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Mariners Squad 2023/2024


Well-Known Member
Normally I'd kind of scoff at any club calling someone a legend after playing only 50 games for them but this is a clear exception and it is more than worthy to call Cumdog a legend of the club. Bought into the culture, promoted the game, made the league better and most importantly took us a title.

Farewell Jase. We are gonna miss ya.
This actually just made me cry!

Spot on Josh. Nailed it.


Well-Known Member
Legend for mine!
Some of my favourite moments (apart from 31 goals):
1. Arnie (on what Cummings brings to the Socceroos squad): "Laughter, he's mental!"
2. Cummings (interview, when he's trying to stay on football, not his hair after winning his first F3 Derby): "It's a box dye!"
3. On The Project after Argentina won the World Cup and they were worried about him signing off his DM to Messi, as Cumdog, "that's how I'd sign a Christmas card to my Gran"
...and practically everything he said on A-League All Access!


Well-Known Member
Well, the end of a Cumdingo adventure. Well worth the ride. I loved watching him and was a big fan very early so enjoyed every moment. Sad to see him go and he'll be missed massively.

I also credit him with assisting in the rise of Garang. He took him under his wing and invested in helping Garang understand the game so much better. Their interplay was wonderful to watch.

It had to come to an end eventually and the timing has a certain destiny about it.
Off the field with a redemption story and a big cashing in on a calculated roll of the dice, combined with the timing on the field, a dream ending with a season scoring record and a grand final hat trick - it all has a kind of poetry to it. A fairy tale within fairy tale.

A toast - to the Dingo!
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