve too right? Not that I think that argument necessarily mitigates the argument that a 75 year old foundation member (who actually has Alzheimers in this instance - so usual seating is more than just convenience ) might have any validity in wanting to be able to sit in their usual seat, as it definitely makes their life, and therefore ours a bit easier, but in this instance, that argument has no bearing.

To be clear, it's probably easy to imagine I'm emotional while typing this, the problem with text, I'm not.

I do have there are some strong arguments or considerations though. I'm happy to throw aside the argument of: I've had this seat for X long and I pay premium which helps keep the the club afloat more compared to GA, but now someone in GA can take my seat if they're quicker on the keyboard.

I think better concerns are more around what follows:
One as mentioned, is for elderly people, who clearly (and understandably) often struggle with technology when it comes to bookings (hence I handle all my families memberships and finals ticketing and such things) Some older people are very tech savvy. But many are not. ...For them just the act of checking emails, finding the code and cut and pasting it into X spot. then navigating the site etc can be difficult or even seem over whelming, especially when on a ticking clock... and then it seems they will get sneered at or ignored when they struggle and complain. It's just common sense that any extra complication to the booking process or changed seating or game day is obviously less ideal.

My second concern is that people don't get to sit and share the penultimate experience with the people they have been through all the trials and tribulations with. You typically bond with the people in the surrounding seats in your area. (Mariners family - many in my area call each other and I'm sure it's similar for many others) Community club after all ;) And when it comes to something like a home finals, the fact you don't get to see each other and share the moment after decades together, pretty easy to understand why this is seen as something lost and upsets people.

And then, yes of course, anyone who ends up with a much shitter seats than usual like I have for the want of five extra seats is never going to be overly thrilled either.
indeed after getting premium members seats .year after year .
im finding for the privilege . you are worse than dirt .
perhaps the scalpers can come up with premium yearly money paid in good times and in shambolic times for seats .


Staff member
I think some of us are still in shock that the home grand final is actually happening. We should have a thread and go over all the details once it's all done and dusted.

I would also think this is more about numbers to the APL than bothering with what the fans/customers want. Last year we had a sold out semi final and then 26k-odd to the grand final. This year another sold out semi while SFC could only get 13k. Then they jack up the prices for a grand final in Gosford that gets sold out before tickets even hit public release? Seems like that would be a win for the APL. They might even look at squeezing a bit more out of us next time with pricing?

Other factors for me are what is the game day experience going to be like? A day down in Sydney hitting up a couple of pubs before hand is usually good, the CCLC is best to avoid as they don't seem to know or care when there's going to be a big Mariners crowd, and not sure that there are many other options around that can handle the numbers. Apparently CC Council are going to put something on - food vans, live site, etc. Wonder if they had any notice or it was a last minute thing dumped on them.

Anyway just a few things to think about and go into detail later I guess.


Well-Known Member
Another thing I want to know is where are the Victory fans going before the match?
So this Gosford virgin knows where to avoid.
I know here in Adelaide the area gets a huge police influence in the area every time the Victory play as they went on a destruction spree a few times.

finally retired

Well-Known Member
I think some of us are still in shock that the home grand final is actually happening. We should have a thread and go over all the details once it's all done and dusted.

I would also think this is more about numbers to the APL than bothering with what the fans/customers want. Last year we had a sold out semi final and then 26k-odd to the grand final. This year another sold out semi while SFC could only get 13k. Then they jack up the prices for a grand final in Gosford that gets sold out before tickets even hit public release? Seems like that would be a win for the APL. They might even look at squeezing a bit more out of us next time with pricing?

Other factors for me are what is the game day experience going to be like? A day down in Sydney hitting up a couple of pubs before hand is usually good, the CCLC is best to avoid as they don't seem to know or care when there's going to be a big Mariners crowd, and not sure that there are many other options around that can handle the numbers. Apparently CC Council are going to put something on - food vans, live site, etc. Wonder if they had any notice or it was a last minute thing dumped on them.

Anyway just a few things to think about and go into detail later I guess.
Anyone know if there will be a live site (or sites) on the coast other than the stadium? That would be a way of sharing the experienc.

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