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A New Marquee


Well-Known Member
I heard our new marquee was we were bringin maradonna outta retirement.  now thats what i call a signing..  cocained up and a bit pudgy im sure he would still be better then Aloisi


Well-Known Member
almost retired said:
graaant said:
HAHAH There really must be no salary cap for them!
I had a look on "their" forum and SFC are suggesting Yorke being a coach...that way they can write off between 30-50% as outside the team salary cap.....

Is this just an idea from one of their posters or is this rumor emanating from the club


Well-Known Member
mustapha_beer said:
Leedsmariner said:
tyson said:
id sign griffiths... for the pure joy of watching the squadron and seeing how many of them post on here and seeing him score 14 goals for us...

i dont think any of the CCM boys like him though.

I don't think his mother likes him, rotten little c**t

.....all the same, just for arguments sake, would you really turn down the chance to sign one one of the leading strikers in the league....or boo him if he did turn out in a Mariners jersey....?

Yes, I would turn down the chance, and not only would I boo him, id rip chairs up and f**king throw them at him. Id rather support Sydney than see him in a Mariners shirt


Well-Known Member
almost retired said:
just somebody like us......a shit stirrer and hopeful supporter

Its not that far from the truth. There was a story not long ago about us doing the same thing to get Yorke, pay him as a player/coach. Sydney will be creaming their pants thinking of Corica, Colosimo and Yorke feeding Aloisi, Bridge and Brosque. They will win the league if it happens, if not already


Well-Known Member
mustapha_beer said:
Leedsmariner said:
tyson said:
id sign griffiths... for the pure joy of watching the squadron and seeing how many of them post on here and seeing him score 14 goals for us...

i dont think any of the CCM boys like him though.

I don't think his mother likes him, rotten little c**t

Obviously, this is a hypothetical, since a player like Griffiths would only leave the Jets to go abroad - a move from any A-league club to another is really just a sideways one.......

.....all the same, just for arguments sake, would you really turn down the chance to sign one one of the leading strikers in the league....or boo him if he did turn out in a Mariners jersey....?

Just interested to know.....

Even though Joel Griffiths is a wanker, if he gave 100% for the team and did the right things by his teammates, coaching staff, and the club (especially off the field) I would have no problem with him wearing the Yellow.

IMO any player who was willing to abide by our club policies and understand what our club stands for on the Coast can pull on a Yellow jersey. Wanker or not.

Holland is the exception.


Well-Known Member
Greenpoleffc said:
No nay never

Griffiths, Holland, Reddy

I wouldnt go to watch them getting buried TBH

Reddy is a wanker, BUT he is a f**king good keeper to. Id have him.


Well-Known Member
Greenpoleffc said:
No nay never

Griffiths, Holland, Reddy

I wouldnt go to watch them getting buried TBH

I'd pour rum on their graves.

After I'd passed it through my bladder of course.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
I'm quite happy to retain our 'no dickheads' policy.

That clearly rules out Reddy and griffiths

To be honest, I'd feel very uncomfortable about supporting any team that griffiths plays for.


Well-Known Member
Capn Gus Bloodbeard said:
I'm quite happy to retain our 'no dickheads' policy.

That clearly rules out Reddy and griffiths

To be honest, I'd feel very uncomfortable about supporting any team that griffiths plays for.

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

im the same


Well-Known Member
almost retired said:
graaant said:
HAHAH There really must be no salary cap for them!
I had a look on "their" forum and SFC are suggesting Yorke being a coach...that way they can write off between 30-50% as outside the team salary cap.....

Just like Andrew Clarke?


Well-Known Member
And besides, Clarky isn't on anything near what Yorke would be and is actually the fitness/conditioning coach..
What's Yorke gonna be? Dance coach? Drinking coach?


Well-Known Member
thomas477 said:
almost retired said:
graaant said:
HAHAH There really must be no salary cap for them!
I had a look on "their" forum and SFC are suggesting Yorke being a coach...that way they can write off between 30-50% as outside the team salary cap.....

Just like Andrew Clarke?

No, Andrew Clark is the strength and conditioning coach... All night Dwight is the ??? coach. Obviously a devious little plan devised by Lowy FC to rort the system


Well-Known Member
Omni said:
Who's Andrew Clarke? ;) Learn to spell players names buddy.

Sorry mate - been watchin the cricket  :tv:

graaant said:
And besides, Clarky isn't on anything near what Yorke would be and is actually the fitness/conditioning coach..
What's Yorke gonna be? Dance coach? Drinking coach?

Just the concept was wat i was pointing out


Well-Known Member
skilbeck said:
thomas just as a matter of interest, do you spend more time on here then you do on your own forum?

BAHAH I was asking basically the same question, but wouldn't let me post cause you beat me to it.

I think it's just cause we're such a nice bunch of blokes! :)

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