Coach I don't think anyone would argue that our structure/game plan isn't having a significant impact on our defence. We all knew it was going to and this was accepted in it's trade off at least initially. I also agree that cheap turn overs by our mids and too many poor final balls has left us far more exposed than we should be - that and penetration has been my main concern also. But unfortunately our defensive issues are not only when we're high and being hit on the counter - that's just when it's most apparent - and as you rightly say, should not be unexpected with a high line and a quick turn over.
The marking and tracking issues I presume Wombat is referring to however, are those happening in and around the box - and they are unfortunately not always after a counter or because we are pressing high and players having too large an area too handle - so to lay all of our defensive frailties down to being purely structural would be a mistake imo - again I appreciate it's a large contributing factor - but that's also why some of the more simple mistakes can be so frustrating - which they clearly are for the players as you can often see they know they should have done better.
When a player enters your "area" no matter how wide, they become your responsibility to close down and track, but the problem with any position or zone is you have to also know when to break the rules because it's required and this makes for very difficult decision making for players, and the less experienced the harder those decision naturally are to make.
The reason Sainsbury was so good is not just because he had Dutchy beside him, organisation from behind and played in a much more defensive structure - it was also because he had such an old head on young shoulders - and could consistently step up and solve problems when needed. Let's face it, the very best defenders are those who quickly read the problem and act most effectively when all hell as broken loose, not just those who are well drilled to prevent hell from breaking loose. Because after all that's the opponents job, to create problems, and there's little point I think arguing that this all typically gets much better with experience or for that matter that a more defensive structure will improve our defence. It's always a cocktail, even if there is one large base ingredient. So if we're playing a high line and and an attacking pressing game, the focus becomes on what we are not doing well enough defensively baring that in mind, not absolving any or all other issues in light of changing it.
I have seen tracking issues occur many times that had nothing to do with structure, and I have watched opposing players receive balls that would be intercepted or leave the attacking player unable to turn or play it on quickly and typically be forced to either play the way they faced or be dispossessed if the defender had just sat tighter. We know it's a very simple idea, but it's very hard in practice largely because of the levels of focus and awareness required over 90 minutes. (again a typical issue for youth/inexperience) ATM, with the extra couple of metres of space we afford players at times, we are pretty vulnerable to triangles and the like at the moment around our box, whereas we are very rarely given such luxuries at the other end ourselves. And if we want to discuss the counters and structure I also believe how we press at times is also clearly hurting us.
But anyway, don't take this as a challenge or being negative mate, these discussions are a source of enjoyment for me. In the past (when this place was a lot more typical of a standard football forum) and I thought people were just riding players or coaches blindly out of their own frustration or bitter agendas It may have prompted me to write a diatribe, some maybe fair enough, others not. But these days it all just makes me chuckle, and I've really come to value all the regular posters on here because they all do contribute a lot of great thoughts and comments, and by comparable standards as a football forum, this place really is pretty damn good - especially if you're just willing to let all the personalities be and everyone's (including my own of course) dumber, darker or drunker moments just wash over you.
Oh, and btw... I think your absolutely barking when it comes to Austin

(Maybe don't let that one wash over you)