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"I for one welcome our insect overlords" - The Politics Thread

true believer

Well-Known Member

It identifies faster broadband has the potential to generate $1 trillion in revenue for the country by 2050.


The projected $1 trillion worth of broadband-powered national revenue will represent a near eightfold increase over the current amount of $131 million, says the report prepared by market researcher IBISWorld

do your own research next time marvin.
how are your winners going marvin? maybe the gst or costello being the highest taxing treasuer EVER .

true believer

Well-Known Member
Also I am still waiting for your answer to this

Explain ?
How can Barry stop a oil refinery from shutting ?
Paying them so they can cover the loss ?
Or maybe stamping his feet and saying STOP, please explain how something losing money is the NSW governments responsibility to stop it from shutting down?

of course the unions/ labor party would lead people to believe the liberal government has the power to stop something that even the federal government can't stop.


You will be grateful will you ?
So if she packs up and leaves were do the Australians working for her go? oh that's right they are unemployed and considering other industries are shutting down im sure they can find a job quickly and im sure those people unemployed are jumping for joy she is gown with there paycheck.
So the fact that she hasn't paid her kids is our problem ?

If Gina leaves who pays these people now unemployed ?

provide a link to your barry the bullshiter piece so we all know what your on about.

like i said gina rhinheart did SFA. rio tinto develeped the iron mines she stole .if she left, rio would still be running the mines. although she wants to staff them with indians. doesn't she


Staff member
I've deleted a few posts and re-opened this one... seems it only really went pear shaped on the last page... although tbf I couldn't really read through this one properly without starting to fall asleep ;)

Try to leave the childish insults at each other out of this please.




Well-Known Member
big picture. just remeber how quick c.newman will remind qld of joe and the white shoe brigade

I think Newman is the best premier in Australia atm.

He has morals and takes action, Barry well I don't know what he is doing.

Newman needs to cut public service jobs and he is, he has told coal companies they can't expand because they will ruin farming land which really is amazing and he didn't let Palmer walk over him.

He is making all the hard decisions now while Julia is hated.

Queensland should be happy they have a leader who will change the state for the better.

true believer

Well-Known Member
yes thats why labors federal primary has swung 8% in qld .fatty is having trouble with the the 28% mark up in electricity in nsw.just quietly


Well-Known Member
yes thats why labors federal primary has swung 8% in qld .fatty is having trouble with the the 28% mark up in electricity in nsw.just quietly

Newman has slipped in the polls because he is cleaning up the mess he was left, when he has that mess under control the polls will swing in his favor again.

true believer

Well-Known Member
what mess? the labor government was just there to long . imagine if there's a repeat of the floods
campbell pooh shooter. won't have the public servents needed. you know police,firemen,nurses etc

god bless you campbell and 3 cheers for the east coast liberal governments .for reminding the people
what a pack of sociopaths the liberals are.


Well-Known Member
what mess? the labor government was just there to long . imagine if there's a repeat of the floods
campbell pooh shooter. won't have the public servents needed. you know police,firemen,nurses etc

god bless you campbell and 3 cheers for the east coast liberal governments .for reminding the people
what a pack of sociopaths the liberals are.

So tell me how you would put the budget back on track ?

And don't say it's not my job and than tell me Tony has no ideas.

I guess you would hand out more money and let inflation take its course until everyone is a millionaire ?

true believer

Well-Known Member
the qld budget would have come back to surplus anyway once the costs of the floods were out of the way.
it's not rocket science


Well-Known Member
the qld budget would have come back to surplus anyway once the costs of the floods were out of the way.
it's not rocket science

So your saying things such as the Desalination plant were a contract was signed to supply water even if it's not needed so the consumer is always paying will not have an effect on the budget and lets not forget all the problems that were forced to be repaired.

What about the lost income on an annual basis from selling Queensland Rail's coal haulage business and freight network ?
You have to ask yourself was Queensland in surpluses because of selling the assets for an instant injection of funds ?

Your statement is a ceteris paribus assumption.

true believer

Well-Known Member
So your saying things such as the Desalination plant were a contract was signed to supply water even if it's not needed so the consumer is always paying will not have an effect on the budget and lets not forget all the problems that were forced to be repaired.

seq water was at 21% prior to the rains .this is never mentioned when the libs are tub thumping about the desal plants. warahgamba was at 30% .just queitly were going in an el nino period .a couple of years of that and they'll be thumping why they didn't biuld more.

What about the lost income on an annual basis from selling Queensland Rail's coal haulage business and freight network ?

reprehenible .although the libs would have sold it to.Qld and nsw labor were slaves to the right

You have to ask yourself was Queensland in surpluses because of selling the assets for an instant injection of funds ?
umm like every other government

Your statement is a ceteris paribus assumption.

no just a striaght statement of fact


Well-Known Member

seq water was at 21% prior to the rains .this is never mentioned when the libs are tub thumping about the desal plants. warahgamba was at 30% .just queitly were going in an el nino period .a couple of years of that and you'll be thumping why they didn't biuld more.

Does that explain the contract to buy water when not needed ?
I have supported desalination from day one but over the states labor has signed 20-30 year contracts saying they will buy water even when not needed.

I have also supported the much cheaper and more sustainable recycled water.

The desalination plant should have been built than run by a government organization, not a company that makes millions from selling water that goes to waist because the contract says they get paid even if the dam is full.

reprehenible .although the libs would have sold it to.Qld and nsw labor were slaves to the right

Not my point, you said the budget would go back into surplus when the flood mess was over, which made your statement a ceteris paribus assumption because your assuming they are still getting this yearly revenue and still not paying for water they don't need at this time.

umm like every other government

Agreed it's not only labor that have sold assets, but usually it's to get out of debt, I actually think liberal have sold more assets but that's always straight after a labor government has produced a fair amount of debt.

This being said I hate Barry for going back on his word, I wont sell the power, just like Julia wont introduce a carbon tax.
He went to China and when he come back he decided to sell the power, I really hope in China they have told him about things such as thorium and he decided to make some money now while he can.
The only decent side about it being sold is he got more than the deal labor pushed though on the last night of parliament.

no just a striaght statement of fact

I have just proved it is not a fact, meaning it is now back to a ceteris paribus assumption.

true believer

Well-Known Member
Agreed it's not only labor that have sold assets, but usually it's to get out of debt, I actually think liberal have sold more assets but that's always straight after a labor government has produced a fair amount of debt.

This being said I hate Barry for going back on his word, I wont sell the power, just like Julia wont introduce a carbon tax.
He went to China and when he come back he decided to sell the power, I really hope in China they have told him about things such as thorium and he decided to make some money now while he can.
The only decent side about it being sold is he got more than the deal labor pushed though on the last night of parliament.

thorium is pie in the sky. china and india have been working on this for 20 years.china is building gen 3 reactors as will everyone else that wants one.
julia never won the election .the libs had already gone back on their emissions trading which they backed but dumped once it was politically convent to do so. i'd like to see the libs face up the truth of this act of bastardry.
the debt question is just rubbish labor acted and we dodged another bullet while the rest of the west is still in recession we have the lowest debt of all western countries . every economic commentator says this . expect for a few right wing puppets like terry Mc crann.
Labor acts in Australia interests


Well-Known Member
thorium is pie in the sky. china and india have been working on this for 20 years.china is building gen 3 reactors as will everyone else that wants one.
julia never won the election .the libs had already gone back on their emissions trading which they backed but dumped once it was politically convent to do so. i'd like to see the libs face up the truth of this act of bastardry.
the debt question is just rubbish labor acted and we dodged another bullet while the rest of the west is still in recession we have the lowest debt of all western countries . every economic commentator says this . expect for a few right wing puppets like terry Mc crann.
Labor acts in Australia interests

Why are you dodging my question, that I have asked twice ?

Why did labor sign a contract saying they would buy water from the desalination for 20-30 years, even when they don't need it ?
The desalination plant should have been built than run by a government organization, not a company that makes millions from selling water that goes to waist because the contract says they get paid even if the dam is full.

Was that in Australia's interests in Victoria, Sydney and Queensland ?

Was labor selling our power for bellow the recommended value on the last night of parliament, acting in NSW interests ?

And I bet you by 2020 China will be getting ready to sell Thorium reactors world wide and Australia will be screwed.

But this is just my opinion and China seem to believe thorium is going to be a game changer,

They have recently established an agreement with Bill Gates, every $ he invests in thorium they will match.

By the way to avoid confusion Thorium is generation 4.


Well-Known Member
And now were back to your assumption that the queensland budget would return to a surplus anyway even though they from lost the revenue from selling coal haulage business and freight network, they have an ongoing contract to buy expansive water till 2020/30 and lets not forget having to borrow the money to clean up mess (im not blaming labor for borrowing money, it needed to happen)so this borrowed money has interest and the amount we owe will grow if we don't meet repayments.

So basically this all occurred during Labor last being in government and your convinced with the higher expenditure and lost income Queensland return the state to surplus ?

If only it was that simple.

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