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2011/2012 Player thread


Well-Known Member
Hearfield has been playing as a CB alongside Doig in Indonesia. I guess he's another CB cover option after Pedj and Griffiths?


Well-Known Member
I actually quite like the depth of our squad now. Arnie has addressed particular areas that needed work, notably fullback cover and we now have a very balance squad




If we end up adding a lethal striker I would be very happy, and if Musty goes I would hope that his replacement would be the first choice over Pellegrino.

All in all - a very solid squad that will be all the better with a full pre-season under Arnie.

Nice analysis ...


Well-Known Member



that made me feel a lot better about the signings! thanks mate. i wanna have a turn at 433...






*revert to 442 if pelle plays

433 is less balanced than 442 esp with backups playing

<hopeful for>




Simon/Ibini-Isei/---------*better playmaker/Pellegrino----------*better sriker/McBreen

*not currently signed
SOLD Armini to dort :(
SELL Kwasnic to blades :)

the playmaker/ striker combo to come from holand or germany, they get less homesick than South Americans because our culture is similar, they speak english and the weather here is better than Europe! get Zwaanswijk on the phone to some of his old team mates!!!


Well-Known Member
This is my 4-3-3 lineup - only using the current team







Well-Known Member
This is my 4-3-3 lineup - only using the current team






Still prefer 442 with our current squad. I can't remember McDonald but remember his name of their team sheet quite often so hopefully he is pretty decent. We definately needed cover at RB and Wilko and Sainsbury didn't work out in that spot. Hopefully Hearfield can offer solid cover for that spot.

We still look light on at CB but i haven't seen Gallagher play so maybe he is the cover we needed (i liked Hughes from Fury).

Starting midfield should still be same as last year with Amini in Perez's spot and Peli to come on when he fades. If Amini goes then he MUST be replaced but someone of comparable quality. Peli has big potential but is not very structured or reliable but i do remember him tearing us apart one game for the glory.

Up front is more differcult. We could do with a real goal scorer to go with our battering rams.

I'd probably start with Simon and Bernie with Kwas on the bench. Baird and McBreen need to step up big time to force a start.


Harsh on Sainsbury. He was solid for a young guy in his first full year and there are not too many guys his age doing anything similar. He got forward when he needed to and was not spectacular in defence but was not a liability either.

I rate him.


Well-Known Member
Harsh on Sainsbury. He was solid for a young guy in his first full year and there are not too many guys his age doing anything similar. He got forward when he needed to and was not spectacular in defence but was not a liability either.

I rate him.

Sorry Scott but I don't rate him at all from what i saw last year. However he is very young and was apparently playing out of position so i'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
He does have some good attributes but that game against Sydney when he was hooked off at half time showed me he is not a full back in a million years. That equalled Trotty's debut and Jamie Mac's last game as the worst ever performance in a Mariners shirt that i have witnessed.


Well-Known Member
Sorry Scott but I don't rate him at all from what i saw last year. However he is very young and was apparently playing out of position so i'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
He does have some good attributes but that game against Sydney when he was hooked off at half time showed me he is not a full back in a million years. That equalled Trotty's debut and Jamie Mac's last game as the worst ever performance in a Mariners shirt that i have witnessed.

That`s a bit harsh on Sainsbury .
As I recall it we had a player sent off & Arnie re-shuffled the team.(I may stand corrected).

However,I would rate every game McBreen has played for us below Sainsbury`s worst performance...ahhh & then there was Elrich,a few of Hutchos, quite a few of Kwassie`s the list goes on....


Well-Known Member
Now that Musty seems to be staying it is interesting to look at what the changes mean to our squad. The first thing that has happened is the quality of the 'second' team. Our first choice have a average of 59 HAL games experience and the second choice only slightly less at 54 games. This ignores experience elsewhere - eg Dutchy and Rose in particular. It also might not be everyones 'first' choice - but it is only for an example

First Surname Appearances

Matt Ryan----------------31
Joshua Rose-------------44
Alex Wilkinson---------145
Patrick Zwaanswijk-----33
Pedj Bojic----------------73
Rostyn Griffiths---------54
Oliver Bozanic-----------33
Mustafa Amini-----------23
Michael McGlinchey----55
Matt Simon-------------100
Daniel McBreen---------59

Justin Pasfield----------39
Brad McDonald---------25
Sam Gallagher-----------0
Trent Sainsbury--------9
Troy Hearfield---------89
John Hutchinson-----126
Adam Kwasnik--------125
Adrian Pelligrino-------76
Bradley Porter----------68
Bernie Ibini-Isei--------5
Michael Baird-----------35

The second thing is the versatility of at least half the players we have now.

Joshua Rose LB/LM
Pedj Bojic LB/CB/RB/DM
Rostyn Griffiths CB/DM
Oliver Bozanic LM/AM
Brad McDonald LB/CB
Trent Sainsbury LB/CB/RB
Troy Hearfield RB/CB/RM
John Hutchinson DM/LM/AM
Adam Kwasnik LM/RM/CS
Adrian Pelligrino LM/AM/RM
Bradley Porter RB/RM/AM

While many may have been underwhelmed by the choices of McDonald, Hearfield and Pelligrino - they have actually meant that we now have a much stronger, better balanced squad than last year - with many players able to cover multiple positions.


Well-Known Member
The only position I think we're a little short and perhaps inexperienced should we get an injury or 2 is CB. Rostyn can go there which would mean we'd lose his midfield distribution, then we have the young lads who to be fair still have a lot to learn.

Bernie is now signed to the first team, we have a squad of 22, our signings for next year are done.


Well-Known Member
Pedj, Hearfield and McDonald can also play CB. TBH - with Rostyn I think that is plenty of cover.

I would loved us to find a spot for Mitchell Duke.


Well-Known Member
The only position I think we're a little short and perhaps inexperienced should we get an injury or 2 is CB. Rostyn can go there which would mean we'd lose his midfield distribution, then we have the young lads who to be fair still have a lot to learn.

Bernie is now signed to the first team, we have a squad of 22, our signings for next year are done.

There is much to be said for having a squad signed and settled early in the year. They're training together now, giving some 5 months (FIVE WHOLE MONTHS) to get used to one another and build rapport.

By October, I expect they'll be fit, organised, and playing a very tidy National Curriculum Approved [sup](TM)[/sup] 1-4-3-3* with a 6 and 8 at the back of the midfield triangle.

In fact this year I think you'll see a bunch of teams playing in accord with the national model. It will become a go-to formation in the same way that the 4-4-2 was in the past.

Everyone coming through will have been schooled in it and it has a number of positives in its flexibility and versatility that coaches (many of whom have fairly freshly minted advanced coaching qualifications under the new Dutch regime) will be keen to use.

Now they've got 5 months to school their squads in it I think that's where you'll see them moving. It's basically what Ange did with Brisbane last off-season...

* Because that's how they write it kids!


Well-Known Member
By October, I expect they'll be fit, organised, and playing a very tidy National Curriculum Approved [sup](TM)[/sup] 1-4-3-3* with a 6 and 8 at the back of the midfield triangle.

* Because that's how they write it kids!

Looks ok






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