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WE DID IT!!!!!


I'm an idiot savant without the pesky savant bit
:pirate: I was just watching the Guvs press conference, he was talking about how everyone pulled up, when one of the reporters asked him how Sasho was....The Guv looked at this bloke and said...... " HE SCORED TWO GOALS , SASHO CAN'T FEEL ANYTHING".....hahahahahaha...i was pretty much that way meself after last night 

:piralaugh: :piralaugh: :piralaugh: :piralaugh:


Well-Known Member
RECKY said:
:pirate: I was just watching the Guvs press conference, he was talking about how everyone pulled up, when one of the reporters asked him how Sasho was....The Guv looked at this bloke and said...... " HE SCORED TWO GOALS , SASHO CAN'T FEEL ANYTHING".....hahahahahaha...i was pretty much that way meself after last night 

:piralaugh: :piralaugh: :piralaugh: :piralaugh:

haha, that was me who asked that question


I'm an idiot savant without the pesky savant bit
and a beautifully phrased statement of your deep concern for Sasho's wellbeing it was, Mick me old mate

:piralaugh: :pirashoot: :thumbup: :vhappy:


Well-Known Member
cruiser said:
Nato said:
Yeah.. 2 guys standing there minding their own business. Then a train load of scum started on them. A couple of guys took it too far and threw punches, resulting in my mates night being ruined before the game even started!! He solidiered on though and obviously ended up having a great night minus his front tooth!!! The got away because there was so many of them the police couldnt do anything which was a shame!!!
That really sucks HOWEVER it's so very important that we dont get sucked in by this type of behaviour and start doing similar things back at Jets supporters or anyone else for that matter. Not only can we be the greatest football team in the A-League (PREMIERS and CHAMPIONS!) but we supporters can do our team proud by also being the best in the A-League.

lol eya the marinators are the ebst supports in the land for sure. bahahahahahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
Not the most pretty game, but we won 3-0, and that's what counts.

What a match!!!!!!!! Easily our greatest win ever. Petrovski hasn't scored in seven matches and has pulled out a fantastic strike.
Kwasnik played the best match of his life (even thoygh he gave the ball up alot in 2nd ET)
Wilko and Viddy what a pairing.
Tommy when he was on was a real livewire
Vuko saves were immense.
but the MoM has to to be MILE JEDINAK. This man is freak of nature. He just kept running and running and running chasing down everything. My new Hero.

Are you kidding me? Besides one good cross, and his deflection goal which he shouldn't really be credited with much (thanks Elrich!), he sucked bigtime. Constantly coughed up the ball, even when he beat a player, giving possession back.

Great shooting from Petro. Aloisi was having another off night, but I prefer now than in two weeks. He looked tired.
Defence was mostly ok, although sometimes the clearences was apalling. Credit to Boogs, Vidmar and Ceccolli.
Hutch was off tonight, Jedi was great, Tommy P was ok for when he was on, Gumprecht was FANTASTIC - one of the very few players who made the better plays. Compared to Kwasnik... well, there is no comparison really. He was immense.
Hurrah for Vuko as well - made some great saves.

Not the best performance - we have certainly played better than this, but we played good enough, while Newcastle played bad.


Bob and Bill you would have to be the most miserable shit of a supporter that I have ever come across.
Kwassy scores the opening goal in a great match to put us on the front foot but all you can do is knock.
FFS he makes mistakes, but he shows flashes of brilliance you do not see in this league from other players.
Again FFS, Aloisi made heaps of mistakes tonight but he was one of our best.

Everyone tonight was brilliant.

Do not bring us down tonight you miserable troll.

I have just seen a replay of the goal. The commentators called it a deflection. I am pretty sure it was a chip like the one in Canberra. But I guess you were not at that game either.
So one cannot have an opinion? Not 'everyone' tonight was brillant, we played better than that before (for instance that 2-0 victory over Adelaide).
In all honesty, did you think that that was Kwasnik's best perfomance? Sure, he did well in defending, and made good runs, but he could have played much better than that. Many times I can recall where he would do something good, like beat a player of twon, but where does that get you when the next thing you do is pass the ball to the opposition? He did that FAR too foten, undoing what he did good.
I did not have many looks at the replay yet, but ALL the reports I have read, and from what I saw when I was there and on T.V., clearly showed his shot take a deflection, and a big one at that. The ball spun weirdly and everything, unlike a normal chip. Maybe his shot before the deflection would have still gone in - but just because he scores a deflected goal doesn't mean that he should be forgiven for rarely crossing the ball or making disecting passes.

BTW, I WAS at the gaame, so don't go one saying that I hadn't. My sore throat says otherwise, and maybe my opinion is due to being in a different bay to you, and thus a different view (was in bay 48). I could see everything that everyone was doing clearly, and the various passing oppotunities that wasnik had, but didn't complete.

This is not an attack on Kwasnik, just an opinion that he could have done better than what he did, had done better in the past and some other players could have started before him (cough Gumprecht ;) )

I for one do not think that it was a fantastic performance from us - just a very good one, that could have been better, from the other games that I have been to and had the joy to witness with my own eyes. But I have supported this team fully from day one, and had full faith in our teamthat we could have (and we did!) beat Newcastle by three. Please don't jump on my opinion of a few players, although *maybe* I might have sounded a tad negative, which I was far from feeling.


Well-Known Member
Mr Password who cares if you dont think were the best supporter but i can tell u what is a proven fact that we support the best team in the land
:piralaugh: :pirashoot: UP YOU MARINERS  :pirashoot: :piralaugh:


Well-Known Member
i will have to agree with coach mckinna in saying it was our best performance in three seasons

and the lead-up for the kwassy goal was brilliant - he was hemmed in by elrich and song on the sideline, flicked the ball around elrich and ran in the opposite direction, and then outran to players to get a shot

whether it was deflected or not is irrelevant and i am certain while gumpy has the skill, he would have not had the pace to do what kwassy did

i love gumpy to death but in no way should he start ahead of kwassy and IMO not many players in the a-league could have produced the skill, pace and technical ability in the lead-up to that goal


Well-Known Member
I was just going off what old-mate said,

you havn't won the gf yet, but yes off current result you would have to say your the best


Well-Known Member
What I hate about the Kwas bashers (and bobandbill I am not saying you are in this category) is that Kwas only has to look the wrong way and guys are all over him. As a member we had a guy sit near us all year and he bagged kwas out constantly. I always loved it when he would bag him out only for Kwas to do what only he can - score a great goal or beat a couple of guys when he shouldn't have been able to.

Kwas is certainly not the only one who gives the ball away too much, Hutch was poor last night as well, but Kwas workrate was excellent, he beat two or three guys to score that goal, who cares about deflections or not, its in the net.

I think Kwas was one of our better players early in the year before his injury and he is only now getting back into form. He's an enigma our Kwas...


Well-Known Member
Early on Kwasnik was on fire but since his injury (or suspension dont really no) he has not been quite soo good.


Well-Known Member
password said:
When yas watch the replay, have a good look at the 2nd goal, a strong hint of offside!

watched the youtube footage many times and very onside

even said so by anti-mariner harper


Well-Known Member
i will have to agree with coach mckinna in saying it was our best performance in three seasons

and the lead-up for the kwassy goal was brilliant - he was hemmed in by elrich and song on the sideline, flicked the ball around elrich and ran in the opposite direction, and then outran to players to get a shot

whether it was deflected or not is irrelevant and i am certain while gumpy has the skill, he would have not had the pace to do what kwassy did

i love gumpy to death but in no way should he start ahead of kwassy and IMO not many players in the a-league could have produced the skill, pace and technical ability in the lead-up to that goal
But my point is that besides the goal, which he did do well to cut in and create the oppotunity, he didn't do that much else, and simply gave the ball up way too much. While many of the other players actually passed the ball to our team-mates more often. Kwasnik did little good before the goal, then he switched on more, but to say that that is his best performance, when he has done better than that... he did at least as well as Hutch however, which was kinda odd given Hutch's from thus far... he gave up the ball too much as well.
I understand mistakes, but not that many miscued passes - maybe he will be better in two weeks.

BTW, can't really see how the goal was not deflected... am annoyed that one has to give such a damning reply to my post, call me a troll (???) becuase I wasn't that impressed with Kwasnik, and then suggest that I wasn't at the game... bleh. May I rephrase that this was not an attack on kwasnik, and certainly not a 'sack him' idea - just opinion.

Re password - how the heck was it offsie? Behind the defender when Gumps shot.


Well-Known Member
IF you watch closly YEs he was onside after the intial shot, BUT took a deflection off Aloisi, before getting to him and at this time (the time of the deflection) he was behind the 2nd last defebder, wasnt exactly 'blatent' but imo could possibly be called offside.


Well-Known Member
aussiecross said:
KARMA for the aloisi goal at eas

Or a case of what goes around comes around.....

But agree he was onside when Gumps shot (but did it touch JA and was he onside when and if it did?)

Of course it doesn't matter anyway the scores in the paper....


Well-Known Member
password said:
IF you watch closly YEs he was onside after the intial shot, BUT took a deflection off Aloisi, before getting to him and at this time (the time of the deflection) he was behind the 2nd last defebder, wasnt exactly 'blatent' but imo could possibly be called offside.



Well-Known Member
jaypee said:
He's an enigma our Kwas...

. have always called kwasi an enigma - love it

. there are a number of supporters frustrated by kwasi sometimes - i think enigma is appropriate

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