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2011/2012 Player thread


Well-Known Member
Hearfield & Baird are two signing I have a big wait and see on....especially Baird given the youth players we have and that he could not get on the park in Perth....


Well-Known Member
we'll see i guess. i've got no inside info.

interesting that hearfield is in. there's been a fair bit of talk around about him - i don't think it's a bad signing because he can (cheaply i assume) cover a range of positions in midfield and even at fullback, so as a utility he'd be very handy if injuries strike.

that said, reasons not to sign him include:
  • that's what the youth team's for (and that ahs been a raging success);
  • he's just not that good, and;
  • he's a former scummer.
if it's a done deal, it's a done deal.


Well-Known Member
Ive been waiting for a marquee striker ever since aloi$i left, but to be totally honest i think if we keep the current starters and the exciting young guys... and spend some time if the off season working on finishing we will win the comp.

looking forward to...

ryan after a season of experience
amini after a season of experience
grinch and olly coming back after spending the off season working on finishing
the hole team spending the off season with perez and amini

2011/12 is looking good to me

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
IMHO Porter would be a better RB option

Yeah I think so to Deej.

I hope Arnie can do more with Hearfield than I have seen in the HAL so far. I'd certainly like to see him prove to be a decent signing like some feel... but I confess I struggle to see it right now.

Really the plus in this you would have to assume, is that he should be pretty cheap and so we are saving coin...
Problem with this is that as fans we tend to think this means we will be spending more $$ on someone else!! :eek:verhead:

Whereas unfortunately more often than not, it just seems to become, Wow! Isn't that Central Coast is a thrifty ol bunch!
Not that there's anything wrong with that...

elevated position

Well-Known Member
Hearfield's inclusion gives us 5/6 right side players pedj, porter. macG.hearfield,sainsbury and kwassie.
left side gives us rose. ollie,lewis "pedj" hutch and kwassie. I think we are well covered there for next season.
As i see it our only weakness is cd back up or replacement and if dutchie moves on.


Well-Known Member
Hearfield's inclusion gives us 5/6 right side players pedj, porter. macG.hearfield,sainsbury and kwassie.
left side gives us rose. ollie,lewis "pedj" hutch and kwassie. I think we are well covered there for next season.
As i see it our only weakness is cd back up or replacement and if dutchie moves on.

Wasn't pedj originally a cb?


Well-Known Member
Wasn't pedj originally a cb?

Played RB for years before we signed him (when in England). Has played CB for us but it's no where hear his best position, RB is definitely his best position. Lawrie put him in as a CDM last year and he did ok physically but he IMO lacked vision, pasing and ability to slow the game down when needed in that role.

elevated position

Well-Known Member
gallagher has played right across the back line this year in yoof and yes could also be included in that list.
Been playing alright in a neat team.


Well-Known Member
Hearfield's inclusion gives us 5/6 right side players pedj, porter. macG.hearfield,sainsbury and kwassie.
left side gives us rose. ollie,lewis "pedj" hutch and kwassie. I think we are well covered there for next season.
As i see it our only weakness is cd back up or replacement and if dutchie moves on.

Yeah with Doig going we'll need to sign an Aussie CB. I'd guess it'd be someone on the outer with their A-League club who was maybe playing this season but would just be a back-up for us. Someone who no-one else really wants so we can offer less money.


Well-Known Member
Yeah with Doig going we'll need to sign an Aussie CB. I'd guess it'd be someone on the outer with their A-League club who was maybe playing this season but would just be a back-up for us. Someone who no-one else really wants so we can offer less money.
Is Hearfield actually on the outer at 'Nux? I haven't heard much this season one way or another, but then I don't browse 'Nux fan forums etc either.
Never really rated him when I've seen him play, and I'm worried how he'll go if he gets a guernsey in a Derby :rolleyes:


Is Hearfield even a sure thing?

I haven't seen any confirmation or anything from the people that usually know these things on here. Just a website from NZ which I've never heard of before.


Well-Known Member
Yeah with Doig going we'll need to sign an Aussie CB. I'd guess it'd be someone on the outer with their A-League club who was maybe playing this season but would just be a back-up for us. Someone who no-one else really wants so we can offer less money.

Griff can cover CB if Wilko or Dutchy are injured with Hutch covering the DM role.

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