This is the worst refereeing trio in Australia.
The male AR didn't do anything wrong that I noticed (the one where Matt Simon was called offside was a line call, and I figure that if on a slo-mo replay I still can't tell then I can't criticise the officials about it), and the only one that Sarah really got wrong was missing a clear save by Galekovic and calling a goal kick - though I'm putting that one more onto Shepheard than her anyway.
His game with us on Wed night was a shocker as well - although we should count ourselves lucky that Rose wasn't sent off. But you're right, he isn't doing well.
But on Wed, after a goal I noticed all 4 officials had their head down writing in their notepads at once. Simple stuff that any 1st year referee gets taught not to do - because if anything happened, nobody would've seen it. Frustrating to see our elite referees making simple mistakes that any parks-level assistant would get crucified for (of course, for all we know they may have gotten crucified for it).
But the biggest question for me is, what are the coaches and inspectors doing about this?
Overall I thought it was a much better performance than Wed - players were more active, more creative, offering a lot more support, moving around more and pushing up more. Simon and Kwas were linking up well all over the pitch, but Kwas just couldn't find the space he needed.
I was a little concerned that our boys were getting so concerned with the referee that they'd let the game slip though; it happens all too easy. Matt Simon, for isntance, after he was body checked near the goal line waved his hand in the ear mimicking a card. Supposed to be a mandatory card, thank god Shepheard knew he would've been crucified if he did it. Bojic in particular seems to be struggling to keep his temper in check, though I guess he should be complemented on the fact that he IS (mostly) keeping it in check.
Much more positive performance though, I thought, and our defence was great.
On Wed there were clear lines between our attack, midfield and defence - today they seemed to mesh a lot better and players moving around as they saw fit.
Simon seemed to be dropping back a little today, for some reason - and our players still seem to be a little hesitant to try a little bit of flair in/around the box.
Still, at least the ref put in some good defence for us