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Mariners Squad - 2019-2020


Well-Known Member
And we had...was it Baro? (EDIT: No, Brama - thanks @turbo) Who was getting a reputation for some absolute legbreaker tackles and a few deserved red cards to boot.
I'd forgotten about "that" challenge, also hadn't realized it was on Gameiro who'd had 4 knee reconstructions prior to this incident. It still makes me wince with an audible intake of breath when I watch it. https://youtu.be/T00w0qcbhKk?t=48


Well-Known Member
At least we compensated Gamiero by giving him a full years wage he didn't need to do anything for

(Just to be clear I'm not condoning Brama's tackle)


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't see this argument. I mean, we had O'Donovan for a start, who is easily the filthiest player since Muscat and one of the few players who intentionally tries to cause serious harm.

Hutcho was hardly innocent.....I'm not worried about his YC offences - he was an enforcer after all but he didn't try to really injure anybody, but in his later years he just shadowed the ref abusing him all game.

Matty Simon also tends to focus more on the referee's alleged deficiencies than his own - and let's be honest, he starts a lot of shit on the field the last few years - 3rd man into a confrontation if nothing else.

As a club, we've been amongst the worst teams for yellow and red cards for a number of seasons now.

We had Asdrubal who was, for the (thankfully) short time he was here, was one of the biggest divers in the league.

And we had...was it Baro? (EDIT: No, Brama - thanks @turbo) Who was getting a reputation for some absolute legbreaker tackles and a few deserved red cards to boot.

I think it's a bit rich to say that Berisha is too grubby for us. We're not pure and haven't been for a long time. I'm not saying there's any particular bad culture, but let's stop pretending we're on some sort of pedestal for behaviour. That was a part of our club identity when we started, and I was really proud of that, but that's well in the past.

Personally, I'm not too worried by any confrontation Berisha may have had with teammates 10+ years ago. And he's much more mellow than he was at Brisbane Roar, where he was a lot more aggro (although again, at least he usually didn't really go out to intentionally injure anybody), and he's cut the diving out of his game. He seems to be more mature in that sense (bit surprising under Muscat). He's still one of the villains of the game, IMO, but the game needs villains - and he doesn't actually really do anything that harms the game's image. Unlike O'Donovan, Muscat - even Brosque with his constant diving.

He's the sort of player I'll hate when he's somewhere else, but I'd get behind here. He's an arrogant bastard, but he can back up the talk too. Not like Muscat, where I'd be abusing him as long he's within earshot even if he wore yellow. And there's been a couple of players who I'd still despise even in our colours. Danny Tiato back from the early season comes to mind (Queensland Muscat)

He's got a bit of mungrel, and he's clearly a highly passionate player - moreso than most. I would imagine he'd be a hard trainer and one of those players who hangs around after training running skills. Not to mention that he has spent a lot of time in teams far more professional than ours has been and a lot of big game experience. Somebody like him would be valuable off the field as well as on.

For me, the only real issue is that he's on his downhill slide. Although, I imagine that even on his downhill slide he'd still be our top goalscorer if he was with us this season. Because he's still at a higher point of the downhill than our other downhill slide striker, and we still have nobody else who is proven to score goals.
One of our former players (who was a fan favourite and a great example to others) previously played in the same team as Berisha and labelled him a thug who is as unpleasant off the pitch as he was capable of being on it. That ‘doesn’t play well with others’ tag is enough for me to never want him anywhere near our team sorry.


Well-Known Member
The bloke is a thug and a nutter but I will always like him for elbowing the Irish snake in the face in a Grand Final.
Do I want him at the Mariners.....not really but he did used to be a very good striker.
If we can’t do better he may be a good last resort as he does know how to score a goal.
He's an example of the sort of striker we need just not necessarily the one. He is getting on and I agree a nutter. I always wondered why he wasn't disciplined along with Bouzanis if he is so intolerant that he found being called a gypsy insulting.
Yep, he may not be a good fit with our culture, he's unlikely to be done for DUI :)

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
He's an example of the sort of striker we need just not necessarily the one. He is getting on and I agree a nutter. I always wondered why he wasn't disciplined along with Bouzanis if he is so intolerant that he found being called a gypsy insulting.
Yep, he may not be a good fit with our culture, he's unlikely to be done for DUI :)

You've lost me. Why should he be disciplined for being called a gypsy?
Here's why he doesn't belong here.
I always wondered why he didn't get more of a ban for the Sydney fiasco. One game I think.

Besides which, would he be fighting Duric all the time?

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
He's an example of the sort of striker we need just not necessarily the one. He is getting on and I agree a nutter. I always wondered why he wasn't disciplined along with Bouzanis if he is so intolerant that he found being called a gypsy insulting.
Yep, he may not be a good fit with our culture, he's unlikely to be done for DUI :)

There's never any need to bring somebody's heritage into it. Gypsy is a highly offensive racial slur against a highly persecuted group of people (one such instance was them being subject to genocide in that little thing called the holocaust). Also a group of people frequently looked down on or otherwise portrayed badly. So, yeah, using Gypsy in the context purely because of where he comes from is extremely offensive and should have seen a very, very lengthy ban.

Change the colour of Berisha's skin, and the word 'gypsy' to something starting with 'n' and see if your view changes.

Also, we've been over this shit before on here.

Stop harping on about the Korean/s and their DUI. We expect that from the scum down the road, not our own fans. It's certainly not creating a welcoming and supportive culture, especially over something which may well already carry a great deal of shame.

As for whether Berisha would be a fit or not - at this point we've probably all said our piece. It's been an entertaining discussion during a quiet period of preseason but it might be time for some of us to agree to disagree (or agree to agree, for those that hold the correct view.....:tophat:...I JEST!!!!) I don't expect we're looking at him so it's all just shit talking anyway.

I know, unusual on here right? ;-)
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Well-Known Member
There's never any need to bring somebody's heritage into it. Gypsy is a highly offensive racial slur against a highly persecuted group of people (one such instance was them being subject to genocide in that little thing called the holocaust). Also a group of people frequently looked down on or otherwise portrayed badly. So, yeah, using Gypsy in the context purely because of where he comes from is extremely offensive and should have seen a very, very lengthy ban.

Change the colour of Berisha's skin, and the word 'gypsy' to something starting with 'n' and see if your view changes.

Also, we've been over this shit before on here.

Stop harping on about the Korean/s and their DUI. We expect that from the scum down the road, not our own fans. It's certainly not creating a welcoming and supportive culture, especially over something which may well already carry a great deal of shame.

As for whether Berisha would be a fit or not - at this point we've probably all said our piece. It's been an entertaining discussion during a quiet period of preseason but it might be time for some of us to agree to disagree (or agree to agree, for those that hold the correct view.....:tophat:...I JEST!!!!) I don't expect we're looking at him so it's all just shit talking anyway.

I know, unusual on here right? ;-)
Hear, Hear. Well said.

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
You'd need big cohones for that, he's a very big unit. I'm really pleased we've signed a big mid, we were looking short on muscle there.

Yeah I’m glad to have some more size in the squad too. Also the physicality is one aspect some foreign players can’t handle or take a while to adjust to. But I think he’ll be better than fine.
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Well-Known Member
There's never any need to bring somebody's heritage into it. Gypsy is a highly offensive racial slur against a highly persecuted group of people (one such instance was them being subject to genocide in that little thing called the holocaust). Also a group of people frequently looked down on or otherwise portrayed badly. So, yeah, using Gypsy in the context purely because of where he comes from is extremely offensive and should have seen a very, very lengthy ban.

Stop harping on about the Korean/s and their DUI.
I thought Berisha is an Albanian muslim. Thats why I thought he was wrong to take offense at being called a gypsy. If he isnt a gypsy and finds it offensive then he is prejudiced against them. Are you saying that he is roma/gypsy? I get what you are saying if that is the case.
The DUI was a joke because muslims dont (or shouldnt) drink alcohol. Lighten up.


Well-Known Member
I thought Berisha is an Albanian muslim. Thats why I thought he was wrong to take offense at being called a gypsy. If he isnt a gypsy and finds it offensive then he is prejudiced against them. Are you saying that he is roma/gypsy? I get what you are saying if that is the case.
The DUI was a joke because muslims dont (or shouldnt) drink alcohol. Lighten up.
1. He's a Kosovar.
2. Just stop.


Well-Known Member
@Dobbie Little wonder you can't keep track. As per the first entry of the thread we have 19 signed including 4 visa players. 2 of these 19 are scholarship players.

We have been told that we will have 5 visa players - so at least 1 more signing.

We have been told we will have a smaller squad of 20-21 players - so maybe 2 more signings.

Alen might not have included scholarship players in his 20-21 quote - so maybe up to 4 new signings.


Well-Known Member
You'd need big cohones for that, he's a very big unit. I'm really pleased we've signed a big mid, we were looking short on muscle there.

Duric IS NOT a 'very big unit' !

@TysonP & I both sat up in GrandStand near to him, GG & Tongyik up at the Weston game in Kuri Kuri.

A 'unit' is the last word I'd use to describe his stature.

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