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More relocation chat/brawling


Well-Known Member
Maybe when it is going to be proposed seriously we will then see the club start to lay out reasons.

Unfortunately like most things to do with football, leaks occur well before plans are anywhere near finalised, Which leads to lots of uninformed discussion.

Quotes to a journo from the owner don't count as leaks. They count as media comment. The subsequent backpedalling and scrambling count as a salvage operation.

I have no wish nor intention to be an apologist for the club, I just like the idea of getting after an untapped bunch of fans. If you have the numbers of followers of the other problems we have(sponsorships, relative cost of ground, etc.) will take care of themselves.

I am also a believer in "spending your political capital and taking risks to move forward";)

How much political capital do you reckon we've got? How much do you reckon was blown by the owner coming out and scaring the horses?

I've described him before as going in windmill punching, and I reckon that's what the whole problem is. He goes at things at a million miles an hour. He's perfectly entitled to make plans and formulate strategies, but if he doesn't manage the communications in such a way that he brings people with him (basically in maths teacher speak, he shows his working) then he's going to get problems like the angry people in this thread.

And we're the passionate ones, the ones that will fight. We're not the ones to worry about.

The ones to worry about are the ones that won't fight but will instead hear the owner himself saying "we're too small to stay a solely Central Coast operation" and take it as a sign the club's done for. They'll say to themselves "it was nice while it lasted" and move on to the next thing.


Well-Known Member
Quotes to a journo from the owner don't count as leaks. They count as media comment. The subsequent backpedalling and scrambling count as a salvage operation.

. and if the backpedalling is done by minions and the 'denial' does nothing of the sort ... it actually legitimises things in the minds of many. even the comments from Tracy don't really ease my mind

. but as was stated I am not one to worry about ... regardless of the motivation (better deal or growing support) the type of comments we are constantly discussing already seem to be damaging levels of support which is counter-productive on all levels

. so while wombat's comments may not be very elegant and may appear to be anti-mike ... the real message is: sure you can say whatever you want but you may actually lose some of the support you already have if you sound like a wanker, not a coastie


Well-Known Member

I think you may have nailed it .... any business has two customers ... new and existing ... we don't who the new are yet but we know the existing ...

My gut feel is with WSW & SFC being reasonably managed these days ... growth in Northern Sydney is limited and keeping existing folk from NS is as important as going after new folk in NS ... also getting new folk from the CC will be easier than in NS ... then their is Lake Macquarie growing our support base as it expands in places like Lakehaven, Toukley, the Entrance etc would be easier than NS ...

The move to get more support from NS needs to be carefully planned as BG has posted it can damage existing support from the CC & LM ... hinter growth in both CC & LM ... and in an area that already has WSW & SFC operating ....

Saturday's night crowd IMO was down between 4 & 7 K... say 1 K from SFC .... my guess is 3 to 6 K CC folk did not come .... it's not all down to MC's NS statements but they did not help...

We also sit in a good position in terms of new teams coming in... it appears the CC is way down the list for NRL expansion teams... and as the CC & LM grow in the years ahead and the ageing population give way to young families there is plenty of room for local growth ... we have the region to ourselves ...


Well-Known Member
. and if the backpedalling is done by minions and the 'denial' does nothing of the sort ... it actually legitimises things in the minds of many. even the comments from Tracy don't really ease my mind

. but as was stated I am not one to worry about ... regardless of the motivation (better deal or growing support) the type of comments we are constantly discussing already seem to be damaging levels of support which is counter-productive on all levels

. so while wombat's comments may not be very elegant and may appear to be anti-mike ... the real message is: sure you can say whatever you want but you may actually lose some of the support you already have if you sound like a wanker, not a coastie

My words were certainly not elegant and I apologise for that.....a lovelyHunter Red may have coloured my language a little.
I sometimes wear my heart on my sleeve but it shows how angry and unsettled I felt about this NSO debacle.
I have a lot of gratitude for Mike buying our club and I have personally thanked him but right now due to all the mixed messages out there I'm not sure that I trust him.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
I have a lot of gratitude for Mike buying our club and I have personally thanked him but right now due to all the mixed messages out there I'm not sure that I trust him.

I think we can trust him no more or no less than any other license holders. However having said that I am more confident with MC than I would be with Tinkler or even Sage.

If any of them went bad, they would all have to sell, like what happened with PT. Having said that, they would not have bought in if they were not fans. There are much better risks to gamble your money on than a football team, even including a COE. If A-league teams were a way to make a quick buck the best investment in the league (WSW) would have been snapped up by now.

The other problem is, as fans we do not have much of a choice. It is not like the old days that I was brought up on, where sports teams were owned by their members and if you did not like the way things were run you voted the board out at the AGM (been there, done that).

I have no worries about Mariners moving from the coast. Apart from the odd game there is no pitch suitable to play on, on the North Shore. And if you are worried about Canberra or South Melbourne, that will only happen as a last resort and as an alternative to extinction.

In this situation, I have no worries about the future, unless the shit really hits the fan, then there is no hope. This is why I have been able to take a contrary view to most here.

I am prepared to trust and follow MC rather than hope for mythical Russians or even to trust real Russians, real Indonesians or dodgy mining magnates.

Typed with Tyrrel's Belforsd Semillon.


Well-Known Member
I've been catching busses all week and I haven't seen one. Then again I've been catching busses in the Rockdale area so who bloody knows maybe its just in North Sydney.


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