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Mariners Squad 2024/2025 ALM and ACL Elite

Hello Sailor

Well-Known Member
Sounds like he is putting in a lot of effort in training and elsewhere, just a difference of opinion or style with the coach.

Plus he had to play for WUN for one of those championships so there is that.....
I actually feel sorry for him. Maybe the Aust Cup would be the place for him to get a run. If we have a heavy schedule with the ACL and we need to rest and rotate why not bring him into the picture. It sounds like he is taking training seriously and not just kicking back


Well-Known Member
I actually feel sorry for him. Maybe the Aust Cup would be the place for him to get a run. If we have a heavy schedule with the ACL and we need to rest and rotate why not bring him into the picture. It sounds like he is taking training seriously and not just kicking back
I do too.

By all accounts his attitude is good and he has never stopped working hard.

I’m convinced his time is coming! 😂🙏


Well-Known Member
If he's on a good salary and it's clear freezing him out isn't going to have the desired effect we need to get something out of him. And if we can't get him performing well enough to be useful thats a poor reflection on the club.


Well-Known Member
If he's on a good salary and it's clear freezing him out isn't going to have the desired effect we need to get something out of him. And if we can't get him performing well enough to be useful thats a poor reflection on the club.
Monty rated him and by all accounts he gives his all at training but he doesn't suit what Jacko is trying to do. As a professional footballer though he needs to start playing again for his own sake otherwise his career will be over. Whether that is here or elsewhere I don't know - but whenever I have talked to him he seems to be a very genuine guy that wants to play.


Well-Known Member
but he doesn't suit what Jacko is trying to do
In light of the budget cuts it's on the coaching staff to figure out how to get him to fit the plan or how the plan can accommodate him.

As a professional footballer though he needs to start playing again for his own sake otherwise his career will be over. Whether that is here or elsewhere I don't know - but whenever I have talked to him he seems to be a very genuine guy that wants to play.
By giving him nothing over an extended period of time we've also made it harder for him to secure a gig elsewhere. If he's still on the books by round 1 we can expect he'll see out his deal so we need to decide if we can get something back for the investment.


Well-Known Member
If he's on a good salary and it's clear freezing him out isn't going to have the desired effect we need to get something out of him. And if we can't get him performing well enough to be useful thats a poor reflection on the club.
Tbf we Hough, Jacko didn’t sign him. You can’t blame him for DWH being in the squad, nor for creating something he is not.

I totally agree it’s not a good situation but it’s a hangover and a bit of a no win if he can’t get up to par. Playing him won’t win any fans either.


Well-Known Member
To sit on the bench for an A-L side for over two years is a career ending at this level maybe go back to the NPL but even there without some Football he will struggle for decent money


Well-Known Member
Tbf we Hough, Jacko didn’t sign him. You can’t blame him for DWH being in the squad, nor for creating something he is not.

I totally agree it’s not a good situation but it’s a hangover and a bit of a no win if he can’t get up to par. Playing him won’t win any fans either.
How many out and out strikers have we got? Edmo, Alou, De Piz... anyone else? He could easily get a run if there are any injuries or cards.


Well-Known Member
The DWH situation is my one and only gripe with Jacko. And it’s only a small one, ofcourse in Jacko we trust.

A huge amount of effort and large amount of game time was given to Wilson early last season until it was decided he really ain’t good enough. Work was and still is put into other lads in the squad to improve them to get maximum output.. why is it not the case with DWH? I get that his size and style of forward isn’t what Jacko wants, but, it kind of is. He likes pressing forwards, DWH is that. Yeah he’s not a hold up target man but I’ll argue to the death that he’s a better footballer than Alou. He’s of aleague standard at a minimum. If money is so tight and we’re cutting back room and office staff, why can we afford to never use a player who is assumed on an above average salary?
He gets slated on here and I firmly believe a lot of it isn’t justified, he’s shown tremendous attitude in a shit time for him personally. 9/10 players in this league would be publicly screaming. He’s grafting.
Jacko and Danny have proven they’re great at improving players, I really don’t understand why DWH hasn’t been given a genuine chance. It’s mind boggling.


Well-Known Member
The DWH situation is my one and only gripe with Jacko. And it’s only a small one, ofcourse in Jacko we trust.

A huge amount of effort and large amount of game time was given to Wilson early last season until it was decided he really ain’t good enough. Work was and still is put into other lads in the squad to improve them to get maximum output.. why is it not the case with DWH? I get that his size and style of forward isn’t what Jacko wants, but, it kind of is. He likes pressing forwards, DWH is that. Yeah he’s not a hold up target man but I’ll argue to the death that he’s a better footballer than Alou. He’s of aleague standard at a minimum. If money is so tight and we’re cutting back room and office staff, why can we afford to never use a player who is assumed on an above average salary?
He gets slated on here and I firmly believe a lot of it isn’t justified, he’s shown tremendous attitude in a shit time for him personally. 9/10 players in this league would be publicly screaming. He’s grafting.
Jacko and Danny have proven they’re great at improving players, I really don’t understand why DWH hasn’t been given a genuine chance. It’s mind boggling.
I 100% agree with this, he featured at the start when we lost 4 in a row, but once we started winning and had clicked as a team, he didn’t get a look in, not even in the afc cup which against some of those minnow teams, or 2nd legs where the tie was all but over, would have been the perfect time for him to get some game time,
It’s crazy that he basically didn’t see the pitch from rd 5 onwards, hopefully with these budget cuts and player departures we get to see more of him this season, and jacko finds a way to fit him into his plans, because he’s a good footballer and deserves to be playing

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