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Mariners Squad 2024/2025 ALM and ACL Elite


Well-Known Member
I 100% agree with this, he featured at the start when we lost 4 in a row, but once we started winning and had clicked as a team, he didn’t get a look in, not even in the afc cup which against some of those minnow teams, or 2nd legs where the tie was all but over, would have been the perfect time for him to get some game time,
It’s crazy that he basically didn’t see the pitch from rd 5 onwards
This is the issue I have with it too. We weren't a great team early and he barely got a look once we started putting together a coherent plan. That's understandable if someone is shining but neither Alou or Reec were very impressive around that time yet they persevered with them. Alou I get since we paid a fee but Reec was a loan, even if purely just an economic sense maybe we could have got cash from India if DWH was firing a bit and fancied a move.


Well-Known Member
Nizzy is still on the coast and keeping fit with Olly Bozanic. Absolutely crazy the current best player in the country is having an extended period training alone looking for a new club abroad. Whoever is advising him, shouldn’t be.
Fantastic person and what he achieved at our club won't be forgotten. Club offered him a contract, he chose to turn it down and so, we move on. I for one am excited at how Alfie will perform!

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Nizzy is still on the coast and keeping fit with Olly Bozanic. Absolutely crazy the current best player in the country is having an extended period training alone looking for a new club abroad. Whoever is advising him, shouldn’t be.
Rolled the dice in the hope of pocketing a big sign on fee as a free agent.
Bold strategy Cotton.
So far.
If I was another AL club I'd chuck him a safety offer

Big Al

Well-Known Member
The DWH situation is my one and only gripe with Jacko. And it’s only a small one, ofcourse in Jacko we trust.

A huge amount of effort and large amount of game time was given to Wilson early last season until it was decided he really ain’t good enough. Work was and still is put into other lads in the squad to improve them to get maximum output.. why is it not the case with DWH? I get that his size and style of forward isn’t what Jacko wants, but, it kind of is. He likes pressing forwards, DWH is that. Yeah he’s not a hold up target man but I’ll argue to the death that he’s a better footballer than Alou. He’s of aleague standard at a minimum. If money is so tight and we’re cutting back room and office staff, why can we afford to never use a player who is assumed on an above average salary?
He gets slated on here and I firmly believe a lot of it isn’t justified, he’s shown tremendous attitude in a shit time for him personally. 9/10 players in this league would be publicly screaming. He’s grafting.
Jacko and Danny have proven they’re great at improving players, I really don’t understand why DWH hasn’t been given a genuine chance. It’s mind boggling.
He was the 3rd striker for a while and then the 4th striker when Edo arrived. Simple as that. He is professional enough to be a good teammate which is fantastic. He got a go and didn’t do anything with it. In the AFC cup i just remember him being offside every time and he didn’t need to be so tight on the lines against that opponent.

Alou won us the Asian Cup
Edmo won us the treble
Jing got benched
DWH was next up but couldn’t dislodge Jing.

If he gets a crack this year i bet he will give 100% like he always does and hopefully he has success.

I think if he does get a go and goals then Jacko would keep playing him. However not going to be much room behind Edmo and Koul with Di Pizzio and Brandtman looking to improve as well.

Hello Sailor

Well-Known Member
Am I the only one not yet convinced about Edmondson?
Yes he did some good work in the AFC and in our finals but is two goals in twelve matches in the regular A League season really good enough?


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one not yet convinced about Edmondson?
Yes he did some good work in the AFC and in our finals but is two goals in twelve matches in the regular A League season really good enough?
Definitely plenty to prove but at the same time last year we weren't great at feeding his runs and Torres seemingly outright refused to pass to him so I think we'll see some improvement. Of the two strikers I'm more worried about Kuol - 5 goals in 25 matches, 0 in finals and 3 in AFC cup isn't enough. 1 Assist in total. Lots of work off the ball but unless the ball goes in the net you can't win games.

Edmo went 2 in 12, 3 + 1 assist in AFC in less games and minutes, 2 goals in finals.


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one not yet convinced about Edmondson?
Yes he did some good work in the AFC and in our finals but is two goals in twelve matches in the regular A League season really good enough?
I'm not sure why he's only getting half a game. If he's not up to the task we'll find out pretty soon as his service is going to be much better this season. I think we'll see him start banging goals after a few matches, keep the faith 😉
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