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Mariners Squad - HAL 14 - 2018- 2019 - The challenge for Mike Mulvey is over


Yes it is ............ I rely on basically third party info and internet articles for my info which although is mostly accurate it is not quotable. Being specific about how the club does their business is not an area that I want to go further with. I am confident in accounting and taxation minimizing practices having spent six years in the bankruptcy administration business ............ and have no doubt that mc uses them to his advantage as does every other cash protected capitalist millionaire. When a millionaire says he has lost money, such as mc on the ccm franchise, he is really just stating that the costs outweighed the income ............. On that particular item in his investment portfolio. It does not mean that his personal bank balance was reduced by the amount of the losses and his family had to eat Vegemite sandwiches for a month because he was broke. You should know that but I do not want to stress anybody or get involved in this type of discussion as it requires personal knowledge which I don't have in relation to ccm.

You can still say you won the point. Thx for the discussion. :popcorn::popcorn:
No winners or losers! Just good conversation. The forum is richer for people actually nutting stuff out without descending into name calling and bullshit. We've both added some great stuff to the topic while remaining first and foremost fans. :grouphug:

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
Look I understand where DDS is coming from.. my red ball gets taken away from me I refuse to do anything after that moment until it’s returned.. granted I also went past the age of 4 and got on with my life but hey..
If he does end up back on the pitch I will not be one of those ppl booing but I can assure you there is a lot needed to regain my trust that’s for sure!!

IF, and that is a big IF, he does end up back on the pitch for us it will be a humbling but great learning experience for him. Hopefully he will get a new manager who is capable of guiding his career rather than just chasing dollars.
He will need support and if he puts in I will not boo him.
But FFS there is still a lot of water to pass under the Rip Bridge until this crap gets resolved.


Well-Known Member
Look I understand where DDS is coming from.. my red ball gets taken away from me I refuse to do anything after that moment until it’s returned.. granted I also went past the age of 4 and got on with my life but hey..
If he does end up back on the pitch I will not be one of those ppl booing but I can assure you there is a lot needed to regain my trust that’s for sure!!
My Son has a shirt with his name and number on it, I wouldn’t mind one more season before I have to buy another shirt for my Son. He is devastated by all this news and wanted DDS on his shirt last season after his goal against the Wanderers, oh the memories.


Well-Known Member
My Son has a shirt with his name and number on it, I wouldn’t mind one more season before I have to buy another shirt for my Son. He is devastated by all this news and wanted DDS on his shirt last season after his goal against the Wanderers, oh the memories.
Sad, but this is probably a good life lesson for your son.
You follow the team. Players come and go.


Well-Known Member
My Son has a shirt with his name and number on it, I wouldn’t mind one more season before I have to buy another shirt for my Son. He is devastated by all this news and wanted DDS on his shirt last season after his goal against the Wanderers, oh the memories.

I am always looking for positive fundraising ideas and this just came to me ..........

How about normal club shirts but with letters and numbers with velcro backs :thumbup::thumbup::cheers:
The letters could be three dollars each and you could trade them in for a dollar refund on each at season end ............:vhappy::vhappy::vhappy::vhappy:
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Big Al

Well-Known Member
IF, and that is a big IF, he does end up back on the pitch for us it will be a humbling but great learning experience for him. Hopefully he will get a new manager who is capable of guiding his career rather than just chasing dollars.
He will need support and if he puts in I will not boo him.
But FFS there is still a lot of water to pass under the Rip Bridge until this crap gets resolved.
He should also give Mulvey a go while he is trying to get out. He might like what he sees on the training pitch plus he will also be sharp for whatever is next.

Also if we hold him and screw him back I’m sure he’d rather be playing for a shit team instead of not playing or training at all.
Unfortunately he and his manager disagree


Well-Known Member
Just had a quick read around various forums, seems everyone is saying MC is right to take a stand and he is not worth what he thinks he is worth.


Well-Known Member
I am always looking for positive fundraising ideas and this just came to me ..........

How about normal club shirts but with letters and numbers with velcro backs :thumbup::thumbup::cheers:
The letters could be three dollars each and you could trade them in for a dollar refund on each at season end ............:vhappy::vhappy::vhappy::vhappy:
I am all for this new concept.


Well-Known Member
Although I agreed with you it was mainly to do with the state of the squad strength. Not knowing what the contractural arrangement is with dds, as first advice was he had an escape clause conditional on okon but now it seems he doesn't, it is now up to mc and mm to use his contract as a bargaining tool I would imagine.
Your sentiments to have him walk the plank is shared by everybody I would imagine. If he turned up to play a game it would be standing room only to be there to "boo" him every-time he touched the ball :overheadl::overheadl::vhappy:
DDS never had an Okon out clause in his contract and my understanding is that the club has ceased paying him as he is not attending training, so the ball is in his court.

I can’t believe that anyone wants him at the club any longer but I applaud MC for stating that we should be adequately compensated if he goes elsewhere.

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