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CCM Fans and the club

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Well-Known Member
I tend to agree, either it was part of Okon's requirements before signing the line or it had already been decided.

Either way, leads to speculation on the new AC, would love Mori or Vidmar now ;)

I wouldn't for a differing reasons. First reason is that Mori has been a club coach for ages and probably doesn't want to take the step down. Selfishly for the Mariners I would think that Paul and Tony working together with youth players in the past may help us if Tony stays where he is. Hopefully we get a heads up for developing talent.

I'd love for a few of the top 15, 16 and 17 year olds move to the coast, go to the IFS and progress to the first team and eventually to the senior national teams.

Sterj might be worth considering though?
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Active Member
Like most, pretty sad about Hutch not continuing in the Assistants role.
But it is Football, and is similar to what happened with Ryan Giggs at Manchester United and happens all over the world.
Good luck to Paul Okon, and a big thank you John Hutchinson

Mug Punter

Active Member
Good signing I feel.

He's got the toughest job in Australian football and it will be a hard slog, I'll reserve judgement until year end but 9th will be a huge success in my book.

Hopefully MC and his minions give him the resources to have a chance

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member

Not exactly thrilled given his record and experience but as Dibo said, will take a few games to gel I think.

Better than last season is progress. Just

I don't expect our esteemed owner to actually allow him the resources to do the job but credit to him for taking the job


Well-Known Member
Hi Shaun

Moving away from the managerial discussions I want to know more about the COE and investment in the COE and the club. I had heard that one of the consortiums that were interested in the Jets was led by the Hawaiian businessman and part-time resident of Blue Bay Jeff Von Schmauder. Has there been any contact with that consortium in regards to investing in the Mariners and the COE?

I have heard the next stage will be a gymnasium next to the swim school. When is this build likely to commence and is there a timetable for the following stages?

Shaun Mielekamp

Well-Known Member
Hi Shaun

Moving away from the managerial discussions I want to know more about the COE and investment in the COE and the club. I had heard that one of the consortiums that were interested in the Jets was led by the Hawaiian businessman and part-time resident of Blue Bay Jeff Von Schmauder. Has there been any contact with that consortium in regards to investing in the Mariners and the COE?

I have heard the next stage will be a gymnasium next to the swim school. When is this build likely to commence and is there a timetable for the following stages?
Hi pjennings

Jeff has actually purchased a suite in the building and has set up his offices right next to ours, so in short the answer is yes there has been contact and they have invested in the COE, mind you I would not wish to imply there was anything on a grand stage and football discussed as it has been a clean property purchase arrangement only.

In regards to the next steps we are in the process of revisiting the master plan to ensure this are still on track and the main component that needs to be address is the traffic management on Wyong road, once this is completed it will pave the way for the next stages to get happening really quickly.



Well-Known Member
Loving your work Shaun, keep them coming .......

"McKinna said he wasn’t precisely sure how many coaching applications he’d received this week, despite reports of approximately 60 submissions.

He revealed that he’d received a phonecall from Mariners CEO Shaun Mielekamp on Thursday who jokingly said ‘I can give you the 62 CVs we got the week before’."


:innocent: .......

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
Why does the club send out all its info to members in yellow writing on a navy background? I don't know about others but it is impossible to read on my screen.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
It may be our colours but it is a waste of time if it is illegible. Blue on yellow would be better.

I wonder how many others do not respond to these "Great Offers" because it is a real pain to try and read the text.

I no longer try. It is that difficult.

Mini In Bay 6

Well-Known Member
It may be our colours but it is a waste of time if it is illegible. Blue on yellow would be better.

I wonder how many others do not respond to these "Great Offers" because it is a real pain to try and read the text.

I no longer try. It is that difficult.

Might be time for a trip to the optician. The bulk of the emails are white on blue.

Not saying you have an issue (someone may have buggered your web viewers colour settings or somesuch) but given your username suggests "a person of experience" getting a yellow tinge to ones vision is common and correctable.


Well-Known Member
Huh? The only yellow text in the emails are the links.
Not entirely correct.
I delete mine but kept this as to compare membership prices and as you can see from a 'magnified' screenshot, some of the links in past emails are a bright iridescent blue which are absolutely impossible to decipher, eg:

Yes, the '02' is yellow, but the clubs contact phone number is the iridescent blue, as is another link above it - which is only discernible by its iridescent blue underline.

Club may no longer use this format, dont know as delete after reading
.... hope so :santa:


Well-Known Member
Yes, the '02' is yellow, but the clubs contact phone number is the iridescent blue, as is another link above it - which is only discernible by its iridescent blue underline.
That's because your phone automatically turns phone numbers in emails & SMSs into links (so you can call by tapping), not due to anything that the club is doing.


Well-Known Member
If so, then why use the navy background for important corrospondence with your members if it's messing with their vision to call the number you want them to ring.

Surely there's a fix to get around it.


Well-Known Member
Use coloured frames around black text on a white field. Simples.

There are some sites that do it well and keep a sense of the brand. Like this one. ;)

Big Al

Well-Known Member

“I think the situation is getting a lot better,” he said. “Two years ago, we were looking for more investors. Now, from a financial point of view, we’re in the strongest position we have been in since long before I took the club over. That was the year we won the title, and we lost $2m that year — it wasn’t a lot of fun, apart from the grand final.

“The following year we lost half that, last year some $400,000, and this year we’re hoping to break even or thereabouts. The last phase of our centre of excellence has been a commercial success, but the next phase will be something else all together.

I thought we broke even last year to much fan fare? Was it blown on Luis Garcia?
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