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2011/2012 Player thread


Well-Known Member
Looks ok






Would perfer Duke to Baird... move baird to the youth squad ( OK OK he is hardly young) but Duke I think is a better player...


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen much of Bernie... but what I have seen really fills me with excitement and anticipation. I think he offers something different to what we have up front. Could be the X factor.


Well-Known Member
The only position I think we're a little short and perhaps inexperienced should we get an injury or 2 is CB. Rostyn can go there which would mean we'd lose his midfield distribution, then we have the young lads who to be fair still have a lot to learn.

Bernie is now signed to the first team, we have a squad of 22, our signings for next year are done.

According to my source we've released Matty Lewis and replaced him with Brad McDonald who is cover for both LB and LM. I sense one more signing before the season starts.

Roy Law

Well-Known Member
We have 22 players signed for next season leaving only one spot available. Often the Mariners haven't filled that last spot preferring to save money and leaving an option to recruit later so I would be surprised if we sign another player unless someone leaves.
Surprised at Pjennings line-up as 4-2-1-3 as we never played that last year and I don't think McGlinchey played so far forward, esp later in the season, often was quite deep in a 4-3-1-2 with Griff and Bozanic as the middle three but who knows what Arnie has in store for us...


Well-Known Member
Squad for 2011/12:

1. Matt Ryan
2. Daniel McBreen
3. Josh Rose
4. Pedj Bojic
5. Brad Porter
6. Patrick Zwaanswijk
7. John Hutchinson
8. Rostyn Griffiths
9. Bernie Ibini-Isei
10. Adriano Pellegrino
11. Oliver Bozanic
12. Troy Hearfield
14. Michael McGlinchey
15. Brad McDonald
16. Trent Sainsbury
17. Michael Baird
18. Alex Wilkinson
19. Matt Simon
20. Justin Pasfield
21. Sam Gallagher
22. Mustafa Amini
23: Adam Kwasnik


Well-Known Member
Squad for 2011/12:

1. Matt Ryan
2. Daniel McBreen
3. Josh Rose
4. Pedj Bojic
5. Brad Porter
6. Patrick Zwaanswijk
7. John Hutchinson
8. Rostyn Griffiths
9. Bernie Ibini-Isei
10. Adriano Pellegrino
11. Oliver Bozanic
12. Troy Hearfield
14. Michael McGlinchey
15. Brad McDonald
16. Trent Sainsbury
17. Michael Baird
18. Alex Wilkinson
19. Matt Simon
20. Justin Pasfield
21. Sam Gallagher
22. Mustafa Amini

source? although seems pretty legit
wheres duke though? off what ive seen, we should definitely be looking to sign him loger term (if we/ someone else hasnt already)


Well-Known Member
Surprised at Pjennings line-up as 4-2-1-3 as we never played that last year and I don't think McGlinchey played so far forward, esp later in the season, often was quite deep in a 4-3-1-2 with Griff and Bozanic as the middle three but who knows what Arnie has in store for us...

This was in response to Dibo who talked about National Curriculum Approved 1-4-3-3 with a 6 and 8 at the back of the midfield triangle.


Well-Known Member
GA mentioned in the season launch that we are a bit light on with players at training at the moment. It looks like we are missing

Ryan - injured - but probably would be with the U20 team

Gallagher,Sainsbury,Amini,Ibini-Isei - with the U20 team

Bozanic - with the Olyroo camp

McGlinchey - with NZ

Hutchinson - with Malta

Wilkinson,Kwasnik,Hearfield - with overseas clubs


Well-Known Member
GA mentioned in the season launch that we are a bit light on with players at training at the moment. It looks like we are missing

Ryan - injured - but probably would be with the U20 team

Gallagher,Sainsbury,Amini,Ibini-Isei - with the U20 team

Bozanic - with the Olyroo camp

McGlinchey - with NZ

Hutchinson - with Malta

Wilkinson,Kwasnik,Hearfield - with overseas clubs

LOL missing a few ... 11 players at least they are keeping match fit...


Well-Known Member
Musty has just been selected for the U 23 side .... Olly looks like carrying the arm band... and interestingly Olly has been playing the CD position for the U 23 and from all reports quite well...



Well-Known Member
Couple of players on trial. From this photo I can spot Anthony Golec (tall guy in the center), former Sydney LB/CB.


Roy Law

Well-Known Member
These were the photos in 442...quite a few 'faces' I didn't know but did I spot Brady Smith? Good to see Porter looking fit. Competition for places in our youth team should be pretty hot given that we have shown a willingness to blood them if they prove good enough


Well-Known Member
A couple of questions to generate some debate:

1. Who out of the new recruits does everyone think will have the biggest impact?

Hearfield looks solid and Arnie may get the most out of him. To my mind I can't go past Pelligrino. I really think he is going to give us some lovely creativity in the middle.

2. Who out of the young guns who are moving into their second season will have the biggest impact?

Personally I can't go past Ollie. Having said that Musty has that something special about him that tends to excite the crowd. Then again Matt Ryan was super solid in the sticks last season and picked up the NAB Young Footballer of the Year Award. My Verdict. Matt Ryan

3. Who out of all the players do you think will bring something special to the team this season?

A tough one really. I love watching Kwas as he always seems to pop up at the right time for something special. Pat has been outstanding in defence. I love Josh's runs down the wing, they always excite me. Ollie seems to be getting better and better. I am really hoping that Bernie gets a lot of time on the pitch. I think he could be something special if he is given enough games to settle in.

Thoughts anyone?


Well-Known Member
Forgive me if I'm wrong but we don't have a marquee (foreign or otherwise) do we?
Does anybody know if we have enough funds to look at a decent marquee, Kewell or someone of the like?


Well-Known Member
Style posted a link on the predictions thread today and its shows the Mariner in & outs in summary ... On balance IMO it makes the squad stronger ... aside from Perez who would we cry over losing maybe Doig but in the faster A-League maybe he was not as good as he was in the slower A-League...


Central Coast Mariners
Troy Hearfield (Wellington Phoenix)
Adriano Pellegrino (Perth Glory)
Brad McDonald (North Queensland Fury)
Justin Pasfield (North Queensland Fury)

Chris Doig (Pelita Jaya, Indonesia)
Paul Henderson (Sydney Olympic)
Nik Mrdja (Released)
Patricio Perez (Released)
Jess Vanstrattan (Released)
Marc Warren (Sheffield United, England)

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