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2011/2012 Player thread


Well-Known Member
McDonald is cover for the left (we lost Warren), and Pellegrino has been on the radar for a while, depending on his wage I think that's a pretty decent squad player who'll push for a starting position. With Hearfield, McGlinchey, Porter and Pellegrino capable of playing on the right that's pretty strong depth. Wonder if Pellegrino has been signed more for middle of the park position? Under good management Pellegrino could be a good signing.


I just don't rate him.

ATM we don't have Perez, we are looking as though we will loose Musty and we are signing cover for the midfield. Seems a bit arse around if you ask me but Arnold's the boss and he remains the man unless proven wrong.

The coin he is on would have to be above the average (you would think) where we could have pulled in a NYL prospect to cover the spot and saved a good 40-60k. With the financial position we are in it seems a rather luxurious option for cover when he's not even that good.

Unless its not cover......... :vomit:


Well-Known Member
You guys are expecting way too much. Here is reality - we have no money, we will sign what we can afford, Pellegrino and McDonald are what we can afford. I'm not underwhelmed, anything above us going bust is a complete bonus.

Now hopefully San Pellegrino mineral water comes on board as a sponsor.


OTOH, the people missing Grumpy should be rejoicing as we have another potential crowd favourite due to the endless running and heart on your sleeve type of character.


You guys are expecting way too much. Here is reality - we have no money, we will sign what we can afford, Pellegrino and McDonald are what we can afford. I'm not underwhelmed, anything above us going bust is a complete bonus.

Now hopefully San Pellegrino mineral water comes on board as a sponsor.

Not at all. I said that Pellegrino is a luxurious option for cover. If he is not cover and is a direct replacement for Musty and Perez then someone has lost their marbles.


Well-Known Member
Not bad signings imo. Pelle ;) is no substitute for Perez or Musti, but may respond well to Arnie's tutelage. If he doesn't force himself into the starting side then he'll be one hell of a squadie.

McDonald. LB? If so, then this will take the pressure off Pedj. We really lost something when Rose was out. Switching Pedj over to LB and bringing in Sainsbury or shifting Wilko just didn't work... we lost alot of potency. At least now we have sort of plugged a hole in out squad if Rose is out.

Jaw dropping signings? No. Good signings? Yes. Once again, it now depends on Arnie.

Roy Law

Well-Known Member
I was expecting Ashley Cole and Carlos Tevez but the Mariners always let me down with their 'financial issues' - why don't they get an oil rich sheik to back them? Ridiculous, this club is going nowhere - the best we can hope for next season is to win the A League...
The signing of Pellegrino is no surprise; I welcome it - if Arnie can get him back to his best he will put genuine pressure on the midfield and provide decent cover - he can play left as well as right, has a high work rate which Arnie loves - I don't see him as the replacement for Perez/Amini. Considering how long it has taken for this signing to become reality after the rumours first came out we could have already have replaced Perez and the announcement will come in September!
Arnie is doing a great job on Bi-Lo wages and budget - I still expect some departures to give him room to recruit further.
Q. Is Lewis staying next season or has Arnie decided to let him go?


Well-Known Member
McDonald was signed as cover for both LB and LM as Ollie will be away a lot with the Ollyroos.

And I rate Pelle.


Well-Known Member
Arnie is doing a great job on Bi-Lo wages and budget - I still expect some departures to give him room to recruit further.

So far we are bringing in

Pasfield, McDonald, Hearfield, Pelligrino, Baird and Bernie


JVS, Doig, Mrdja, Lewis and Warren who hardly played and Perez. JVS, Doig, Mrdja and Perez all would have been on decent money. So given the financial opressure we are under I think GA has done a good job.

Musty at the moment is a good replacement for Perez. However, if he goes we really need an influential playmaker to replace Perez/Musty.


Well-Known Member
I would have thought that after all of the Arnoldout rubbish from last year we would at least be trusting of his judgement on the players he is bringing in this year given the season but it seems there is still a lot of C"hicken Little" syndrome around.


I would have thought that after all of the Arnoldout rubbish from last year we would at least be trusting of his judgement on the players he is bringing in this year given the season but it seems there is still a lot of C"hicken Little" syndrome around.

I believe I'm the only one who has put into words a negative spin on this and if you'll read what I said

but Arnold's the boss and he remains the man unless proven wrong.

It's plain to see that I am trusting his judgment. I just don't rate Pellegrino.


Well-Known Member
Two signings who hopefully come cheap and can fill any holes when there are injuries or national team duties.
Is it to much to hope for a quality forward and a replacement for Perez if musty leaves(One being a cheap marquee)?


Well-Known Member
No doubt that the players have come cheap which should help to balance the books. I think that they are wise choices in some respects with the amount of players who will be out for National duties.

The one thing which I find interesting is that Arnie will have a full preseason with the players for next season. This will give provide him with a great opportunity to increase the level of fitness of the players which should work in our favour. Having spent time coaching/assisting the national team I am sure that GA knows what level of fitness is required to take the game to another level. It will also provide him with the opportunity to get the players playing to the structure and positions which he want.


Well-Known Member
I actually quite like the depth of our squad now. Arnie has addressed particular areas that needed work, notably fullback cover and we now have a very balance squad




If we end up adding a lethal striker I would be very happy, and if Musty goes I would hope that his replacement would be the first choice over Pellegrino.

All in all - a very solid squad that will be all the better with a full pre-season under Arnie.

Roy Law

Well-Known Member
I don't think Arnie has finished his jigsaw puzzle yet. I think the signing of Pellegrino and MacDonald provide necessary depth esp as last year we were injury free with McGlinchey and Bozanic. I can't see Pellegrino as a replacement for Perez as we were after him last January and I don't see Kwasnik as a left midfield player esp after his Grand Final performance; and although we have the numbers I still think an experienced CB is required. Won;t be surprised if more departures are announced (or not, if Lewis has not been offered a new contract). Looking forward to the likes of Pelle, Hearfield, Porter, Baird and MacDonald benefitting from Arnie's education programme.


Well-Known Member
I don't think Arnie has finished his jigsaw puzzle yet. I think the signing of Pellegrino and MacDonald provide necessary depth esp as last year we were injury free with McGlinchey and Bozanic. I can't see Pellegrino as a replacement for Perez as we were after him last January and I don't see Kwasnik as a left midfield player esp after his Grand Final performance; and although we have the numbers I still think an experienced CB is required. Won;t be surprised if more departures are announced (or not, if Lewis has not been offered a new contract). Looking forward to the likes of Pelle, Hearfield, Porter, Baird and MacDonald benefitting from Arnie's education programme.

I also think there maybe some departures. However, the versatility of the squad would allow Griffiths or Pedj to cover as centre backs - with Hutcho or Hearfield covering them. At some stage the young CBs will also probably get a run.

I listed Kwas as a left mid - but again his veratility allows hin to play LM, LW, RM, RW and CS.

I'm taking Arnie at his word - that Musty will be starting AM if he stays - ahead of Pellegrino. If Musty goes then we need a more influential playmaker than Pellegrino as first choice.

The other point to note about Arnie's jigsaw puzzle is that I put the squad down in 4-4-2 formation - he may well play 4-3-3.

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