The scorn directed at Izzo is somewhat warranted but just as much of it should be directed to TW
for constantly picking him in the starting 11.
For me, and I'm pretty sure Wombat as well, the straw that broke the camels back was when Izzo went off to the Olyroo's.
He had poor form in the A-League prior to entering camp and wasn't even selected to play (no surprise there
from Aurelio Vidmar) & subsequently Izzo picked up an injury.
Tinker did well coming on for the red card incident and wasnt too bad in the next game following Izzo's mandatory suspension.
But it was Bray's debut that was enough, for me, to warrant the
change. It was the perfect time to have given Alistar both personally and publically 'the nod' for another 2 games.
It would've instilled in Bray a confidence from his Gaffer that "your previous game was good -
soooo here's another 2 games to prove yourself further and show me and your teammates that you should be the #1 GK."
It would've put a rocket under Izzo's arse to let him know that recent form is not up to scratch.
BUT TW failed to do any of this.
And in doing so failed Bray, failed Izzo as well - by surreptitiously saying what your giving us is acceptable, failed the team - the club - the fans and ultimately failed the season.
Why the bloody hell did he sign the guy (Bray) ??? who then becomes injured and convinently makes all of this moot.
It really makes me question what his end game for Izzo is and Tinker for that matter, because if we're the devolping/sell-on club putting the kid in & seeing if he could sink or swim would've been a more viable option knowing the season was done for. We might have another Matty Ryan on our books but we
just dont yet know it.
The conditions were ripe for such an experiment, from a coach who's
whole season has been a one massively failed
experiment to say the least.
But TW's decision to persist with Izzo
has to be given a significant weight of scrutiny amongst the many domino's that cascaded this season.
For if he'd only
perhaps substituted one domino for another more stout (Bray for Izzo) imo we
may have seen a halt in WHAT IS STILL
cascading !!! AND answered some questions that we may never get an answer to.
That IS ....
if Bray is released at seasons end then we will never know if he
would've been or
could have been a good, cheap alternative going forward for next year.
Bray will be wondering just as much, as if
not more than all of us.
TW on the otherhand leaves me wondering if he entrtains such wonderment at all.