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Mariners Squad 2023/2024


Well-Known Member
Alou would be an excellent pick up on loan. Would add a whole new dynamic to the front line. We’d go from basically having a bunch of creative roaming forwards to an aggressive pressing poacher. And with the players we currently have (possible transfers pending) he would get triple the amount of chances he did last time he was here. Then there’s the possibility we wouldn’t have to pay his wage which would help with the mini rebuild. I’d say we’re the favourites to get him. Game time, family, no acclimating period. Seamless fit for a season and if he performs he could get a renewal at stuttgart or more options else where.


Well-Known Member
This is probably our biggest concern right now, as Tulio is not contracted and we would get nothing if he moved overseas. On the flip side, it would free up a visa spot though but I would still rather see him stay with us, given what he gave the team last season.
Did he re-sign during the year or definitely off contract?

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