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CCM Fans and the club

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Well-Known Member
I watched the 1st minute before I had to go out.
Looking at the teams on paper on the pre- game show we looked totally outclassed.
If you swapped Tony and Aloisi's jobs at the beginning of the season, I believe both teams would be in exactly the same spot.
I popped my head in at the Leagues when we were 1.0 down and the place was like a morgue....there wasn't much hope.
We had dinner and I popped my head in again and we were 4.0 down.
There was a far bit of wingeing but it was muttered.
Brisbane are always too classy for us and Tony must hate going there but no well drilled team should get done 4.0.


Well-Known Member
And that is the huge worry. Avoiding the wooden spoon requires a special sort of desperation. And there was a distinct lack of that in evidence against Roar.

I wonder whether there is the expectation in the squad that 'now we have Luis it all will be OK'.

Exactly. I can cop the loss, but I can't cop the lack of effort / fight.

It's not about one loss, it's about a season of disappointing performances, promised improvement, and excuses. The players that were causing "unrest" have been moved on, new players have come in, but nothing has changed.

Is the rest of the season forgotten due to one away win?

We're also getting the bizarre selections that happened under Moss once again.

So we're all supposed to suck it up and accept it as (another) transition year? No thanks. Time to call it what it is - unacceptable.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
Hi Shaun can Sunday's 3pm game be shifted. Predicted temperature is 34 degrees and you can just about guarantee high humidity.

3pm games in the middle of summer; absolute stupidity.


Well-Known Member
I don't buy that they looked like they lacked fight - I do think they looked very tired and fatigued which seemed odd and I don't think the last minute change to the side would've helped either. Not good enough as a result but we'll get by.

I feel the loss, as shit as it was, has kind of made people forget the progress and positivity around the on-field performance that's built up since NYE. There has been an obvious improvement up until the Roar game and I don't think that just disappears from one bad result.

@Ancient Mariner re the Sunday game - FFA will keep an eye on it, if the wet bulb temperature goes above the limit then they'll look at moving it to a later kickoff (would have to be 7pm as WSW play at 5pm). Certainly agree re scheduling at 3pm on a mid-Feb arvo. Poor form.


Well-Known Member
- FFA will keep an eye on it, if the wet bulb temperature goes above the limit then they'll look at moving it to a later kickoff (would have to be 7pm as WSW play at 5pm). Certainly agree re scheduling at 3pm on a mid-Feb arvo. Poor form.

How many fans are going to rock up arriving between 2-2:30pm for the 3pm KO, then be told the games being re-scheduled for a 7pm KO and THEN be expected to hang-around for 4hrs in the same heat :fireup: that’s the cause of the re-scheduling to begin with.

Good-Luck with that. :cool:

Any decision needs to be made early, very early in the day.
Prior to 12pm at the latest as people will be travelling from Nrthern Syd and Nrthrn CC by both car & train so will need plenty of 'heads-up' to any changes to the KO time.

If not ...........then expect plenty of pissed-off people.
Really hot, :fireup: pissed-off people. ;)


Well-Known Member
How many fans are going to rock up arriving between 2-2:30pm for the 3pm KO, then be told the games being re-scheduled for a 7pm KO and THEN be expected to hang-around for 4hrs in the same heat :fireup: that’s the cause of the re-scheduling to begin with.

Good-Luck with that. :cool:

Any decision needs to be made early, very early in the day.
Prior to 12pm at the latest as people will be travelling from Nrthern Syd and Nrthrn CC by both car & train so will need plenty of 'heads-up' to any changes to the KO time.

If not ...........then expect plenty of pissed-off people.
Really hot, :fireup: pissed-off people. ;)

I never said the decision would be made at 2pm? :/

What you say above is correct - such a decision would be made well before everything is booting up.


Well-Known Member
Did I hear you say 4 hours in CCLC?


Pity the beers are so expensive now!

Nah, there's a not so well known deal on offer IF:

- your a CCLC member AND you wear a Jersey on game day (any jersey- even a local)
- present your cclc membership card and get a Hahn Super Dry for $4.

x5 beers with a Redback ($20) ! pretty good value I reckon.


Staff member

Nah, there's a not so well known deal on offer IF:

- your a CCLC member AND you wear a Jersey on game day (any jersey- even a local)
- present your cclc membership card and get a Hahn Super Dry for $4.

x5 beers with a Redback ($20) ! pretty good value I reckon.

Good to know. Cheers!!

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
I've gotta drive back home to Sydney...
It'll be a nice night. Bring a swag and sleep out under the stars in a swag. If you haven't been arrested by morning, jump in your car and drive down as the sun comes up.

With the price of beer I might have to put some homebrew in an esky and sit on the grass by the water.
There's no way the FFA will alter the kick off time. I'm sure the dozen travelling fans will be ups in arms as they'll miss the flight home from Sydney.

I thought there was a game delayed because of heat. Adelaide v Perth.
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Well-Known Member
I think the concern is not us but more so the players welfare.

The heat hopefully will affect Adelaide considerably given they'll only have had a 4 day turnaround after their ACL game.
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