No, you misunderstand, I meant no more from me. But here goes.
Yes BG, I do stir but I have to, to shake you lot up.
Maybe if you know where I am coming from you may understand.
Most here see the problem as keeping the CCM on the Coast (cap C). I see the worry as keeping the CCM, full stop. I do not believe CCM will exist away from the Coast.
There have been 3 clubs in my life that I have seen disappear. Believe me, it hurts every time, I do not want it to happen again.
I do not see MC as a Knight in shining armor, but I do see him as the best chance we have and will support him.
OK, where I come from.
I was a third gen Bears supporter. I used to sit in the rain with my father and grandfather week in and week out, year after year (from the 1950's, (yeh that ancient)), always hoping. Nobody I sat with ever believed the Bears could disappear. They were a foundation club, they were iconic and were part of what made rugby league, rugby league.
They went and in the worst possible way, they were combined with the hated rivals and made a joke.
This is one reason why I get fed up when people here compare our current position with the Northern Eagles. No one is suggesting we combine with Newcastle and play out of Wollongong, so please do not represent the situation.
CCM is not as bullet proof as many here seem to imagine.
That period of my life showed me the importance of negativity and knocking. The biggest knockers of the Bears were their own supporters. The negativity built and became self fulfilling.
I am not against constructive criticism, in fact the opposite, I am in favour, without it, nothing gets discussed. I am against a lot of the crap (close to abuse) dished out to MC in his efforts in making the club viable. I find it annoying and probably makes my responses stronger than they should (like much of the criticism that gets to me).
I saw a lot of this problem when PT called for payment of the next season memberships before the current season was over in a previous forum. I saw those discussions revert to doom and gloom negativity that had a great detrimental effect on memberships and on the forum.
I want to keep supporting the club in Gosford and strongly believe that the club, if it survives, will stay in Gosford. I get extremely frustrated with people that see NS Oval as a threat. Take it from someone who has spent half his life there, it is not, and never will be. However it can be used as a tactical piece in a greater strategy.
To FP, sorry for the sarcasm, but really, if someone loves their team they now how to get to a game. Yes I hear the same stuff, but it is usually from people who cannot be bothered to pull their finger out and no amount of advertising will shift them. I will not withdraw the shot about the money, it stands.
And I do not think that someone who has made a lot of money is the font of all wisdom, but many here show a distinct lack of wisdom in comparison . And someone who has put his money where his mouth is deserves to call the shots.
I support MC because I can see where he is coming from and agree their is a market to be tapped on the North Shore having been involved with a club in the district and seen the support that exists at that level but needs a push.
Ok, obviously by what has happened here it has not been sold well. Hopefully some of the obvious talking with Fish can help that. I hope to see something eventuate, in public, from those talks that will get all heading in the same direction. It is to the benefit of those that want: to make money from the Club, to see the club win, to see the club be successful, to see the club survive, to see the club boost their ego (supporter or owner).
One final dig. Stop being so bloody precious about "your" team it belongs to more people than those that are lucky enough to live on the Coast.
This is definitely all from me. I think I have said all I have to say. Time to sit back and enjoy the chaos.
ps Didn't the size of the crowd at the game between the champions and the Smurfs scare the shit out of others as it did me and start you thinking that some serious measures were called for?
Final from me, please feel free to carry on.