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Mariners Squad 2023/2024


Well-Known Member
Player sales this year must be approaching 4 million if not more... and we pulled a couple of decent crowds towards the end of season... add price money from the GF....

If I am correct, 8K is the crowd we need to average to be at break even and leaving aside the finals we were averaging around 7K....

We should be in a strong position to keep key players and recruit reasonable talent...


Well-Known Member
Player sales this year must be approaching 4 million if not more... and we pulled a couple of decent crowds towards the end of season... add price money from the GF....

If I am correct, 8K is the crowd we need to average to be at break even and leaving aside the finals we were averaging around 7K....

We should be in a strong position to keep key players and recruit reasonable talent...

8k plus meeting corporate targets. Not sure how they went in that regard but they changed staff in that area halfway through the season. That may be an indication of how they went in this area.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
Player sales this year must be approaching 4 million if not more... and we pulled a couple of decent crowds towards the end of season... add price money from the GF....

If I am correct, 8K is the crowd we need to average to be at break even and leaving aside the finals we were averaging around 7K....

We should be in a strong position to keep key players and recruit reasonable talent...
I am interested where you found the home crowd average of 7k. I would have thought that even with a couple of good numbers towards the end of the season it would the been much lower.


Well-Known Member
I am interested where you found the home crowd average of 7k. I would have thought that even with a couple of good numbers towards the end of the season it would the been much lower.
Ultimate A league has us at 6646 without finals included. Mudgee dragging us down with an attendance of 1408 listed but even without it a quick check suggests we're still only 6766 average without finals. A few too many 5.5k games and one 4.7k shocker vs WU. Get another 1000 to those games and the average jumps up to about 7100. Looks doable but the club will need to make sure they understand why some of those games fell flat and why some others succeeded.

Excluding finals we sat 5th in attendance a few hundred in front of City. They jump above us if you include finals because they 'hosted' the grand final.
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Well-Known Member
I had us at 6,638 with Mudgee and 7,074 without Mudgee.

Realistically we just need to add 1,000 to each game. TBH we will have one less game against NUJ but an extra game against WSW and SFC.

I think with the bulk of a Championship team (assuming Monty does his recruiting work) and some decent weather we can add 1,000 to each game and 2,000 to each of the first game, the SFC, WSW and scum games as well as the NYE game. That would take us closer to 9,000 than 8,000.

A good run leading into the derbies or the NYE game could really add more than that.


Well-Known Member
$1mill AUD is huge…. Going very close to our record if not breaking it. Surely future % too. The hectic amount of interest in Sammy wasn’t surprising. Perhaps the level of the interested clubs shocked me at first. But looking back, he was super consistent all season long. Perhaps one short lull for a few weeks but he exploded 5 weeks before finals. He’s physically at his best so far in his career. Has refined his attacking tributes. His attitude is now second to none. We all remember he was rumoured to have a pea heart in his first spell with us.

He’s fully equipped to do well in the 2nd Div with one of the better teams straight away. Very happy for him.


Well-Known Member
Hard for the club to turn down the figure, from the outside it looks as though the club has handled it well, hopefully we get some good re signing / incoming news soon.
In regards to Sammy, what an excitement machine he was this season, every time he got the ball I felt as though we were a chance to do something, hopefully he kicks on strong.


Well-Known Member
LG just kinda said it but hopefully the club is reading / listening.. some good news best start flowing soon because nothing but the 2nd hand grapevine leaks of our best players leaving and nothing on the signing front,, isn’t getting the positive vibes a flowing. That’s all.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
It is interesting in finding a balance being a selling club. When we win the championship we become noticed, players get picked for rep teams, overseas interest follows and we become a desirable destination for players with unrecognised talents The value of our product increases, greater attendances, increased sponsorships and we can balance the books and maybe have some extra for growth and to offer players higher wages.
However if we sell too many of our top performers, results drop and all of the above benefits evaporate. maintaining this balance requires a greater talent than I posses. If we have someone who can they are worth more money.


Well-Known Member
Thank goodness Niz is performing better than all our players sold but isn't on their radars
That comes back to my point I’ve made many times on here. More than good enough. As you said, performed better than some of the lads being sold in certain areas of the game, But clubs outside australia deem him too small.
Great news for us. I’m shocked we haven’t heard of any interest in Max.


Well-Known Member
It is interesting in finding a balance being a selling club. When we win the championship we become noticed, players get picked for rep teams, overseas interest follows and we become a desirable destination for players with unrecognised talents The value of our product increases, greater attendances, increased sponsorships and we can balance the books and maybe have some extra for growth and to offer players higher wages.
However if we sell too many of our top performers, results drop and all of the above benefits evaporate. maintaining this balance requires a greater talent than I posses. If we have someone who can they are worth more money.
I feel like we have that in the current management

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