Was told by a CCM player at the time JA was offered the same $$$'s by CCM/Singo to what he got at SYDFC.
He wanted to play in front of 'bigger crowds' & the prestige of the 'bigger club'.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Dibo, at other times I tend to be pretty philosophical about the business of football and players moving on. But what Rowdy said is what I heard too and definitely seemed borne out by Aloisi's comments.
And... he forced me to have one of "those talks" with my 8 year old. You know the ones... like explaining that Santa is a lie, why 9.2 million children under five die every year, economic rationalism, divorce, Hitler etc... the ones where you get to watch a little of the light go out in their big wide doe like eyes.
Went something like...
30 minutes of...
Listen, I know you're upset....
blah blah blah..
yes I know he was your favourite...
blah blah blah...
it's just football...
blah blah blah...
yes I know you got his name on your jersey...
blah blah blah...
yes maybe we should have got Hutchos name instead...
blah blah blah...
don't worry there will be plenty of other marquees...

...blah blah blah...
I promise

...blah blah blah
But daddy, I still don't understand... why do players like Johnny point to their badge and kiss it and stuff like that then?
Well...just because...
But doesn't that mean you must really love something?
Well, yeah...usually...but...
If you love something, don't you want to stay with it?
Yes but...football players, they love...other things too... you know...
You mean like football?
No, well yeah... some. I think... but...
Because he said he was really enjoying his football here.
Yeah I know...but..
What about ice cream?
What about ice cream?
He must love ice cream.
I'm not talking about ice cream.
Everyone loves ice cream.
Ok sure, whatever, he probably loves ice cream. But what I'm saying is that they, players, love... other things too... you see they have family's to feed as well...
Is Johnny's family hungry?
Well no...
Because I've never ever seen a thin Italian kid?
Ok look I've told you you can't go saying things like...
Is that because they all love ice cream so much?
What? No, I don't know...
Because I saw his kid practically inhale a double cone just before on the sideline. I thought he must have dropped it but...
No look! What i'm saying, is it's their job ok, you know, so the players, they need to make money...
Ok, I think I understand.
Great. Finally. *sigh*
Johnny is going to SFC because he's poor.
No, he isn't bloody poor... but...
Well then what is it??
You know...
No. All I know, is that you keep sayin' 'but' and 'you bloody know'.
'But' I don't know, if 'you bloody know', what you're even sayin'

Ok listen up smart ass, I'm only going to say this once, and your not to tell your bloody mother or I'll strangle you with your own damn supporters scarf. Your precious Johnny is a money hungry cnut, and he's dead to us. Now eat your f**king ice cream and watch the damn game.
Ok, I may not have said that.
'But' I did turn the "S" in his Aloisi jersey into a $ sign for him.
He wore it proudly till it no longer fit.
He's a good kid.