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CCM Fans and the club

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Luca Brasi

Well-Known Member
Dont want to pick the scab off any old wounds, but how does this compare to CCM stadium costs?

As previously reported in the Manly Daily, a battle has been going on for months about the club’s rental of the council-owned Brookvale Oval.
Warringah Council says it costs it $900,000 a year to maintain the ground, and it’s asking the club for $375,000.
But the Sea Eagles- who negotiated a secret deal on last year’s unpaid rent — say that’s still too much.
They want to pay $220,000 plus cover some other costs — but it has emerged Warringah Council has yet to receive an official offer.


Well-Known Member
Hire of the ground by itself was reported to be quite cheap - $7.5k or so, but all up gameday costs (hire, road closures, etc.) were something like $75k weren't they?

That'd come out to $825k all up for an NRL season, meaning Brooky is way cheaper.

But it'd want to be. It's shit.


Well-Known Member
Apparently Mike met the CCMOSC committee tonight. Anyone on the committee that could share anything?
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Shaun Mielekamp

Well-Known Member
Hey guys

Now that I have caught up on some sleep and been able to get back to reality I wanted to jump on and re-engage properly on here. Rowdy and crew apology for my sharp response that caused some concern - I was under the pump and reacted (hopefully you will allow that at least once a season without too much criticism).

Rowdy you know I didn't take offence and re-reading my post as mentioned forums to lose tone and context at times. My point on being nasty was never meant to come across as being direct, more so I just wanted to clarify my opinion on what would make it hard for me to come on here if I felt things were headed that way (which I do not).

Rather than harp on it can we hit the rest button and chat?

Since I was last on here what are some of the burning questions? What has been good/bad or indifferent for 2016 so far?

Keen to hear thoughts on anything and over the next fortnight will look to try and answer all the questions following this post.

Thanks again for the patience guys and glad you understood that at times I do need to focus on the job at hand and look to explain later



Well-Known Member
Since I was last on here what are some of the burning questions?
What has been good/bad or indifferent for 2016 so far?
  • The signing of Garcia has been the highlight of the season but should not have waited until the middle of the season to sign such a high profile player. If we're going to hire a marquee, can we do it at the start of a season next time?
  • Montgomery has been a fantastic player this season, really led the boys well and put in great performances. Do we have any idea when he plans to retire and potential replacements?
Some negative points
  • Why sign Matthew Fletcher? Seems quite the risk since he hasn't played for 12 months or so.
  • Can we please decide on a starting 11 and stick with it? Seems like we're constantly switching players out for no apparent reason. Need to give the starting 11 some time to gel as a team (assuming they're not injured/suspended) and then decide whether to drop players due to poor performances.
Thanks for your time.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys

Now that I have caught up on some sleep and been able to get back to reality I wanted to jump on and re-engage properly on here. Rowdy and crew apology for my sharp response that caused some concern - I was under the pump and reacted (hopefully you will allow that at least once a season without too much criticism).

Rowdy you know I didn't take offence and re-reading my post as mentioned forums to lose tone and context at times. My point on being nasty was never meant to come across as being direct, more so I just wanted to clarify my opinion on what would make it hard for me to come on here if I felt things were headed that way (which I do not).

Rather than harp on it can we hit the rest button and chat?

Since I was last on here what are some of the burning questions? What has been good/bad or indifferent for 2016 so far?

Keen to hear thoughts on anything and over the next fortnight will look to try and answer all the questions following this post.

Thanks again for the patience guys and glad you understood that at times I do need to focus on the job at hand and look to explain later

Cheers Shaun. The good of the season has been the development of the younger players for me, that will put us in good shape for coming seasons. Ascroft, Izzo, McGing, Neill, Liam Rose,Bingham, Posco etc have all improved this season and are developing the mentality of what is required at this level. Add to that the fantastic signing of Luis which has ignited what could have been a dour last half of the season. And also the leadership of Monty who has been brilliant under massive pressure.
The bad, although needed, was the mass change of personnel during the first half of the season and all the negative publicity that surrounded it. We have battled back on and off the pitch though which has been good to see and shows the resilience of the club.


Well-Known Member
  • The signing of Garcia has been the highlight of the season but should not have waited until the middle of the season to sign such a high profile player. If we're going to hire a marquee, can we do it at the start of a season next time?
  • Montgomery has been a fantastic player this season, really led the boys well and put in great performances. Do we have any idea when he plans to retire and potential replacements?
Some negative points
  • Why sign Matthew Fletcher? Seems quite the risk since he hasn't played for 12 months or so.
  • Can we please decide on a starting 11 and stick with it? Seems like we're constantly switching players out for no apparent reason. Need to give the starting 11 some time to gel as a team (assuming they're not injured/suspended) and then decide whether to drop players due to poor performances.
Thanks for your time.
I'd be curious re: Monty but just happy to have him right now.

MC had made it clear that signing a marquee was a new approach and one that has surprised in it's value. It will be reviewed end of season for viability and a 3 year cycle approach has been suggested as the most likely option - subject to change upon review.

Also signing Fletcher fits the model - a young Aussie player with loads of potential, likely on a good deal so low risk for potential high reward. Plus we needed more options in regards to firepower though I personally rate Bingham.

Finally, the starting 11 is the coach's responsibility...the art of war says that once a king has chosen his general and decided an objective he should let his general do his job without too much interference lest he hamper the general's potential.
TW has had a rough run of results and an epic turnover of players. By necessity the starting 11 has changed and tinkered with until a win non formula is found. The starting 11, bar Garcia's first game, has been getting more and more consistent I'd say.


Well-Known Member
A few thoughts on this from a fans perspective @Spacks, hope you don't mind:

  • The signing of Garcia has been the highlight of the season but should not have waited until the middle of the season to sign such a high profile player. If we're going to hire a marquee, can we do it at the start of a season next time?
    As ideal as this would be I feel like it comes down to when somebody is available. This instance would have been about the timing - i.e. Nealo (our physio) and Garcia being part of the Liverpool Legends game. That said, MC has been quoted as saying he really can see how important marquee signings are and is looking to make it a more regular occurence at CCMFC.
  • Montgomery has been a fantastic player this season, really led the boys well and put in great performances. Do we have any idea when he plans to retire and potential replacements?
    God I hope he plays on for a couple of seasons, even if it slows down to more of a mentoring role. He's still got a good couple of years in him IMO.
Some negative points
  • Why sign Matthew Fletcher? Seems quite the risk since he hasn't played for 12 months or so.
  • Can we please decide on a starting 11 and stick with it? Seems like we're constantly switching players out for no apparent reason. Need to give the starting 11 some time to gel as a team (assuming they're not injured/suspended) and then decide whether to drop players due to poor performances.
    I feel these are more questions for TW than Shaun? Apart from commercial value for high profile players, I'm not sure he'd have huge input into who the club signs, that would be more of Tony's charter as both head coach and TD. RE Fletcher, between he and the coaching staff I imagine they did their homework (or at least I hope so!). Probably a bit harsh to say Fletch is failure after 1.25 games as well, time permitting he could become a star. As for the starting 11 changing - I don't think that's TW's fault even... suspension and injury has played a massive part. There has been the odd player dropped on form but each time, to me at least, they seemed fairly well justified.
Thanks for your time.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Hi Shaun. Great job with Garcia.

How is that going from a sponsorship angle? Still no away sponsor on front. Has it produced or getting bites that the club wants? Obviously it's crucial if we are to do it again.

What was the reaction from Fox Sports? We don't know what you are on about or busted? Was Monty happy with the fans and clubs reaction. I am.

What was the reaction to the crowd size at WSW game. A lot of WSW fans which worries me not enough locals came to see Garcia. It was a perfect storm, Saturday night, WSW, Garcia and a perfect night. Do you get a reading of members turn ups per game? Wonder if a few we're missing.

Went to my first Kendall room Pre Game. Am a fan was interesting to here TW not that I agree with it all but I'm not paid to make the decisions. He almost pulled it off.

Is a night with Garcia a possibility? Him talking about his career etc.


Well-Known Member
I'd be interested to know the following
  • If by some fluke of nature (blame my optimistic nature) we make the finals, will Garcia's time here extend into that campaign?
  • Extended on that, is there any chance of him staying on for part or all of the 2016/17 season?
  • Is there any scope for the current draw cycle to be broken? By that I mean we play WSW SYD NEW all 2ce at home one season then 1ce the following season. For the Jets and CCM in particular that model is ridiculous, is this something the FFA might look at?


Well-Known Member

Bingham breaking through
Luis Garcia
Some rough diamonds looking like they will polish up nicely in time

Coming last ATM.
Our comical defending (which is improving slowly).

Shaun Mielekamp

Well-Known Member
I'd be interested to know the following
  • If by some fluke of nature (blame my optimistic nature) we make the finals, will Garcia's time here extend into that campaign?
  • Extended on that, is there any chance of him staying on for part or all of the 2016/17 season?
  • Is there any scope for the current draw cycle to be broken? By that I mean we play WSW SYD NEW all 2ce at home one season then 1ce the following season. For the Jets and CCM in particular that model is ridiculous, is this something the FFA might look at?
- Yes if we make the finals there is a chance Garcia can stay (this will be decided if/when we make it)
- We have all agreed to "never say never" and see how the season plays out and then discuss what future may hold
- We have requested the cycle be broken this up and coming season, not sure if we will have any luck though as we need other clubs to agree. likely to be when the bigger clubs have their duplicate season and it affects us more than them.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Hey guys

Now that I have caught up on some sleep and been able to get back to reality I wanted to jump on and re-engage properly on here. Rowdy and crew apology for my sharp response that caused some concern - I was under the pump and reacted (hopefully you will allow that at least once a season without too much criticism).

Rowdy you know I didn't take offence and re-reading my post as mentioned forums to lose tone and context at times. My point on being nasty was never meant to come across as being direct, more so I just wanted to clarify my opinion on what would make it hard for me to come on here if I felt things were headed that way (which I do not).

Rather than harp on it can we hit the rest button and chat?

Since I was last on here what are some of the burning questions? What has been good/bad or indifferent for 2016 so far?

Keen to hear thoughts on anything and over the next fortnight will look to try and answer all the questions following this post.

Thanks again for the patience guys and glad you understood that at times I do need to focus on the job at hand and look to explain later


Rowdy take offence? Never ☺

The Garcia signing is genius. Well done.

Keep going, we will get there

Shaun Mielekamp

Well-Known Member
Hi Shaun. Great job with Garcia.

How is that going from a sponsorship angle? Still no away sponsor on front. Has it produced or getting bites that the club wants? Obviously it's crucial if we are to do it again.

What was the reaction from Fox Sports? We don't know what you are on about or busted? Was Monty happy with the fans and clubs reaction. I am.

What was the reaction to the crowd size at WSW game. A lot of WSW fans which worries me not enough locals came to see Garcia. It was a perfect storm, Saturday night, WSW, Garcia and a perfect night. Do you get a reading of members turn ups per game? Wonder if a few we're missing.

Went to my first Kendall room Pre Game. Am a fan was interesting to here TW not that I agree with it all but I'm not paid to make the decisions. He almost pulled it off.

Is a night with Garcia a possibility? Him talking about his career etc.
Sponsorship is still tough, it is a shame we haven't apart from Masterfoods had much support from central coast businesses yet.
Fox sports and I are arranging a meeting to follow up and clear up our concerns.
WSW game was good but still only 70% of members attended, need to see a lift vs Adelaide.
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