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2011/2012 Player thread


Well-Known Member
Would be devestated if we lost Wilko, he has improved out of sight next to Dutchy and could well do with another year under the Dutch master, Wilko loves the coast however and has a guaranteed starting spot and is also a Captain, so all common sense points to Hutch making way....

To open further speculation, should Wilko be the one to go, who would be our Captain?

Dutchy is definitely the best fit but is only with us for another year.
Griff is young but does have the command presence of a Captain.
Hutch would be perfect but again, he isnt going to be starting most games and you really need your Captain on the field most of each game...
Wow having to make this decision really does speak miles about the youth in our squad, we really dont have many veterans left do we? (I think thats a good thing)


Well-Known Member
Not the greatest player but not the worst either. A superior player to hutcho so its a good signing in that regard.
Dutchy is the natural capt of the team but Wilko has grown into the role and hopefully wont be going anywhere.


Well-Known Member
It's not bias and I know we are talking more defensive roles but I think Glinch would be a good captain


Well-Known Member
Dutchy would be made captain IMO

From what I hear Wilko will be returning from China anyway, plus Kwas may not be going back on loan due to his ankle injury. Wilko was offered a deal in China but has elected to return to the Mariners at this stage, things can always change though.


Well-Known Member
Both Lawrie and Wilko's dad were quite adamant that Wilko will be coming home when the question was asked in the Kendall Bar function the other week. I'm sure neither of those gentlemen would perjure themselves.
Still, as you say, circumstances change.


Well-Known Member
I think we can put the Wilko leaving rumour to bed, he is back in training with us.



Well-Known Member
If Hutch does go ... its means only Wilko is left from the Hal 1 team, on the park at least Clarkie is still with us but on the field Wilko is the last from Hal 1...


Well-Known Member
I suspect Crawley is still there. Also, what about Brownie? He was a foundation player wasn't he? Is he still with CCM and does he fit the necessary criteria to be spoken of in the same breath as Clarkie?


Well-Known Member
I suspect Crawley is still there. Also, what about Brownie? He was a foundation player wasn't he? Is he still with CCM and does he fit the necessary criteria to be spoken of in the same breath as Clarkie?

On the park is what I mean... we still have some in the coaching and support ranks but as far as on field players ... Wilko is the last from Hal - 1 ...

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