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Central Coast Mariners Squad 2021/22

Big Al

Well-Known Member
My point is that Lewis F Miller is no worse a right back and in all likelyhood will be cheaper. He is also a Monty "graduate"
Lewis is a little worse but has more potential. Needs to tidy up getting back to defend the break.
Miller offense is horrible to. He absolutely kills any attacks. Needs to keep it simple.

The pod where Ken basically says if he wants to stay at the club he needs to be a RB but thinks he’s a CB is very telling.

That said young and hungry and not that much worse.

We need another RB in the squad though.

Hopefully we don’t go for Roux again


Well-Known Member
I am hoping the rumoured ‘German International’ is Muller, as he seems to be a hard working and intelligent player, whereas Baumjohan is a bit too relaxed (I hesitate to say lazy but you get my drift).

I recall Ken saying on the pod that we were likely to look at signing visa players that were already in the league, so this certainly would fit that narrative.

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Have spoken with a couple of people who have shared a dressing room with him (both players and coaches) as well as a couple of people outside of football - not a bad word said about him. I’d take him.
Interesting. Though has to be said, someone who will boil your kids pet rabbit if they hear of any slight also seems to have this effect on people,

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
bit harsh, he was more than serviceable defensively. Not brilliant going forward admittedly. Did a good job for us though.
could be improved upon but I think Monty rates Miller better any how, so maybe an academy promotion to be back up

For mine Miller is clearly a better prospect long term and Nigro was clearly the weakest of our back line. Modern game you have to be able to carry the ball forward effectively. Regardless, Miler is only 20, Rowles is 23. A year ago, most were saying Kye wasn't good enough. While a handful of us were saying, huge promise, just needs time. I think Nigro's concentration and decision making is better than Lewis, but that is the norm for younger players, and in most other regards, Miller has better skills and physical attributes.
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Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member

or image search.....



Well-Known Member
For mine Miller is clearly a better prospect long term and Nigro was clearly the weakest of our back line. Modern game you have to be able to carry the ball forward effectively. Regardless, Miler is only 20, Rowles is 23. A year ago, most were saying Kye wasn't good enough. While a handful of us were saying, huge promise, just needs time. I think Nigro's concentration and decision making is better than Lewis, but that is the norm for younger players, and in most other regards, Miller has better skills and physical attributes.
Miller is a great option at CB,RB and DM. Hes big, hes quick, good on the ball. His defence needs a bit of work and his application wheb going forward needs a clean up. The biggest upside is he's 20.

Ima put it out there that if he does that and gets his attitude right he could be up there with Heff or Rose, maybe a tier down with Pedj Boj.

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