this definitely has to happen
whether to boycott or not, well the club is looking to build on its supporter base by moving games. a large contingent of current supporters going to north sydney games only gives the club a false reading of any growth
It is good to see some positive notes beginning to appear.
OK, let's use logic to look at a few points and stop trying to see monsters under the bed.
The stated reason for having one or two games on the North Shore is to increase the supporter base and hunt corporate sponsors. I would like to think the statement about a quarter of our games being played there was a mistake (time will tell).
It has been stated that Mariners will stay on the Central Coast and not move to North Sydney. This is easy to believe simply because North Sydney Oval is not and will never be acceptable to the A-League for more than the odd game. Simples.
As for a large contingent attending the games giving the club a false reading of growth potential, investigating growth potential is not the reason for the game. Why would you give away thousands of freebies just to be misled by an artificially inflated attendance number!
The reason is to get people (mostly parents of kids as well as the kids) who have never been to a football match, to have a great game day experience. From those that do, hopefully many will want more and become fans and will like 20% of our current membership make the trek to Bluetongue each home game and become part of our rusted on support base. This is exactly the way my family was attracted back in the NSL Spirit days. CCM now benefits to the tune of 4 platinum memberships.
The important thing is that Friday is a fun night.
I know many here vehemently disagree with my views, but I see any support for a split between the fans and the owner as being the start of an extinction vortex.
As for the 80% local support being risked by this all I can say is that if they are, they are being bloody selfish, precious, and are weak supporters. They are responsible for their own actions and can blame no one but themselves if their withholding of support damages the club.
MC may be wrong in his views and his plan. I think the basic premise is good. He and the club have obviously failed in selling it and it is pretty clear that the execution leaves much to be desired. But if it is not given a chance we will never know.
As Fish said elsewhere MC owns the club and he can do what he likes. If you disagree with him, fine that is up to you, but don't drag CCM down with talk of not going to games or not renewing memberships. Nothing will kill a club quicker than that sort of bad vibe. Take a positive route and if you think MC is mistaken, stupid, or whatever, do what you can to increase local support as is starting to be talked about now.
The survival, growth and success of the CCM is as important to me as it is to any other supporter here.
I have passionately supported 2 other sporting clubs (as have others here) that have folded. It is cruel, and I do not want to see it happen a third time.
I will be at Friday's game and all other home games supporting my team and my club.