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2011/2012 Player thread


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with Typool if you are good enough you are old enough but he does need to make sure the move is the right one. Also have to consider the fact that we should get some transfer $$ if he moves when under contract as opposed to as a free agent.

Ditto, if you are good enough you are old enough.

I just don't think he is good enough at the moment. Has had some howlers this season, especially in the wet with his handling. This is probably because he has grown up in drought environments and has had not much exposure to wet conditions.

In Europe especially he will be playing the wet week in week out and may flounder badly early which could delay or even ruin his career.


Well-Known Member
All keepers make howlers at some point, just look at the World Cup or even last weekends premier league games, Van Der Sar and I think it was the Bolton keeper who let one through his hands and legs. I actually think we are being a but hard on Matty, just look at the Heart game where Bolton made a simialar mistake but got away with it. So Matty cost us 2 goals this season, how many did he save us? Count the number of chances, clear cut ones such as McBreen's on Saturday our players have missed and we don't go on about those anywhere near as much as Matt's.

Also if it is expereience in the wet he needs then getting to Europe sooner rather than later is going to be a lot better for him.


Well-Known Member
All keepers make howlers at some point, just look at the World Cup or even last weekends premier league games, Van Der Sar and I think it was the Bolton keeper who let one through his hands and legs. I actually think we are being a but hard on Matty, just look at the Heart game where Bolton made a simialar mistake but got away with it. So Matty cost us 2 goals this season, how many did he save us? Count the number of chances, clear cut ones such as McBreen's on Saturday our players have missed and we don't go on about those anywhere near as much as Matt's.

Also if it is expereience in the wet he needs then getting to Europe sooner rather than later is going to be a lot better for him.

Made numerous handling errors that lead to goals and others that have not. You cannot compare him to EPL goalkeepers and overseas clubs would not be as forgiving of these errors..

The overseas clubs chew and spit players out not ready for European football. They do not have the patience and the inclination to let a player find his feet and be there for "experience". A wrong move (see Danny) could curtail his future career by years.

Matty is not ready and he is better off being under the guidance of John Crawley where he can continue his current trajectory.


Well-Known Member
Especially true of keepers. Just ask Jess Van Strattan. Or even (arguably) Zelkjo Kalac. Even Theoklitos had his one disastrous game for Norwich and that was the end of him over there.


Well-Known Member
I was not comparing Matty to the EPL keeper just pointing out at even the top level keepers still make mistakes.

I wouldn't exactly call the years they Van Strattan or Kalas spent at top european clubs a failure, both probably earned more than most A-League players still do. Big difference with the Theoklitos situation is he nearly 30 so clubs would not see him as a longer term investment they would expect him to perform which he didn't.

There are also a good number that have made are doing well Mitch Langerak, Adam Federici, Nathan Coe, Brad Jones, Dean Bouzanis. Jones and Federici have certainly been given time to develop and Bouzanis was given a 3 year contract by Liverpool at 17 so clubs will invest and develop talent.

Matty would need to weigh up any opportunity including if he would be 1st choice here next season (can't see how he wouldn't be but needs to consider it). How does he know he is not ready for Europe until he tests himself, there is nothing wrong with going over and testing himself at a higher level as one thing he has proved is that he can certainly step up and rise to the challenges.


Well-Known Member
Arnie said JVS was off contract when quizzed about Matty, Pasfield and JVS at the club next year, he left it at that so i'm guessing it will be the door for JVS


I was not comparing Matty to the EPL keeper just pointing out at even the top level keepers still make mistakes.

I wouldn't exactly call the years they Van Strattan or Kalas spent at top european clubs a failure, both probably earned more than most A-League players still do. Big difference with the Theoklitos situation is he nearly 30 so clubs would not see him as a longer term investment they would expect him to perform which he didn't.

There are also a good number that have made are doing well Mitch Langerak, Adam Federici, Nathan Coe, Brad Jones, Dean Bouzanis. Jones and Federici have certainly been given time to develop and Bouzanis was given a 3 year contract by Liverpool at 17 so clubs will invest and develop talent.

Matty would need to weigh up any opportunity including if he would be 1st choice here next season (can't see how he wouldn't be but needs to consider it). How does he know he is not ready for Europe until he tests himself, there is nothing wrong with going over and testing himself at a higher level as one thing he has proved is that he can certainly step up and rise to the challenges.

Hows that going for Bouzanis?

What was once Australia's most promising young GK has now slipped off the radar. He could have stayed in Australia and played games for an A-League club maybe even played ACL, but instead has spent time at Accrington Stanley on loan. Now he is back at Liverpool and doing what......? He won't even get picked for any of the Aussie youth sides cause Ryan/Birighitti and Langerak will have that sealed up.

If you consider a successful career one that is payed well then you must never have played football.

As for going over now, you've lost your marbles. Any offer Matty gets would have to be weighed up, your right. But it wont be about how much game time he gets here. It will be how much he gets over there. Just to spell it out, Brad Jones went over at around the same age. He then played only 35 first team games in 6 yrs of loan spells before returning to Middelsborough and playing 57 games in 4 years. Thats less than 100 games where now an Australian that stays in Australia can play in excess of 300 over the same time period and be exposed to Champions League football. Thats not to mention that the NT coach is now based full time in Australia and is prepared to advance the cause of Aus based players.

We need to get rid of this "I must make it in Europe" mentality for our young kids. We need our kids here to create a strong young league which shapes the style of Australian football for the future rather than filling the reserve leagues overseas.

Show me one 18 yr old keeper playing regularly in Europes top leagues at a level higher than the A-League.


Well-Known Member
How’s that going for Bouzanis?

What was once Australia's most promising young GK has now slipped off the radar. He could have stayed in Australia and played games for an A-League club maybe even played ACL, but instead has spent time at Accrington Stanley on loan. Now he is back at Liverpool and doing what......? He won't even get picked for any of the Aussie youth sides cause Ryan/Birighitti and Langerak will have that sealed up.

He was signed was the reserve keeper for Sydney when signed, you are making a bit of an assumption that he would have got a run in 1st grade here and played for Australia. Over there he has trained with a premier league team day in day out, made the FA Youth Cup Final and played in the Football League. We can only speculate on what would have/could have happened but at the end of the day I am sure if he or any of the other players were of the opinion they would be better off in the A-League they would come back just like Ollie, Culina, Rose, Thompson etc.

The only reason we are having this discussion is that JVS went for the season otherwise Matt Ryan would not have got a run in 1st Grade either so luck plays a big part in getting a start as a youngster where ever you are. I can't think of any player who has gone from the A-League and played regular 1st team football straight away they have gone over, worked hard in the reserves and then got a chance. If they go at 16, 17, 18 then they are 3 years ahead of the players who go at 19, 20, 21, they are also under the noses of the coaches every day so are more likely to be considered for a place than if they were playing in the A-League.

I would love to see all of the talented youngsters playing here, to do that though you need to have coaches who give them a run, it is only this year under Arnold that any youngsters here have been given a go. You also have to remember a football career is very short and could be ended any day by an injury. It is a job, therefore the money side of things is important as much as we in the stands think players should be loyal, take less money to play for their local team or the team that discovered them. While the money is better playing in the lower leagues and as a squad player overseas then we will continue to lose players.


Well-Known Member

The only reason we are having this discussion is that JVS went for the season otherwise Matt Ryan would not have got a run in 1st Grade either so luck plays a big part in getting a start as a youngster where ever you are.

A prime example of luck is Redders - off to Roar for game time, then they sign Theo. If he'd stayed with us, and everything else had happened as it has happened, he'd be where Matty is now you would think.


Well-Known Member
Have we released Mrdja early? I didn't see him at the signing on Wednesday. Both Perez and Porter were there even though they were injured.

JVS wasn't there either. Maybe the club has told them both that they won't be needed in a Mariners shirt ever again?


hello to all you great mariners supporters I have been reading and following your site for a long time now but decided to register this morning to see if anyone can put my mind at rest and tell me if Michael McGlinchey is still with us next season??? must say the open training session on wednesday was a great afternoon. The boys put a smile on every kids faces it was great to see. Waved the boys good bye this morning at the waterfront. Good to see so many of us their wishing our boys the best for tomorrows big game. Go you yellows


McGlinchey will be a Mariner next season.
Been alot of talk about a few other guys that were coming off contract at the end of this season and i hadnt heard much about McGlinchey. Read a few weeks ago that he was still in talks with the club about re- signing but that was the last id heard.


Well-Known Member
McGlinchey said: "I've signed a new two-year deal and I'm completely settled.

Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/3462639/Lets-Coast-to-victory.html#ixzz1GOOPvYnQ

From the Grand Final thread


McGlinchey said: "I've signed a new two-year deal and I'm completely settled.

Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/3462639/Lets-Coast-to-victory.html#ixzz1GOOPvYnQ

From the Grand Final thread
Fantastic thats a great read and good news for the mariners and the fans. thanks for your info puts my mind at ease now cheers

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