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A New Marquee


Well-Known Member
Bearinator said:
almost retired said:
just somebody like us......a shit stirrer and hopeful supporter

Its not that far from the truth. There was a story not long ago about us doing the same thing to get Yorke, pay him as a player/coach. Sydney will be creaming their pants thinking of Corica, Colosimo and Yorke feeding Aloi$i, Bridge and Brosque. They will win the league if it happens, if not already

On paper, sure.

With Kosmina as coach??  Not in this lifetime.  Aloisi and Bridge are going to spend all next season dragging down long balls hoofed to them by whoever, and Brosque without Juninho will revert to his usual state of "sh*t".


Well-Known Member
graaant said:
skilbeck said:
thomas just as a matter of interest, do you spend more time on here then you do on your own forum?

BAHAH I was asking basically the same question, but wouldn't let me post cause you beat me to it.

I think it's just cause we're such a nice bunch of blokes! :)

Well to be honest the set up of this forum is better - it shows all the new posts not just the newest one. :thumbup: and you have more smilies.

But the newcastle one is better.


Well-Known Member
Oh, it's set up better, because the boys are more talented.

But we don't mind having you around, every once in a while you say something worth while. ;)


Well-Known Member
yeah this is one of the many things that the coast is better than newcastle at. other examples include: standard of living, football, healthcare, education, law enforcement...... see the list goes on doesnt it thomas


thomas477 said:
almost retired said:
graaant said:
HAHAH There really must be no salary cap for them!
I had a look on "their" forum and SFC are suggesting Yorke being a coach...that way they can write off between 30-50% as outside the team salary cap.....

Just like Andrew Clarke?

Thomas, to be fair I will give you an honest and direct answer on this. Yes.

But.....Clarkey was appointed Strength and Conditioning Coach right from the start of the Mariners, and was still young enough to also get the gig as a player.

Speaking to him as far back as V1, his original plan was to play 'some' games throughout V1, but we had an injury crisis and he filled the void very well. At the time I spoke to him back then, the season was nearing an end, and he was expressing surprise that his form held out AND he had had so much gametime.

Also in his original plan was to phase out his playing career with the Mariners, he felt that if age caught up with him, there'd be someone to take over. Seemed that way last year, with Porter often getting a run at RB with O'Sullivan.

But just this past season he's again had to be pressed back into the starting 11 due to injuries to Wilko and Osman in our backline.

I believe he's studying for his PhD. and he is definately looking at retiring form playing sooner than later. Next season may see him more part time than anything, again injuries pending.

Unlike Viddy he hasn't lost a lot of speed as he's aged, so he can get away with a few games here and there as injury cover -  and he's as fit as a mallee bull.

He is genuine in heading off to retirement and pursuing sports science. The gig as fitness and conditioning coach has been his since day 1. Injuries to players in our backline has seen him get more gametime these last couple of seasons.

This isn't some way of covering up some of his earnings ex- salary cap - it's the way it's been planned from Day 1.

But look, what's to stop any smart club from employing their own players in management trainee roles, get them to go to TAFE, and pay them a salary as a management trainee in either HR, Marketing, Media Liasion etc? Then there's always that 'Development Officer' role that a lot of NRL club 'employ' their players under (when they are not dodging bullets, death threats, or out getting plastered til 4AM).

I guess the FFA have a way to police any rorting and gifting of jobs to dodge a tight salary cap, but sometimes this dual role type of contract also means a player may come into a  club and get a career outside of Football, and prepare them for the day they no longer make the cut as a player. And I'm all for mentoring younger players and giving them life skills other than being able to play a mean game of poker.


Well-Known Member
I was just saying it on the principles not actually the fact or fiction as it might be extra money for player/ coaches.

skilbeck said:
yeah this is one of the many things that the coast is better than newcastle at. other examples include: standard of living, football, healthcare, education, law enforcement...... see the list goes on doesnt it thomas
Nah mate, surf is better, we are champs of Australia not premiers. We are an older city, our club is older and we have the 9 ways at broadmedow :D
Some bits of gosford are better.

graaant said:
Oh, it's set up better, because the boys are more talented.

But we don't mind having you around, every once in a while you say something worth while. ;)

Thanks :)


thomas477 said:
I was just saying it on the principles not actually the fact or fiction as it might be extra money for player/ coaches.

Oh it's definately more money to any player/coach to have those dual roles. But there would be checks and balances to ensure that the percentage of pay 'ex salary cap' is equal to the level of commitment they have to give to their other job - to the satisfaction of the FFA.

Any sport in the world that has a salary cap imposed on the players, would have a hell of a lot of scrutiny imposed on the roles the players are paid for, outside of that salary cap.


thomas477 said:
yeah thats all i was saying :)

But...if suddenly Timmy Cahill goes to play for the Jets as a salary cap player and is only getting paid $100K as a player, well, c'mon, you know there's something not right about the $20m job he has as a trainee manager for the Media Liasion section. Or if Viduka arrives at Melbourne as a striker for $150K, but he gets a job as an Assistant Coach - without any coaching quals. and is suddenly on $6m a season for that. Both of those examples are obviously rorts.

Weigh up each proposal I say.


Well-Known Member
thomas477 said:
I was just saying it on the principles not actually the fact or fiction as it might be extra money for player/ coaches.

skilbeck said:
yeah this is one of the many things that the coast is better than newcastle at. other examples include: standard of living, football, healthcare, education, law enforcement...... see the list goes on doesnt it thomas
Nah mate, surf is better, we are champs of Australia not premiers. We are an older city, <b>our club is older</b> and we have the 9 ways at broadmedow :D
Some bits of gosford are better.

graaant said:
Oh, it's set up better, because the boys are more talented.

But we don't mind having you around, every once in a while you say something worth while. ;)

Thanks :)

Didn't you guys start in V1 when every other team did? I'm struggling to work out how you have an older club...


Well-Known Member
serious14 said:
On paper, sure.

With Kosmina as coach??  Not in this lifetime.  Aloi$i and Bridge are going to spend all next season dragging down long balls hoofed to them by whoever, and Brosque without Juninho will revert to his usual state of "sh*t".

Serious, I'm struggling to work out how you think Sydney will use the long ball tactic.

...they don't have any backs to kick it to the strikers!


That's right

Bolton >>>>>>everyone else in the penalty box! ;D
tyson said:
serious14 said:
On paper, sure.

With Kosmina as coach??  Not in this lifetime.  Aloi$i and Bridge are going to spend all next season dragging down long balls hoofed to them by whoever, and Brosque without Juninho will revert to his usual state of "sh*t".

Serious, I'm struggling to work out how you think Sydney will use the long ball tactic.

...they don't have any backs to kick it to the strikers!


Well-Known Member
thomas you ever say surf is better in scumville again and ill kill you, revive you and kill you again. Central coast had 10 breaks in tracks top 100 aussie breaks list, how many did scumville pull?
Reefs like banzai, forries left's, the zone, crackneck, bugs, box, the haven, ghosties, boatramp and beachies such as copa, nth enny, frazer and pelo's. Cenny coast is only 2nd too the gold coast and Margaret river area in my opinion, what have you scummer's got ey?


Well-Known Member
coast said:
thomas you ever say surf is better in scumville again and ill kill you, revive you and kill you again. Central coast had 10 breaks in tracks top 100 aussie breaks list, how many did scumville pull?
Reefs like banzai, forries left's, the zone, crackneck, bugs, box, the haven, ghosties, boatramp and beachies such as copa, nth enny, frazer and pelo's. Cenny coast is only 2nd too the gold coast and Margaret river area in my opinion, what have you scummer's got ey?

as someone who used to be heavily into bodyboarding... i can confirm coast's argument.
there is a website... wannasurf i think its called. u can look at pics from every break... you guys can decide for yourselves.


Well-Known Member
you got any big name bodyboarders to come from newcastle thomas?

ben holland
ben hansen, dave crowley, jack lewis (all have been junior national champs)
mitch hall

to name a few...

the waldron bros videos, paul jennar and oceanic images videos

i could do some research and find plenty more if you can compare to that...
and thats not even stand up surfers...

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