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CCM Boys conquering the world


Active Member
Why do you think your coach was sacked and the new coach is a former goal keeper ... your views on whether this is good or bad for Matty ...

Don't think it will matter. He's playing extremely well and he's keeping his spot.

The coach was sacked because they wanted the other one. The current management has wanted MPH since they came on a few years ago. He became available, so they fired Garrido and contracted MPH, simple as that. Not very nice of them, and there's no arguing with Garrido's stats, but it is what it is.

If I had to choose between the both of them, I'd always choose MPH. He's (most likely) a much better coach than Garrido, and his style of play will be a better fit. Garrido was all about possession, and that's not our style. MPH will make us attack much more quickly.

Here's yesterday's game:

We also played a cup game on wednesday and won it with 0-1.


Well-Known Member
Don't think it will matter. He's playing extremely well and he's keeping his spot.

The coach was sacked because they wanted the other one. The current management has wanted MPH since they came on a few years ago. He became available, so they fired Garrido and contracted MPH, simple as that. Not very nice of them, and there's no arguing with Garrido's stats, but it is what it is.

If I had to choose between the both of them, I'd always choose MPH. He's (most likely) a much better coach than Garrido, and his style of play will be a better fit. Garrido was all about possession, and that's not our style. MPH will make us attack much more quickly.

Here's yesterday's game:

We also played a cup game on wednesday and won it with 0-1.


Well-Known Member

HHHHMMMMmmmm that's some kinda mistook ..... maybe those little cookies you purchased for afternoon tea were more that eggs, yeast and flour .... BTW great song played it a coupla of times ...

true believer

Well-Known Member

HHHHMMMMmmmm that's some kinda mistook ..... maybe those little cookies you purchased for afternoon tea were more that eggs, yeast and flour .... BTW great song played it a coupla of times ...

you know .I always believe in life choices . I always thought the sex pistols where shit .the clash ,rubbish.
the sheer genius of YES always impressed . I think tootheys is shit. little creatures is ,well, mothers milk


Well-Known Member
you know .I always believe in life choices . I always thought the sex pistols where shit .the clash ,rubbish.
the sheer genius of YES always impressed . I think tootheys is shit. little creatures is ,well, mothers milk

You didn't like The Clash????
What was wrong with you TB?

finally retired

Well-Known Member
you know .I always believe in life choices . I always thought the sex pistols where shit .the clash ,rubbish.
the sheer genius of YES always impressed . I think tootheys is shit. little creatures is ,well, mothers milk
a man after my own heart........most likely we are of the same vintage :p

true believer

Well-Known Member
i think middies a few years older that me and im about 10 years older than wombat
You didn't like The Clash????
What was wrong with you TB?
go and put on one of your rory Gallagher cd's then listen to the clash .
consider the genius of the beatles magical mystery tour and stg peppers
and the "3 word sloggin of it's day" Phoney beatle mania .FFS what f**kwits
that's their signature line ,pure dribble
the only punk band that ever earnt any respect was the stranglers.

indeed if you had a time machine and could go back and shoot one bum of your choice it would be
malcom Mclaren


Well-Known Member
The Stooges? Ramones? The Cramps? Dead Kennedys? The Saints? Radio Birdman? Boys Next Door and just about every band that sprang from that.....so many kick ass punk bands .......

true believer

Well-Known Member
The Stooges? Ramones? The Cramps? Dead Kennedys? The Saints? Radio Birdman? Boys Next Door and just about every band that sprang from that.....so many kick ass punk bands .......

never considered the ramones a punk band lacking the spitting ,hitting people with chains etc .dead kennedys same although a holiday
in Cambodia for mclearn at pol pot times would have been gold .r/bird man had talent . shit I even liked the psychotic turnbuckles .
most of those bands are 80,s cric .there was generally such a dearth of talent then .that anyone that could play 12 bar blues
sounded good.


Well-Known Member
i think middies a few years older that me and im about 10 years older than wombat

go and put on one of your rory Gallagher cd's then listen to the clash .
consider the genius of the beatles magical mystery tour and stg peppers
and the "3 word sloggin of it's day" Phoney beatle mania .FFS what f**kwits
that's their signature line ,pure dribble
the only punk band that ever earnt any respect was the stranglers.
indeed if you had a time machine and could go back and shoot one bum of your choice it would be
malcom Mclaren
I quite often put on a Rory Gallagher or Beatles CD then put on the Clash, all brilliant. 3 of Britains best ever songwriters came out of that punk/new wave era in Paul Weller,Elvis Costello and Billy Bragg. Best punk band of that era though IMO was the Ruts, sadly shortlived. What has all this got to do with the ex CCM players though? :)


Well-Known Member
psychotic turnbuckles....there is a name that was erased from my memory.
Punk wasn't about spitting on people, that was a by product of Malcolm Mclarens commercialisation of the punk movement after he spent time in NYE with the NY Dolls. Somehow the chains, leather and Mohawks became the "new London look" which really didn't work for most punk bands.

Punk was about doing things your own way, hence the Saints being the best punk band ever. They were just a bunch of long haired hipsters rocking hard, after their self released single "stranded" for which they broke into EMI studios, recoded and pressed 500 copies and it became known globally as the most "punk act" ever. The English knew the track but had no idea what they looked like. On their first tour there they were booed off stage as they "didn't fit the look" The clash and their weird mix of rock and reggae are considered to be punk, The stranglers didn't exactly have a typical punk sound but they were still punk.

For me the "new punk" are all the kids at home releasing tracks on the interwebs without ever going anywhere near a record label, more power to them!!


I'm an idiot savant without the pesky savant bit
ahh...The mighty Psychotic turnbuckles...use to see them at the Lifesaver oh those many moons ago...especially good, if you were a wrestling fan

The group's original members were 'Jesse The Intruder' (vocals), 'The Grand Wizard' (guitar), 'El Sicodelico' (guitar), 'The Creep', (bass and vocals), and 'The Spoiler', (drums),who died in 2013 and was replaced by 'Gorgeous Karl Domah' (aka 'Lord Domah').


Well-Known Member
seeing as we are on the subject.... if you like a bit of punk rock, check out these Aussie bands Kill City Creeps, Straight Arrows and Eddie Current suppression ring.... all brilliant DIY rock

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