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National Youth League Fixtures and Mariners youth team discussion


Well-Known Member
Low hanging fruit but I have to state the bleeding obvious and say that we looked like we missed Lachie this evening. I hope the club has reinforcements lined up, as we also look light on in the striker department, although Brandtman did put a solid shift tonight.
Transfer window has slammed shut so reinforcements seem unlikely - though we do have Nico Duarte to come back from injury and Migzy to come back from international duty.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Will be interesting to see if or when a few a pulled for a break before A League team starts training or they keep going.

If not already another maybe 2 wins would be enough to stay up. Great result for the club especially after the poor start


Well-Known Member
None of us are really coping with this Lachie Bayliss decision are we
Probably because nobody understands it. I don’t even know the kid but spent many an afternoon at Pluim watching him. Cutting him without obvious reason with no obvious replacement just makes no sense. It’s generally not what we are about.
But anyhow, flogging a dead horse to keep talking about it but it will be in our minds I think, for some time to come.


Well-Known Member
I heard it was because it was felt he wasn’t fully focused on being a professional footballer. Just what I heard
on a scholarship wage that’s not unreasonable. Anyone with half a brain would be considering their options and have some long term options.

Not replacing a starting player seems crazy to me. Either keep them for the end of the season paying peanuts or bring someone in. It doesn’t stack up and it’s very possible someone in the club will be eating humble pie if he makes it with the jets. Can’t get them all right of course but this one is odd.

Big Dog

Well-Known Member
on a scholarship wage that’s not unreasonable. Anyone with half a brain would be considering their options and have some long term options.

Not replacing a starting player seems crazy to me. Either keep them for the end of the season paying peanuts or bring someone in. It doesn’t stack up and it’s very possible someone in the club will be eating humble pie if he makes it with the jets. Can’t get them all right of course but this one is odd.
My comment was in reference to Sunmola. Lachy Bayliss has been the ultimate professional.

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