We're not talking here about a backyard business with a gross income of a couple of hundred thousand $'s. That's a case where the sole trader for instance may lose track of invoices issued, not likely, but maybe. There's a raft of real cheap accounting programs out there which assist small traders by doing absolutely everything needed to control the business, invoices, debtors, suppliers invoices, creditors, ledgers, bank accounts, and cash flow reports. Most public accountants/tax agents would insist that their clients use one of those programs, partly to reduce the clients costs with the accountant etc., but also as a client service.
Bear in mind that CCMFC is a fairly large concern with a gross income of, I dunno, $6m. + ? Word pro'ing invoices isn't the best of ideas but if proper systems were in place then pre-numbering would occur, probably a spreadsheet used to tally up the various invoices in sequence and a whole range of other things to ensure that the accounting is as near to correct as possible. I mean, it just *has* to be as near to spot on as possible. The legal penalties, not just for the proprietor, for getting it grossly wrong, as some are suggesting, just do not sound like a correct version of what's happening in the back office, imo.
Adz, it probably is possible for an invoice to be missed issuing. Say the Sales/Marketing dude/dudette forgets to hand on the invoicing instructions for minor signage to the Accounts/Money dude/dudette then the invoice will not be issued.
To cover that kind of possibility a sensible plan of attack for say a Storrie type of Financial Director is to have an Organisational Chart for the business, and also an Operations Manual, showing each employees duties and responsibilities. With a business the size of CCMFC I would think any prudent Finance Director would put those two things in place, if only to cover his own arse and show that he is doing an effective job. That way if an invoice is missed the responsibility for missing the income can be isolated and improvements or (ahem) employee counselling put in place. And if I were the newly appointed Financial Controller? mentioned by BG I would ask or suggest to Storrie that that should be a starting point to get the back office organised.
(That's it! Definitely definitely No more accounting discussion from me, I'm really done!
