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Rd1 - CCM v MV - home


Well-Known Member

Should Bailey have passed?

He should have also went down when clipped here. Certain penalty.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
Ok my opinion of the game.

Not too bad. Its an improvement.

Keeper was very good. Please stay in your box occasionally though lol.
Defence was much better although they got peeled open on the left side when Victory butchered the chance. A bit ponderous with our passing out at times.
Tapp was excellent and helped Brian rediscover his form.
Midfield was ok but apart from Alfie had little penetration. I was actually pissed off at how slowly we moved the ball, especially when trying to break down 10 men.
Some people were happy with Doka.....i was not. Ponderous and at times lazy with the runs he should be doing to pull defenders out of shape. Passing average and driving with the ball tentative. He wasn't bad but he certainly didn't deserve any plaudits. I DO NOT see him as a 10.
The two strikers work hard and defend very well from the front but they really need to sharpen up in front of goal and neither of them can head a ball.

MOM. 3pts Tappy. 2pts Alfie. 1pt Dylan Peraić-Cullen and Kaltak.

No one was bad. Brandtman looked good when he came on.

Most important point......how was our innocuous challenge a penalty and their blatant push in the back not given. As usual Fagani is a APL stooge.
Pretty good summary. I will watch the replay some time in the next couple of days with close attention to Doka and Ferrajao to see what I missed watching live. I will do it with the sound off. I want my own opinion not the commentators'.

I thought both VAR calls getting Fagani to change his cards were correct in both instances. This does not mean I have to like it, but at least it was used correctly rather than nit picking minor technicalities and ruling millimetre differences in offsides.


Well-Known Member
It’s all been said, some real death riding going on which is standard early season comments. Would have taken the draw before the game so not disappointed with the result. Vuck will be a top two or three team this season IMO so we held our own and could’ve snatched a win. Hate Faghani games his inconsistency drives me crazy.

At the airport heading to Shanghai to watch the ACL game. So excited the season has started and off on another Asia tour so life is good.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
I actually feel kind of positive. P-C had a great first game and I already feel better about the entire season with him in goals, especially once he got past the early nerves with some risky early passes. Although, we dropped 2 points.

I thought Tapp was immense last night. As for the penalty - 100% a dive, but as a defender you have to be so carefuly, ESPECIALLY when you're up against a known cheating piece of shit. You simply can't touch their legs.

We seemed to go in really defensive at the start - our mid 4 was quite flat and stayed very close to our back line, meaning on the odd occasion we attacked it was 2 on 5 and went nowhere.

Second half we were attacking a lot more....just had absolutely no idea what to do with the ball.

And that's where our problems lie. Our attack. It was terrible. Absolutely no imagination, and no off-the-ball movement at all. In the first half, if we have somebody running up the wing then Kuol would just stand still in the middle of the field, with 3 defenders between him and the ball and somehow expect that the ball would teleport to him. There's nobody moving in close to provide linking support.

Then you have Feijao who keeps losing the ball making no-look passes to absolutely nobody. Even my partner was glad when he was off. And he's been doing that every game - just expects somebody to be sprinting close to him. And look...yeah, he's right. When he's on the wing all by himself because nobody is moving to support, and our only other striker is standing in the middle marked by 5 defenders, surely somebody needs to say "Alright, I'll step up".

And the 2nd half wasn't much better. We'd move the ball up, and everybody is just letting themselves be marked. But I think they were trying to do too much - every pass they were looking for was 10-15m+, when so often there were big gaps in the middle. I'd like to see us move towards more closer passing in attack to open up gaps. All too often our entire attack was boot it into the corner, hope that player can skin their defender then...well, th en there's absolutely nobody to pass it to.

A few times even my partner was looking at the massive gap near that player and asking why nobody is there.

Stagnant and unimaginative attack - and that speaks to our strikers, but our lack of a playmaker (lack of Nizzy replacement). Amazing to me how players can get to that level and do so little work to make themselves available for the ball.

While it looks like our strategy was to run it up the wings, we need to be able to either cross it really well (and have somebody on the receiving end), or have support to move it into the middle. It looks like our game plan was just unfinished up attack.

Brandtman....was both exciting and frustrating. Our only chances came from him, but he needs to find his shooting boots. If he does then I think he has real potential. If he doesn't, then perhaps move him into the mids. Perhaps a bit selfish at times too - trying too hard to score a goal to impress maybe. I have high hopes for him.

Goals have been a problem all through our Aus Cup and ACL. I'm still optimistic that our attackers can figure it out, but it's also on Jacko to fix our attacking tactics. If we don't have the players to create something, put a miracle and perfect pass through, then we need to look at how simply players can peel their defence apart. So far I don't think our game plan for attack is matching the players we have.

But, overall that's our best game yet and it leaves me feeling better about the seson than any other game I've seen so far.

Most important point......how was our innocuous challenge a penalty and their blatant push in the back not given. As usual Fagani is a APL stooge.
Back when I was refereeing, I naively thought that a FIFA badge meant that a ref was the absolute best of the best. Now when I look at our FIFA-badged refs, I realise that all you need is to be at the national level for long enough - and getting there is all about politics, not ability.

That blatant push in the back is absolutely a penalty - I reckon Faghani's ego took a beating and he was too afraid to make a decision there, and I reckon Kingy in VAR didn't have the stones to call Faghani over again just a minute or two after his last clanger. Far more of a penalty than that cheating scumbag's dive. And that was his second dive that game - Faghani just didn't fall for the first one (though for f**k's sake, I'm sick of referees clearly knowing it's a dive and not booking players) Faghani is a shocker.

Tapp has to be more careful, especially against players like Fallin-Rollin. You can't touch them or they WILL fall over.

But also.....we need to score from open goals and not rely on a PK every game.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
I actually feel kind of positive. P-C had a great first game and I already feel better about the entire season with him in goals, especially once he got past the early nerves with some risky early passes. Although, we dropped 2 points.

I thought Tapp was immense last night. As for the penalty - 100% a dive, but as a defender you have to be so carefuly, ESPECIALLY when you're up against a known cheating piece of shit. You simply can't touch their legs.

We seemed to go in really defensive at the start - our mid 4 was quite flat and stayed very close to our back line, meaning on the odd occasion we attacked it was 2 on 5 and went nowhere.

Second half we were attacking a lot more....just had absolutely no idea what to do with the ball.

And that's where our problems lie. Our attack. It was terrible. Absolutely no imagination, and no off-the-ball movement at all. In the first half, if we have somebody running up the wing then Kuol would just stand still in the middle of the field, with 3 defenders between him and the ball and somehow expect that the ball would teleport to him. There's nobody moving in close to provide linking support.

Then you have Feijao who keeps losing the ball making no-look passes to absolutely nobody. Even my partner was glad when he was off. And he's been doing that every game - just expects somebody to be sprinting close to him. And look...yeah, he's right. When he's on the wing all by himself because nobody is moving to support, and our only other striker is standing in the middle marked by 5 defenders, surely somebody needs to say "Alright, I'll step up".

And the 2nd half wasn't much better. We'd move the ball up, and everybody is just letting themselves be marked. But I think they were trying to do too much - every pass they were looking for was 10-15m+, when so often there were big gaps in the middle. I'd like to see us move towards more closer passing in attack to open up gaps. All too often our entire attack was boot it into the corner, hope that player can skin their defender then...well, th en there's absolutely nobody to pass it to.

A few times even my partner was looking at the massive gap near that player and asking why nobody is there.

Stagnant and unimaginative attack - and that speaks to our strikers, but our lack of a playmaker (lack of Nizzy replacement). Amazing to me how players can get to that level and do so little work to make themselves available for the ball.

While it looks like our strategy was to run it up the wings, we need to be able to either cross it really well (and have somebody on the receiving end), or have support to move it into the middle. It looks like our game plan was just unfinished up attack.

Brandtman....was both exciting and frustrating. Our only chances came from him, but he needs to find his shooting boots. If he does then I think he has real potential. If he doesn't, then perhaps move him into the mids. Perhaps a bit selfish at times too - trying too hard to score a goal to impress maybe. I have high hopes for him.

Goals have been a problem all through our Aus Cup and ACL. I'm still optimistic that our attackers can figure it out, but it's also on Jacko to fix our attacking tactics. If we don't have the players to create something, put a miracle and perfect pass through, then we need to look at how simply players can peel their defence apart. So far I don't think our game plan for attack is matching the players we have.

But, overall that's our best game yet and it leaves me feeling better about the seson than any other game I've seen so far.

Back when I was refereeing, I naively thought that a FIFA badge meant that a ref was the absolute best of the best. Now when I look at our FIFA-badged refs, I realise that all you need is to be at the national level for long enough - and getting there is all about politics, not ability.

That blatant push in the back is absolutely a penalty - I reckon Faghani's ego took a beating and he was too afraid to make a decision there, and I reckon Kingy in VAR didn't have the stones to call Faghani over again just a minute or two after his last clanger. Far more of a penalty than that cheating scumbag's dive. And that was his second dive that game - Faghani just didn't fall for the first one (though for f**k's sake, I'm sick of referees clearly knowing it's a dive and not booking players) Faghani is a shocker.

Tapp has to be more careful, especially against players like Fallin-Rollin. You can't touch them or they WILL fall over.

But also.....we need to score from open goals and not rely on a PK every game.
I get the feeling most of the work has gone into the defence and when that is settled we will start working on attack. We shipped a lot of goals leading up to this game so it needed addressing.


Well-Known Member
I can't for the life of me understand how people hated on doka.

From the FFA cup game in the rain he looked to have some class touches. You could see easily he was going to be a gun and just needed to settle in.

Felijo doesn't give the same impression of quality.
FFA or ACL Cup?

I remember being behind the goal in the rain (pretty sure it was ACL) and watching Doka maraud down the right. Knew he was a player from that night.


Well-Known Member
FFA or ACL Cup?

I remember being behind the goal in the rain (pretty sure it was ACL) and watching Doka maraud down the right. Knew he was a player from that night.

He was wildly inconsistent the FFA cup we lost on pens but he showed some passages in that game that indicated he was going to be good once he settled in.

Not an easy task to move to the other side of the world where you don't speak the language or know anyone.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
All i could think of is how good is the Mariners way

DPC 18 in goals and did himself proud
Eames 16/17 looks to be calm and good positioning and nice passing
Brandtman just shimming Reec was pure poetry
Duarte didn’t get much but didn’t look bad

Di Pizzio is a year ahead
Tapp maybe 2 but only 1 a League season

Even though it’s against 10 men they all looked good and no other team is playing that many teenagers against a good team.

Future looks bright and when these guys
Play 2/3 seasons like the Niz Farrell balard look out

Proud to see us do this


Well-Known Member
I like the morning after when considered knowledgeable contributors views are out (not like the death-riders from their couch during the game). I left the stadium feeling quite positive - sure I would have liked to have seen a goal and 3 points and there's plenty of scope for improvement. Jacko's said as much in the post-match. I think we've benefitted from being tested at ACLE level and as I said previously we could finish 0-8 in that and still do the domestic three-peat.
Echoing others, Tappy to CB was a masterstroke. The value of a utility!
My high-point of the night though was DPC. And shit, he gonna get better. I'm sure Vuka's learnt something about keeper coaching from Crawley then gleaned from others overseas. We have had a history of (forced) blooding teenage keepers who have gone on to be legends in many eyes beyond CCM, not to mention playing in the Premier League and captaining their country :)


Well-Known Member
All i could think of is how good is the Mariners way

DPC 18 in goals and did himself proud
Eames 16/17 looks to be calm and good positioning and nice passing
Brandtman just shimming Reec was pure poetry
Duarte didn’t get much but didn’t look bad

Di Pizzio is a year ahead
Tapp maybe 2 but only 1 a League season

Even though it’s against 10 men they all looked good and no other team is playing that many teenagers against a good team.

Future looks bright and when these guys
Play 2/3 seasons like the Niz Farrell balard look out

Proud to see us do this
Yep, like someone said on here before this is our rebuild year. Do I expect us to be as successful as last year? No. Can we be as successful as last year? Why not!? Losing Maxy and Niz was a huge blow but midfield is an area of the park where we have good depth in with plenty of promising youth which is what Niz and Max were not too long ago. DPC was roc solid yesterday, scared me a couple times going outside his box but he didn't get a foot wrong, a new striker and possibly a new CB might be necessary this january but tapp did play well


Well-Known Member
In the first half Victory looked dangerous and on that performance will be one of the top contenders this season.Our defence looked very good-Tapp did well as fill in CB-he is such a versatile player.Kaltak was strong and read the play well.Peraic-Cullen is young but looks confident and his size helps.

I thought Maraugis played well and will get better with more games under his belt.Roux was his usual dependable self.Steele worked hard but overdid things at times in possession.Alfie played the best game I have seen from him so far-he was trying to switch the point of attack when Victory were down to ten men but it was difficult as they were parking the bus.Feijao is still settling in -his main problem is that he may not have the pace to beat opposing FBs.Doka is the driver of the team-some have criticised his performance but he is aways trying things to unlock the defence.

Ngor looked lively when he came on and had the confidence to take on Geria on several occasions but the LB had his measure.Kuol pressed well but his first touch is often dodgy giving defenders time to close him down.Edmondson is similar .However give them time and when Di Pizio is fit and if he is played as a 10 they should get better service.Brandtman,Duarte and Eames all looked confident when they came on.They will get more chances with more ACL as well as regular season games to come.


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised that victory handball hasn't been talked about in the first half.

The hand was away from the body. It wasn't a natural, to say it was ignored where the arm was.


Well-Known Member
All i could think of is how good is the Mariners way

DPC 18 in goals and did himself proud
Eames 16/17 looks to be calm and good positioning and nice passing
Brandtman just shimming Reec was pure poetry
Duarte didn’t get much but didn’t look bad

Di Pizzio is a year ahead
Tapp maybe 2 but only 1 a League season

Even though it’s against 10 men they all looked good and no other team is playing that many teenagers against a good team.

Future looks bright and when these guys
Play 2/3 seasons like the Niz Farrell balard look out

Proud to see us do this
Love this, agree

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